Emanuel A.E. Power definitions and the physical mechanism of power flow (Chichester, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEmanuel A.E. Power definitions and the physical mechanism of power flow. - Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2010. - 284 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.259-264. - ISBN 978-0-470-66074-4

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... xi
Preface ...................................................... xiii
1  Electric Energy Flow: Physical Mechanisms .................... 1
   1.1  Problems ............................................... 16
   1.2  References ............................................. 18
2  Single-Phase Systems With Sinusoidal Waveforms .............. 21
   2.1  The Resistance ......................................... 21
   2.2  The Inductance ......................................... 25
   2.3  The Capacitance ........................................ 27
   2.4  The R - L - C Loads .................................... 29
   2.5  The Apparent Power ..................................... 30
   2.6  The Concept of Power Factor and Power Factor
        Correction ............................................. 34
   2.7  Comments on Power Factor ............................... 38
   2.8  Other Means of Reactive Power Control and
        Compensation ........................................... 41
   2.9  Series Compensation .................................... 44
   2.10 Reactive Power Caused by Mechanical Components that
        Store Energy ........................................... 45
   2.11 Physical Interpretation of Instantaneous Powers by
        Means of Poynting Vector ............................... 48
   2.12 Problems ............................................... 57
   2.13 References ............................................. 60
3  Single-Phase Systems with Nonsinusoidal Waveforms ........... 63
   3.1  The Linear Resistance .................................. 63
   3.2  The Linear Inductance .................................. 68
   3.3  The Linear Capacitance ................................. 71
   3.4  The Linear Series R - L - С Circuit .................... 71
   3.5  The Nonlinear Resistance ............................... 74
   3.6  The Nonlinear Inductance ............................... 80
   3.7  Nonlinear Load: The General Case ....................... 83
   3.8  Problems ............................................... 90
   3.9  References ............................................. 92
4  Apparent Power Resolution for Nonsinusoidal Single-Phase
   Systems ..................................................... 93
   4.1  Constantin I. Budeanu's Method ......................... 95
   4.2  Stanislaw Fryze's Method ............................... 99
   4.3  Manfred Depenbrock's Method ........................... 102
   4.4  Leszek Czarnecki's Method ............................. 106
   4.5  The Author's Method ................................... 110
   4.6  Comparison Among the Methods .......................... 115
   4.7  Power Factor Compensation ............................. 120
   4.8  Comments on Skin Effect, Apparent Power, and Power
        Factor ................................................ 128
   4.9  The Additiveness Problem .............................. 131
   4.10 Problems .............................................. 135
   4.11 References ............................................ 137
5  Three-Phase Systems with Sinusoidal Waveforms .............. 139
   5.1  Background: The Balanced and Symmetrical System ....... 140
   5.2  The Three-Phase Unbalanced System ..................... 142
   5.3  The Power Factor Dilemma .............................. 145
   5.4  Powers and Symmetrical Components ..................... 149
        5.4.1  How Symmetrical Components are Generated ....... 149
        5.4.2  Expressing the Powers by Means of Symmetrical
               Components ..................................... 154
   5.5  Effective Apparent Power Resolutions .................. 158
        5.5.7  FBD-Method ..................................... 158
        5.5.2  L.S. Czarnecki's Method ........................ 165
        5.5.3  IEEE Std. 1459-2010 Method ..................... 167
        5.5.4  Comparison Between The Two Major Engineering
               Schools of Thought ............................. 169
   5.6  Problems .............................................. 182
   5.7  References ............................................ 184
6  Three-Phase Nonsinusoidal and Unbalanced Conditions ........ 185
   6.1  The Vector Apparent Power Approach .................... 185
   6.2  The IEEE Std. 1459-2010's Approach .................... 187
   6.3  The DIN 40110's Approach .............................. 192
        6.3.1  The IEEE Std. 1459-2010 Approach ............... 195
        6.3.2  The DIN40110 Approach .......................... 196
   6.4  Observations and Suggestions .......................... 198
   6.5  Problems .............................................. 201
   6.6  References ............................................ 202
7  Power Definitions for Time-Varying Loads ................... 205
   7.1  Background: Basic Example ............................. 206
   7.2  Single-Phase Sinusoidal Case .......................... 210
        7.2.1  Analytical Expressions of Powers: Single-
               Phase Sinusoidal ............................... 213
   7.3  Single-Phase Nonsinusoidal Case ....................... 214
   7.4  Three-Phase Sinusoidal and Unbalanced Condition ....... 216
   7.5  Three-Phase Systems with Nonsinusoidal and
        Unbalanced Condition .................................. 220
   7.6  Problems .............................................. 225
   7.7  References ............................................ 227
8  Appendices ................................................. 229
   8.1  Appendix I: The Electrostatic Field Distribution in
        a Coaxial Cable ....................................... 229
   8.2  Appendix II: Poynting Vector due to Displacement
        Current ............................................... 231
   8.3  Appendix III: Electric Field Caused by a Time-
        Varying Magnetic Field ................................ 232
   8.4  Appendix IV: The Electromagnetic Wave Along the
        Three-Phase Line ...................................... 235
   8.5  Appendix V: Equation (5.99) ........................... 242
   8.6  Appendix VI: Maximum Active Power (Three-Phase,
        Four-Wire System) ..................................... 243
   8.7  Appendix VII: About the Ratio p = Rs/Rn ............... 247
   8.8  Appendix VIII: The Use of Varmeters in the Presence
        of Nonsinusoidal and Asymmetrical Voltages and
        Currents .............................................. 249
   8.9  References ............................................ 258

Index ......................................................... 259

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