Chase M.W. NIST-JANAF thermochemical tables; Part I: Al-Co; Part II: Cr-Zr (New York, 1998) - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаChase M.W. NIST-JANAF thermochemical tables. - New York: American Chemical Society and the American Institute of Physics for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. - (Journal of physical and chemical reference data. Monograph; N 9).
  • Part I: Al-Co. - 1998. - xi, 957 p. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 1-56396-819-3
  • Part II: Cr-Zr. - 1998. - P.958-1951. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 1-56396-820-7

  • Оглавление / Contents
    Foreword ...................................................... III
    Preface to the First Edition .................................... v
    Preface to the Second Edition ................................. vii
    Preface to the Third Edition ................................... ix
    Preface to the Fourth Edition .................................. xi
    1  Introduction ................................................. 3
    2  History of the JANAF Thermochemical Tables ................... 3
       2.1  JANAF Panel Members and Reviewers ....................... 4
       2.2  Project Personnel ....................................... 5
    3  Notation and Terminology ..................................... 5
       3.1  Definition of the Standard State ........................ 6
       3.2  Symbols ................................................. 6
       3.3  Relative Atomic Masses and Natural Isotopic 
            Composition of the Elements ............................. 8
       3.4  Fundamental Constants and Conversion Factors ........... 10
       3.5  Temperature Scale ...................................... 10
    4  Reference States and Conversions ............................ 11
       4.1  Reference State ........................................ 11
       4.2  Single-Phase and Multiphase Tables ..................... 11
       4.3  Conversion to SI Units and the Standard-State
            Pressure ............................................... 12
       4.4  Boiling Temperature and the Standard-State Pressure .... 13
    5  Evaluation of Thermodynamic Data ............................ 13
       5.1. General Evaluation Techniques .......................... 14
    6  Construction of the Tables .................................. 16
       6.1  Calculational Methods .................................. 17
            6.1.1  Ideal Monatomic Gas ............................. 17
            6.1.2  Ideal Diatomic Gas .............................. 18
            6.1.3  Linear Polyatomic Molecule ...................... 18
            6.1.4  Nonlinear Polyatomic Molecule ................... 18
       6.2  Dates .................................................. 19
    7  Additions, Revisions, and Corrections ....................... 19
    8  Acknowledgments ............................................. 19
    9  References .................................................. 20
    10 Indices to the Tables ....................................... 21
       10.1 Description of the Chemical Formula Index to the 
            NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables ....................... 21
       10.2 Description of the Chemical Name Index to the NIST-
            JANAF Thermochemical Tables ............................ 21
       10.3 Chemical Formula Index ................................. 23
       10.4 Chemical Name Index .................................... 41
    11 NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables (Arranged as in Chemical
       Formula Index) .............................................. 59
    The Table of Contents is a cumulative listing of Parts I
    and II. 
    Part I contains pp.i-xi and 1-957 (Tables for Al-Co),
    Part II contains pp. 959-1951 (Tables for Cr-Zr).

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