Lehto J. Chemistry and analysis of radionuclides: laboratory techniques and methodology (Weinheim, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLehto J. Chemistry and analysis of radionuclides: laboratory techniques and methodology / J.Lehto, X.Hou. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2011. - xix, 406 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.397-406. - ISBN 978-3-527-32658-7

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Оглавление / Contents
   Preface ................................................... XVII
   Acknowledgments ............................................ XIX

1  Radionuclides and their Radiometric Measurement .............. 1
   1.1  Radionuclides ........................................... 1
        1.1.1  Natural Radionuclides ............................ 1
        1.1.2  Artificial Radionuclides ......................... 4
   1.2  Modes of Radioactive Decay .............................. 6
        1.2.1  Fission .......................................... 6
        1.2.2  Alpha Decay ...................................... 8
        1.2.3  Beta Decay ...................................... 10
        1.2.4  Internal Transition ............................. 12
   1.3  Detection and Measurement of Radiation ................. 14
        1.3.1  Gas Ionization Detectors ........................ 14
        1.3.2  Liquid Scintillation Counting ................... 16
        1.3.3  Solid Scintillation Detectors ................... 20
        1.3.4  Semiconductor Detectors ......................... 20
        1.3.5  Summary of Radiometric Methods .................. 22
2  Special Features of the Chemistry of Radionuclides and
   their Separation ............................................ 25
   2.1  Small Quantities ....................................... 25
   2.2  Adsorption ............................................. 26
   2.3  Use of Carriers ........................................ 28
   2.4  Utilization of Radiation in the Determination of
   2.5  Consideration of Elapsed Time .......................... 31
   2.6  Changes in the System Caused by Radiation and Decay .... 31
   2.7  The Need for Radiochemical Separations ................. 32
3  Factors Affecting Chemical Forms of Radionuclides in
   Aqueous Solutions ........................................... 35
   3.1  Solution pH ............................................ 35
   3.2  Redox Potential ........................................ 38
   3.3  Dissolved Gases ........................................ 42
        3.3.1  Oxygen .......................................... 42
        3.3.2  Carbon Dioxide .................................. 43
   3.4  Ligands Forming Complexes with Metals .................. 46
   3.5  Humic Substances ....................................... 48
   3.6  Colloidal Particles .................................... 51
   3.7  Source and Generation of Radionuclides ................. 52
   3.8  Appendix: Reagents Used to Adjust Oxidation States of
        Radionuclides .......................................... 54
        3.8.1  Oxidants ........................................ 54
        3.8.2  Reductants ...................................... 55
4  Separation Methods .......................................... 57
   4.1  Precipitation .......................................... 57
   4.2  Solubility Product ..................................... 58
        4.2.1  Coprecipitation ................................. 59
        4.2.2  Objectives of Precipitation ..................... 60
   4.3  Ion Exchange ........................................... 64
        4.3.1  Ion Exchange Resins ............................. 64
        4.3.2  Distribution Coefficient and Selectivity ........ 65
        4.3.3  Cation Exchange or Anion Exchange? .............. 66
        4.3.4  Ion Exchange Chromatography ..................... 67
        4.3.5  Ion Exchange in Actinidc Separations ............ 68
   4.4  Solvent Extraction ..................................... 70
        4.4.1  Extractable Complexes ........................... 71
        4.4.2  Distribution Constant and Distribution Ratio .... 72
        4.4.3  Examples of the Use of Solvent Extraction in
               Radiochemical Separations ....................... 73
   4.5  Extraction Chromatography .............................. 74
        4.5.1  Principles of Extraction Chromatography ......... 74
        4.5.2  Extraction Chromatography Resins ................ 74
        4.5.3  Pb and Sr Resins ................................ 75
        4.5.4  Use of Extraction Chromatography in Actinide
               Separations ..................................... 76
5  Yield Determinations and Counting Source Preparation ........ 81
   5.1  The Determination of Chemical Yield in Radiochemical
        Analyses ............................................... 81
        5.1.1  Use of Stable Isotopic Carriers in Yield
               Determinations .................................. 81
        5.1.2  Use of Radioactive Tracers in Yield
               Determinations .................................. 82
   5.2  Preparation of Sources for Activity Counting ........... 85
        5.2.1  Preparation of Source for Gamma Emitters ........ 85
        5.2.2  Sample Preparation for LSC ...................... 86
        5.2.3  Source Preparation for Alpha Spectrometry with
               Semiconductor Detectors and for Beta Counting
               with Proportional Counters ...................... 87
   5.3  Essentials in Chemical Yield Determination and in
        Counting Source Preparation ............................ 89
        5.3.1  Yield Determination ............................. 89
        5.3.2  Counting Source Preparation ..................... 90
6  Radiochemistry of the Alkali Metals ......................... 91
   6.1  Most Important Radionuclides of the Alkali Metals ...... 91
   6.2  Chemical Properties of the Alkali Metals ............... 91
   6.3  Separation Needs of Alkali Metal Radionuclides ......... 92
   6.4  Potassium - 40K ........................................ 93
   6.5  Cesium - 134Cs, 135Cs, and 137Cs ......................... 94
        6.5.1  Sources and Nuclear Characteristics ............. 94
        6.5.2  Preconcentration of Cesium Nuclides from
               Natural Waters .................................. 95
        6.5.3  Determination of 135Cs .......................... 96
7  Radiochemistry of the Alkaline Earth Metals ................. 99
   7.1  Most Important Radionuclides of the Alkaline Earth
        Metals ................................................. 99
   7.2  Chemical Properties of the Alkaline Earth Metals ....... 99
   7.3  Beryllium - 7Be and 10Be ............................... 102
   7.4  Calcium-41Ca and 45Ca .................................. 102
        7.4.1  Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement ........ 102
        7.4.2  Determination of 45Ca and 41Ca in Concrete ...... 103
   7.5  Strontium - 89Sr and 90Sr .............................. 106
        7.5.1  Nuclear Characteristics and Sources ............ 106
        7.5.2  Measurement of Strontium Isotopes .............. 107
        7.5.3  Radiochemical Separations of 90Sr and 89Sr ...... 109
   7.6  Radium - 226Ra and 228Ra ............................... 127
        7.6.1  Nuclear Characteristics of Radium Isotopes ..... 117
        7.6.2  Measurement of the Activity of Radium
               Isotopes ....................................... 117
        7.6.3  Need for Determining the Activity of Radium
               Isotopes ....................................... 119
        7.6.4  Radiochemical Separations of Radium ............ 119
   7.7  Essentials in the Radiochemistry of the Alkaline
        Earth Metals .......................................... 122
8  Radiochemistry of the 3d-Transition Metals ................. 123
   8.1  The Most Important Radionuclides of the 3d-
        Transition Metals ..................................... 123
   8.2  Chemical Properties of the 3d-Transition Metals ....... 124
   8.3  Iron-55Fe ............................................. 125
        8.3.1  Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
               55Fe ........................................... 125
        8.3.2  Chemistry of Iron .............................. 125
        8.3.3  Separation of 55Fe ............................. 128
   8.4  Nickel - 59Ni and 63Ni ................................. 130
        8.4.1  Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
               59Ni and 63Ni ................................... 230
        8.4.2  Chemistry of Nickel ............................ 231
        8.4.3  Separation of 59Ni and 63Ni ..................... 132
   8.5  Essentials in 3-d Transition Metals Radiochemistry .... 137
9  Radiochemistry of the 4d-Transition Metals ................. 139
   9.1  Important Radionuclides of the 4d-Transition Metals ... 139
   9.2  Chemistry of the 4d-Transition Metals ................. 140
   9.3  Technetium - 99Tc ..................................... 140
        9.3.1  Chemistry of Technetium ........................ 141
        9.3.2  Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
               99Tc ........................................... 141
        9.3.3  Separation of 99Тс ............................. 143
   9.4  Zirconium - 93Zr ...................................... 146
        9.4.1  Chemistry of Zirconium ......................... 147
        9.4.2  Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
               93Zr ........................................... 148
        9.4.3  Separation of 93Zr ............................. 148
   9.5  Molybdenum - 93Mo ..................................... 151
        9.5.1  Chemistry of Molybdenum ........................ 151
        9.5.2  Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
               93Mo ........................................... 153
        9.5.3  Separation of 93Mo ............................. 154
   9.6  Niobium - 94Nb ........................................ 156
        9.6.1  Chemistry of Niobium ........................... 156
        9.6.2  Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
               Niobium Radionuclides .......................... 157
        9.6.3  Separation of 94Nb ............................. 157
   9.7  Essentials in the Radiochemistry of 4-d Transition
        Metals ................................................ 159
10 Radiochemistry of the Lanthanides .......................... 163
   10.1 Important Lanthanide Radionuclides .................... 163
   10.2 Chemical Properties of the Lanthanides ................ 163
   10.3 Separation of Lanthanides from Actinides .............. 165
   10.4 Lanthanides as Actinide Analogs ....................... 165
   10.5 147Pm and 151Sm ........................................ 167
        10.5.1 Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
               147Pm and 151Sm ................................. 167
        10.5.2 Separation of 147Pm and 151Sm ................... 168
   10.6 Essentials of Lanthanide Radiochemistry ............... 173
11 Radiochemistry of the Halogens ............................. 175
   11.1 Important Halogen Radionuclides ....................... 175
   11.2 Physical and Chemical Properties of the Halogens ...... 176
   11.3 Chlorine - 36C1 ....................................... 178
        11.3.1 Sources and Nuclear Characteristics of 36Cl .... 178
        11.3.2 Determination of 36Cl .......................... 178
   11.4 Iodine- 129I .......................................... 181
        11.4.1 Sources and Nuclear Characteristics of 129I .... 181
        11.4.2 Measurement of 129I ............................ 182
        11.4.3 Radiochemical Separations of 129I .............. 185
   11.5 Essentials of Halogen Radiochemistry .................. 190
12 Radiochemistry of the Noble Cases .......................... 193
   12.1 Important Radionuclides of the Noble Gases ............ 193
   12.2 Physical and Chemical Characteristics of the Noble
        Gases ................................................. 193
   12.3 Measurement of Xe Isotopes in Air ..................... 194
   12.4 Determination of 85Kr in Air .......................... 194
   12.5 Radon and its Determination ........................... 196
        12.5.1 Determination of Radon in Outdoor Air and
               Soil Pore Spaces ............................... 197
        12.5.2 Determination of Radon in Indoor Air ........... 197
        12.5.3 Determination of Radon in Water ................ 197
   12.6 Essentials of Noble Gas Radiochemistry ................ 198
13 Radiochemistry of Tritium and Radiocarbon .................. 201
   13.1 Tritium - 3Н .......................................... 201
        13.1.1 Nuclear Properties of Tritium .................. 201
        13.1.2 Environmental Sources of Tritium ............... 202
        13.1.3 Determination of Tritium in Water .............. 203
        13.1.4 Electrolytic Enrichment of Tritium ............. 203
        13.1.5 Determination of Tritium in Organic Material ... 204
        13.1.6 Determination of Tritium from Urine ............ 204
        13.1.7 Determination of Tritium after Conversion
               into Benzene ................................... 205
        13.1.8 Determination of Tritium using Mass
               Spectrometry ................................... 205
        13.1.9 Determination of Tritium in Nuclear Waste
               Samples ........................................ 206
   13.2 Radiocarbon - 14C ..................................... 207
        13.2.1 Nuclear Properties of Radiocarbon .............. 207
        13.2.2 Sources of Radiocarbon ......................... 207
        13.2.3 Chemistry of Inorganic Carbon .................. 209
        13.2.4 Carbon Dating of Carbonaceous Samples .......... 209
        13.2.5 Separation and Determination of 14С ............ 210
   13.3 Essentials of Tritium and Radiocarbon
        Radiochemistry ........................................ 215
14 Radiochemistry of Lead, Polonium, Tin, and Selenium ........ 217
   14.1 Polonium - 210Po ...................................... 218
        14.1.1 Nuclear Characteristics of 210Po ............... 218
        14.1.2 Chemistry of Polonium .......................... 219
        14.1.3 Determination of 210Po ......................... 220
   14.2 Lead-210Pb ............................................ 221
        14.2.1 Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
               210Pb .......................................... 221
        14.2.2 Chemistry of Lead .............................. 223
        14.2.3 Determination of 210Pb ......................... 224
   14.3 Tin-126Sn ............................................. 228
        14.3.1 Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
               126Sn .......................................... 228
        14.3.2 Chemistry of Tin ............................... 229
        14.3.3 Determination of 126Sn ......................... 230
   14.4 Selenium - 79Se ....................................... 233
        14.4.1 Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
               79Se ........................................... 233
        14.4.2 Chemistry of Selenium .......................... 233
        14.4.3 Determination of 79Se .......................... 235
   14.5 Essentials of Polonium, Lead, Tin, and Selenium
        Radiochemistry ........................................ 236
15 Radiochemistry of the Actinides ............................ 239
   15.1 Important Actinide Isotopes ........................... 239
   15.2 Generation and Origin of the Actinides ................ 239
   15.3 Electronic Structures of the Actinides ................ 244
   15.4 Oxidation States of the Actinides ..................... 245
   15.5 Ionic Radii of the Actinides .......................... 246
   15.6 Major Chemical Forms of the Actinides ................. 247
   15.7 Disproportionation .................................... 247
   15.8 Hydrolysis and Polymerization of the Actinides ........ 249
   15.9 Complex Formation of the Actinides .................... 250
   15.10 Oxides of the Actinides .............................. 250
   15.11 Actinium ............................................. 251
        15.11.1 Isotopes of Actinium .......................... 251
        15.11.2 Chemistry of Actinium ......................... 252
        15.11.3 Separation of Actinium ........................ 253
        15.11.4 Essentials of Actinium Radiochemistry ......... 254
   15.12 Thorium .............................................. 255
        15.12.1 Occurrence of Thorium ......................... 255
        15.12.2 Thorium Isotopes and their Measurement ........ 255
        15.12.3 Chemistry of Thorium .......................... 256
        15.12.4 Separation of Thorium ......................... 258
        15.12.5 Essentials of Thorium Radiochemistry .......... 259
   15.13 Protactinium ......................................... 260
        15.13.1 Isotopes of Protactinium ...................... 260
        15.13.2 Chemistry of Protactinium ..................... 261
        15.13.3 Separation of Protactinium .................... 262
        15.13.4 Essentials of Protactinium Radiochemistry ..... 263
   15.14 Uranium .............................................. 264
        15.14.1 The Most Important Uranium Isotopes ........... 264
        15.14.2 Occurrence of Uranium ......................... 266
        15.14.3 Chemistry of Uranium .......................... 267
        15.14.4 Hydrolysis of Uranium ......................... 269
        15.14.5 Formation of Uranium Complexes ................ 269
        15.14.6 Uranium Oxides ................................ 271
        15.14.7 From Ore to Uranium Fuel ...................... 271
        15.14.8 Measurement of Uranium ........................ 272
        15.14.9 Reasons for Determining Uranium Isotopes ...... 273
        15.14.10 Separation of Uranium ........................ 274
        15.14.11 Essentials of Uranium Radiochemistry ......... 275
   15.15 Neptunium ............................................ 277
        15.15.1 Sources of Neptunium .......................... 277
        15.15.2 Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
                237Np ......................................... 278
        15.15.3 Chemistry of Neptunium ........................ 278
        15.15.4 Separation of 237Np ........................... 280
        15.15.5 Essentials of Neptunium Radiochemistry ........ 283
   15.16 Plutonium ............................................ 284
        15.16.1 Isotopes of Plutonium ......................... 284
        15.16.2 Sources of Plutonium .......................... 286
        15.16.3 Measurement of Plutonium Isotopes ............. 287
        15.16.4 The Chemistry of Plutonium .................... 289
        15.16.5 Separation of Plutonium ....................... 293
        15.16.6 Tracers Used in the Determination of Pu
                Isotopes ...................................... 294
        15.16.7 Separation by Solvent Extraction .............. 295
        15.16.8 Separation of Pu by Anion Exchange
                Chromatography ................................ 296
        15.16.9 Separation of Pu by Extraction
                Chromatography ................................ 297
        15.16.10 Separation of Pu from Large Volumes of
                Water ......................................... 298
        15.16.11 Automated and Rapid Separation Methods for
                Pu Determination .............................. 300
        15.16.12 Essentials of Plutonium Radiochemistry ....... 301
   15.17 Americium and Curium ................................. 302
        15.17.1 Sources of Americium and Curium ............... 302
        15.17.2 Nuclear Characteristics and Measurement of
                241Am, 242Cm, 243Cm, and 244Cm ................... 303
        15.17.3 Chemistry of Americium and Curium ............. 304
        15.17.4 Separation of Americium and Curium ............ 306
        15.17.5 Essentials of Americium and Curium
                Radiochemistry ................................ 309
16 Speciation Analysis ........................................ 311
   16.1 Considerations Relevant to Speciation ................. 311
   16.2 Significance of Speciation ............................ 312
   16.3 Categorization of Speciation Analyzes ................. 313
   16.4 Fractionation Techniques for Environmental Samples .... 314
        16.4.1 Particle Fractionation in Water ................ 314
        16.4.2 Fractionation of Aerosol Particles ............. 316
        16.4.3 Fractionation of Soil and Sediments ............ 317
   16.5 Analysis of Radionuclide and Isotope Compositions ..... 317
   16.6 Spectroscopic Speciation Methods ...................... 318
   16.7 Wet Chemical Methods .................................. 321
        16.7.1 Coprecipitation ................................ 321
        16.7.2 Solvent Extraction ............................. 322
        16.7.3 Ion Exchange Chromatography .................... 323
   16.8 Sequential Extractions ................................ 324
   16.9 Computational Speciation Methods ...................... 326
   16.10 Characterization of Radioactive Particles ............ 329
        16.10.1 Identification and Isolation of the
                Particles ..................................... 330
        16.10.2 Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of
                the Particles ................................. 330
        16.10.3 Gamma and X-ray Analysis of the Particles ..... 331
        16.10.4 Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis of
                Radioactive Particles ......................... 332
        16.10.5 Synchrotron-Based X-ray Microanalyses ......... 332
        16.10.6 Post-Dissolution Analysis of Particles 334
   Further Reading ............................................ 335
17 Measurement of Radionuclides by Mass Spectrometry .......... 337
   17.1 Introduction .......................................... 337
   17.2 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
        (ICP-MS) .............................................. 338
        17.2.1 Components and Operation Principles of ICP-MS
               Systems ........................................ 339
        17.2.2 Resolution and Abundance Sensitivity ........... 342
        17.2.3 Dynamic Collision/Reaction Cells ............... 343
        17.2.4 Detectors ...................................... 344
        17.2.5 Detection Limits ............................... 345
        17.2.6 90Sr Measurement by ICP-MS ..................... 346
        17.2.7 90Tc Measurement by ICP-MS ..................... 348
        17.2.8 Measurement of Uranium and Thorium Isotopes
               by ICP-MS ...................................... 348
        17.2.9 237Np Measurement by ICP-MS .................... 349
        17.2.10 Measurement of Plutonium Isotopes by
                ICP-MS ........................................ 349
   17.3 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) ................... 350
        17.3.1 Components and Operation of AMS ................ 350
        17.3.2 14C Measurement by AMS ......................... 352
        17.3.3 36Cl Measurement by AMS ........................ 353
        17.3.4 41Ca Measurement by AMS ........................ 353
        17.3.5 63Ni and S9Ni Measurement by AMS ............... 353
        17.3.6 99Tc Measurement by AMS ........................ 354
        17.3.7 129I Measurement by AMS ........................ 355
        17.3.8 Measurement of Plutonium Isotopes by AMS ....... 355
   17.4 Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TIMS) ........... 356
   17.5 Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS) ......... 358
   17.6 Essentials of the Measurement of Radionuclides by
        Mass Spectrometry ..................................... 359
   Further Reading ............................................ 360
18 Sampling and Sample Pretreatment for the Determination
   of Radionuclides ........................................... 361
   18.1 Introduction .......................................... 361
   18.2 Air Sampling and Pretreatment ......................... 362
        18.2.1 Sampling Aerosol Particles ..................... 362
   18.3 Sampling Gaseous Components ........................... 366
   18.4 Atmospheric Deposition Sampling ....................... 369
        18.4.1 Dry/Wet Deposition Sampling .................... 369
        18.4.2 Ion Exchange Collector ......................... 370
   18.5 Water Sampling ........................................ 371
        18.5.1 Surface Water Sampling ......................... 371
        18.5.2 Water Core (Depth Profile) ..................... 372
        18.5.3 Preconcentration of Radionuclides from
               Natural Waters ................................. 375
   18.6 Sediment Sampling and Pretreatment .................... 377
        18.6.1 Surface Sediment Sampling ...................... 377
        18.6.2 Sediment Core Sampling ......................... 379
        18.6.3 Sediment Pore Water Sampling ................... 381
        18.6.4 Pretreatment of Sediments - Storage, Drying,
               Homogenizing ................................... 383
   18.7 Soil Sampling and Pretreatment ........................ 384
        18.7.1 Planning the Sampling .......................... 384
        18.7.2 Soil Core Sampling ............................. 385
        18.7.3 Template Method ................................ 387
        18.7.4 Trench Method .................................. 387
   18.7.5 Pretreatment of Soil Samples ........................ 388
   18.8 Essentials in Sampling and Sample Pretreatment for
        Radionuclides ......................................... 388
19 Chemical Changes Induced by Radioactive Decay .............. 391
   19.1 Autoradiolysis ........................................ 391
        19.1.1 Dissolved Gases ................................ 392
        19.1.2 Water Solutions ................................ 392
        19.1.3 Organic Compounds Labeled with Radionuclides ... 392
        19.1.4 Solid Compounds ................................ 393
   19.2 Transmutation and Subsequent Chemical Changes ......... 393
   19.3 Recoil - Hot Atom Chemistry ........................... 394

   Index ...................................................... 397

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