Heikkila W.J. Earth's magnetosphere: formed by the low-latitude boundary layer (Amsterdam; Boston, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHeikkila W.J. Earth's magnetosphere: formed by the low-latitude boundary layer. - Amsterdam; Boston: Elsevier, 2011. - xviii, 477 p., [38] p. plates: ill. (some col.). - Ref.: p.447-471. - Ind.: p.473-477. - ISBN 978-0-444-52864-3

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Оглавление / Contents
Kiruna Meeting ................................................ ix
Prologue ...................................................... xi
Acknowledgements ............................................ xvii

1  Historical introduction ..................................... 1
   1.1  Early history .......................................... 1
   1.2  International Geophysical Year (IGY) ................... 3
   1.3  International Magnetospheric Study ..................... 4
   1.4  Electric and magnetic fields in space .................. 7
   1.5  Reference frames and frozen fields .................... 16
   1.6  Coronal expansion ..................................... 17
   1.7  Solar wind ............................................ 19
   1.8  Magnetosheath ......................................... 25
   1.9  Magnetopause .......................................... 28
   1.10 Cause and effect at the magnetopause .................. 30
   1.11 Low-Latitude Boundary Layer ........................... 40
   1.12 Discovery of the radiation belt ....................... 42
   1.13 The ionosphere ........................................ 44
   1.14 High frequency wave propagation ....................... 48
   1.15 Polar cap during southward Interplanetary Magnetic
        Field (IMF) ........................................... 55
   1.16 The aurora and substorms .............................. 61
   1.17 Discussion ............................................ 69
2  Approximate methods ........................................ 75
   2.1  Need for approximate methods .......................... 75
   2.2  Circuit analysis ...................................... 76
   2.3  Basic magnetohydrodynamic equations ................... 99
   2.4  Example of MHD for magnetospheric research ........... 103
   2.5  Discussion ........................................... 109
   2.6  Summary .............................................. 110
3  Helmholtz's theorem ....................................... 111
   3.1  Introduction ......................................... 111
   3.2  Helmholtz's theorem .................................. 114
   3.3  Maxwell's equations .................................. 116
   3.4  Gauss's law .......................................... 118
   3.5  Gauge conditions ..................................... 119
   3.6  Electrodynamics ...................................... 122
   3.7  Sporadic magnetopause beams .......................... 128
   3.8  Particle simulation in 1-D ........................... 130
   3.9  Exceptional electron beam observation ................ 137
   3.10 Other observations of energisation ................... 142
   3.11 Discussion ........................................... 143
   3.12 Summary .............................................. 145
4  Poynting's energy conservation theorem .................... 151
   4.1  Introduction ......................................... 151
   4.2  The electric displacement: D field ................... 152
   4.3  The magnetic field ................................... 154
   4.4  Poynting's theorem ................................... 155
   4.5  Discussion ........................................... 160
   4.6  Plasma transfer event seen by Cluster ................ 166
   4.7  Three systems ........................................ 166
   4.8  Scientific paradigms ................................. 168
   4.9  Summary .............................................. 169
5  Magnetopause .............................................. 171
   5.1  Introduction ......................................... 171
   5.2  Solar wind - magnetopause interaction ................ 172
   5.3  ISEE observations .................................... 181
   5.4  Profile of magnetopause electron temperature ......... 183
   5.5  Impulsive penetration ................................ 187
   5.6  Flux transfer event .................................. 193
   5.7  Cluster observations of plasma transfer .............. 196
   5.8  Plasma transfer event ................................ 200
   5.9  Skimming orbit of GEOTAIL ............................ 205
   5.10 Electric field at high sampling rates ................ 210
   5.11 Discussion ........................................... 213
   5.12 Summary .............................................. 223
6  High-altitude cusps ....................................... 225
   6.1  Introduction ......................................... 225
   6.2  The magnetosheath .................................... 226
   6.3  The cusp throat ...................................... 229
   6.4  Transfer events ...................................... 233
   6.5  Cusp energetic particles ............................. 237
   6.6  Exterior cusp ........................................ 243
   6.7  Discussion ........................................... 250
   6.8  Summary .............................................. 251
7  Low-latitude boundary layer ............................... 253
   7.1  Introduction ......................................... 253
   7.2  Comprehensive investigation of low-latitude
        boundary layer ....................................... 257
   7.3  Studies with better resolution ....................... 265
   7.4  Plasma transfer event ................................ 269
   7.5  Identification of cusp and cleft/low-latitude
        boundary layer ....................................... 270
   7.6  Qualitative description of low-latitude boundary
        layer ................................................ 271
   7.7  Topology of the magnetospherc ........................ 274
   7.8  ISEE observations .................................... 276
   7.9  Transient penetration ................................ 283
   7.10 Massive flow in the boundary layer ................... 286
   7.11 Other observations of the low-latitude boundary
        layer ................................................ 289
   7.12 Polar cap during southward interplanetary magnetic
        field ................................................ 290
   7.13 Study with southward interplanetary magnetic field ... 291
   7.14 Polar cap during northward interplanetary magnetic
        field ................................................ 295
   7.15 Penetration of interplanetary electric field into
        magnetosphere ........................................ 302
   7.16 A study with northward interplanetary magnetic
        field ................................................ 306
   7.17 Discussion ........................................... 314
   7.18 Summary .............................................. 321
8  Driving the plasma sheet .................................. 325
   8.1  Introduction ......................................... 325
   8.2  Transfer of plasma and electric field ................ 326
   8.3  Plasma sheet from low altitude observations .......... 326
   8.4  Plasma sheet observations ............................ 329
   8.5  Particle dynamics .................................... 337
   8.6  Auroral current circuit .............................. 345
   8.7  Key results from SuperDARN, CANOPUS .................. 356
   8.8  Large scale flow dynamics ............................ 363
   8.9  Discussions .......................................... 369
   8.10 Summary .............................................. 373
9  Magnetospheric substorms .................................. 377
   9.1  Introduction ......................................... 377
   9.2  Statistical description of the substorm .............. 380
   9.3  Two models as apparent alternatives .................. 390
   9.4  Substorm disturbance onsets .......................... 392
   9.5  Substorm transfer event .............................. 394
   9.6  Ion dynamics ......................................... 397
   9.7  Westward travelling surge ............................ 402
   9.8  Bursty bulk flows .................................... 408
   9.9  Observations of particle acceleration ................ 418
   9.10 Acceleration of cold plasma .......................... 422
   9.11 Discussion ........................................... 429
   9.12 Summary .............................................. 431
10 Epilogue: What is new in this book ........................ 435
   10.1 Introduction ......................................... 435
   10.2 Main arguments in this book .......................... 438
   10.3 Substorm transfer event .............................. 443
   10.4 Four fundamental processes reexamined ................ 444
   10.5 Final summary ........................................ 445
References ................................................... 447
Index ........................................................ 473
Colour Plates

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