Graessley W.W. Polymeric liquids and networks: structure and properties (New York; London, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGraessley W.W. Polymeric liquids and networks: structure and properties. - New York; London: Garland Science, 2004. - xv, 559 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 0-8153-4169-5

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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction ................................................. xiii
Chapter 1 Introduction .......................................... 1
          1.1 Molecular Nature of Polymers ...................... 1
          1.2 Polymeric Structure ............................... 6
              1.2.1 Chemical Microstructure ..................... 7
              1.2.2 Chemical Macrostructure .................... 10
              1.2.3 Rotational States .......................... 10
          1.3 Polymeric Properties ............................. 12
              1.3.1 Species Dependence ......................... 13
              1.3.2 Architectural Dependence ................... 14
                    Viscosity .................................. 14
                    Viscoelastic behavior ...................... 16
          1.4 Macromolecular Heterogeneity ..................... 17
              1.4.1 Averages ................................... 18
              1.4.2 Distribution Functions ..................... 20
                    Exponential distribution ................... 21
                    Distributions from branching and
                    scission ................................... 22
                    Empirical distribution functions ........... 25
          1.5 Molecular Simulations ............................ 27
Chapter 2 Molecular Liquids .................................... 29
          2.1 Microscopic Origin of Liquid Properties .......... 35
              2.1.1 Intermolecular Forces ...................... 35
              2.1.2 Terminology ................................ 38
              2.1.3 Statistical Thermodynamics ................. 40
              2.1.4 Pair Distributions and Intermolecular
                    Energy ..................................... 43
              2.1.5 Principles of Elastic Scattering ........... 46
              2.1.6 The Structure Factor ....................... 52
          2.2 Liquid Structure and Properties .................. 55
              2.2.1 Scattering by Pure Liquids ................. 55
              2.2.2 The van der Waals Liquid ................... 59
              2.2.3 Hard Sphere Liquids ........................ 61
          2.3 Generalized van der Waals Theory ................. 63
              2.3.1 The Longuet-Higgins and Widom Model ........ 64
              2.3.2 Cell Models ................................ 66
              2.3.3 Lattice Models ............................. 67
              2.3.4 Reduced Equations of State ................. 69
              2.3.5 Cohesive Energy and Internal Pressure ...... 70
Chapter 3 Molecular Mixtures ................................... 77
          3.1 Thermodynamics of Liquid Mixtures ................ 77
          3.2 Liquid-Liquid Phase Behavior ..................... 83
          3.3 Molecular Aspects of Mixing ...................... 89
          3.4 Simple Mixtures .................................. 94
              3.4.1 Properties of the Interaction Parameter .... 96
              3.4.2 Phase Behavior ............................. 98
              3.4.3 Observations .............................. 100
          3.5 Regular Mixtures ................................ 103
              3.5.1 Commentary ................................ 105
              3.5.2 Volume Change on Mixing ................... 107
          3.6 The Free Volume Effect .......................... 109
              3.6.1 Modified FOV Theory ....................... 111
              3.6.2 The Free Volume Interaction Parameter ..... 114
              3.6.3 Commentary ................................ 116
Chapter 4 The Random Coil Model ............................... 121
          4.1 Random Walks .................................... 123
              4.1.1 Average End-to-End Distance ............... 124
              4.1.2 Radius of Gyration ........................ 125
          4.2 Polymer Chains .................................. 128
              4.2.1 Locally Restricted Conformations .......... 129
              4.2.2 Step Length Definitions ................... 132
          4.3 Nonlinear Molecules ............................. 136
              4.3.1 Branched Chains ........................... 137
              4.3.2 Macrocycles ............................... 140
          4.4 Random Coil Asymmetry ........................... 142
          4.5 Conformational Distributions .................... 142
              4.5.1 The End-to-End Vector Distribution ........ 143
              4.5.2 The Gaussian Form ......................... 147
              4.5.3 Mass Distribution for Gaussian Coils ...... 148
          4.6 Properties of Random Coil Ensembles ............. 149
              4.6.1 Mechanical Properties ..................... 149
              4.6.2 Thermodynamic Properties .................. 150
          4.7 Scattering Properties ........................... 152
              4.7.1 Form Factors .............................. 152
                    Random coil molecules ..................... 154
                    Pair distributions ........................ 155
                    General properties ........................ 156
              4.7.2 Structure Factors ......................... 158
                    One-component systems ..................... 159
                    Two-component systems ..................... 160
                    Incompressible mixtures ................... 160
Chapter 5 Dilute Solution Characterization .................... 167
          5.1 Thermodynamic Characterization Methods .......... 167
              5.1.1 Osmotic Pressure .......................... 168
              5.1.2 Light Scattering .......................... 171
                    Fundamentals .............................. 172
                    Dilute solutions .......................... 175
                    Scattering method comparisons ............. 182
          5.2 Dynamic Characterization Methods ................ 184
              5.2.1 Dynamic Light Scattering .................. 185
              5.2.2 Viscometry ................................ 189
              5.3 Chromatographic Methods ..................... 192
              5.3.1 Size Exclusion Chromatography ............. 192
              5.3.2 Multidetector Methods ..................... 197
Chapter 6 Dilute Solution Properties .......................... 203
          6.1 Intramolecular Interactions ..................... 203
              6.1.1 Excluded Volume ........................... 204
                    Pervaded volume and self-concentration .... 206
                    Self-exclusion ............................ 208
              6.1.2 Hydrodynamic Interaction .................. 217
          6.2 Linear Polymers ................................. 222
              6.2.1 Limiting Size Ratios ...................... 223
              6.2.2 Expansion Factors ......................... 224
              6.2.3 Good Solvent Master Curves ................ 227
                    Master curve forms ........................ 231
                    Onset molecular weights ................... 232
          6.3 Branched and Macrocyclic Polymers ............... 235
              6.3.1 Lightly Branched Model Structures ......... 237
                    Regular stars ............................. 237
                    Rings ..................................... 239
                    H-Polymers ................................ 243
                    Combs ..................................... 243
              6.3.2 Lightly Branched Statistical Structures ... 247
              6.3.3 Highly Branched Structures ................ 249
                    Daoud-Cotton model ........................ 251
                    Many-arm star properties .................. 254
                    Colloidal analogies ....................... 255
          6.4 Concentration Regimes ........................... 257
Chapter 7 Polymer Solutions ................................... 265
          7.1 Coil Size Beyond Overlap ........................ 266
              7.1.1 Chain Dimensions in Polymer Melts ......... 266
              7.1.2 Chain Dimensions in Semidilute
                    Solutions ................................. 269
                    Excluded volume screening ................. 269
                    Concentration dependence .................. 273
                    Semidilute-concentrated crossover ......... 274
                    Observations .............................. 276
          7.2 Osmotic Pressure Beyond Overlap ................. 278
              7.2.1 Flory-Huggins Predictions ................. 280
              7.2.2 Scaling Analysis .......................... 283
              7.2.3 Experimental Observations ................. 284
          7.3 Scattering Beyond Overlap ....................... 286
              7.3.1 Correlation Length ........................ 286
              7.3.2 The Random Phase Approximation ............ 293
              7.3.3 Interpretation Alternatives ............... 295
              7.3.4 Branch-Induced Ordering ................... 296
          7.4 The Interaction Parameter ....................... 297
              7.4.1 Evaluation of X ........................... 298
                    Vapor composition and sorption ............ 298
                    Osmometry ................................. 299
                    Inverse chromatography .................... 300
                    Scattering ................................ 300
              7.4.2 Interpretation of X ....................... 304
                    Free volume effects ....................... 306
                    Impact on dilute solutions ................ 312
                    Athermal solutions ........................ 313
          7.5 Liquid-Liquid Phase Behavior .................... 314
              7.5.1 Upper Critical Behavior ................... 314
              7.5.2 Lower Critical Behavior ................... 320
              7.5.3 Scattering and Criticality ................ 323
              7.5.4 The Cinzburg Criterion .................... 329
Chapter 8 Polymer Blends ...................................... 341
          8.1 Molecular Interactions .......................... 343
          8.2 Isotopic Blends ................................. 347
              8.2.1 Isotopic Interactions ..................... 348
                    Experimental aspects ...................... 349
              8.2.2 Temperature Dependence of
                    the Interactions .......................... 352
              8.2.3 Some Properties of Xhd .................... 355
          8.3 Polyolefin Blends ............................... 356
              8.3.1 Measurements .............................. 357
              8.3.2 Observations .............................. 359
              8.3.3 Solubility Parameters ..................... 364
                    Molecular considerations .................. 367
                    PVT measurements .......................... 369
                    Simulations ............................... 372
              8.3.4 Interaction Properties .................... 375
                    Temperature dependence .................... 375
                    Pressure dependence ....................... 377
                    Molecular weight dependence ............... 378
                    Composition dependence .................... 379
              8.3.5 Irregular Blends .......................... 381
          8.4 Hydrocarbon Polymer Blends ...................... 385
              8.4.1 Inter-Family Blends ....................... 388
              8.4.2 Intra-Family Blends ....................... 389
              8.4.3 Commentary ................................ 391
          8.5 Blends of Copolymers ............................ 393
              8.5.1 Sequencing Effects ........................ 393
              8.5.2 Mean Composition Effects .................. 394
          8.6 Blends with Specific Associations ............... 399
Chapter 9 Network Structure and Elasticity .................... 409
          9.1 Equal Reactivity and Random Linking ............. 411
              9.1.1 Network Connectivity ...................... 413
              9.1.2 Strand Dimensions ......................... 418
              9.1.3 Linking Statistics ........................ 418
          9.2 Structurally Related Observables ................ 420
              9.2.1 Pre-Gelation Region ....................... 421
              9.2.2 The Gel Curve ............................. 423
          9.3 Elasticity-Related Properties ................... 427
              9.3.1 Active Junctions and Strands .............. 428
              9.3.2 Topological and Dynamics-Related
                    Properties ................................ 431
              9.3.3 Architectural Characterization ............ 435
          9.4 General Considerations on 
              Network Elasticity .............................. 436
          9.5 The Affine Network .............................. 441
              9.5.1 The Logarithmic Contribution .............. 443
              9.5.2 Effects of Temperature and
                    Volume Change ............................. 445
              9.5.3 Network Pressure .......................... 446
          9.6 The Phantom Network ............................. 447
          9.7 The Entangled Network ........................... 452
              9.7.1 Modulus Magnitude ......................... 453
              9.7.2 Experimental Tests ........................ 456
              9.7.3 Comments .................................. 466
Chapter 10 Network Properties ................................. 471
           10.1 Stress-Strain Behavior ........................ 472
                10.1.1 The Mooney-Rivlin Form ................. 476
                10.1.2 Swelling and Supercoiling Effects ...... 479
                10.1.3 The Ferry-Kan Formulation .............. 487
           10.2 Swelling Equilibrium .......................... 490
           10.3 Thermoelasticity .............................. 501
           10.4 Observations on Networks ...................... 508
                10.4.1 Microscopic Features ................... 509
                       Orientational correlations ............. 509
                       Neutron scattering ..................... 509
                10.4.2 Macroscopic Features ................... 514
           10.5 Modeling Uncrossability ....................... 514
                10.5.1 Topological Classification ............. 519
                10.5.2 Slip-Links ............................. 522
                10.5.3 Constrained Junction Models ............ 524
                10.5.4 Tube Models ............................ 524
                       Affine models .......................... 526
                       Constant mesh density models ........... 527
                       Empirical models ....................... 528
                       Nonaffine models ....................... 528
                       Tube model comparisons ................. 530
                10.5.5 Commentary ............................. 530
Appendix A—Symbols ............................................ 537
Subject Index ................................................. 543
Author Index .................................................. 549

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