Goldreich O. Computational complexity: a conceptual perspective (Cambridge; New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGoldreich O. Computational complexity: a conceptual perspective. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. - xxiv, 606 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.589-599. - Ind.: p.601-606. - ISBN 978-0-521-88473-0

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Оглавление / Contents
List of Figures .............................................. xiii
Preface ........................................................ xv
Organization and Chapter Summaries .................... ...... xvii
Acknowledgments ............................................. xxiii
1  Introduction and Preliminaries ............................... 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
        1.1.1  A Brief Overview of Complexity Theory ............ 2
        1.1.2  Characteristics of Complexity Theory ............. 6
        1.1.3  Contents of This Book ............................ 8
        1.1.4  Approach and Style of This Book ................. 12
        1.1.5  Standard Notations and Other Conventions ........ 16
   1.2  Computational Tasks and Models ......................... 17
        1.2.1  Representation .................................. 18
        1.2.2  Computational Tasks ............................. 18
        1.2.3  Uniform Models (Algorithms) ..................... 20
        1.2.4  Non-uniform Models (Circuits and Advice) ........ 36
        1.2.5  Complexity Classes .............................. 42
   Chapter Notes ............................................... 43
2  P, NP, and NP-Completeness .................................. 44
   2.1  The P Versus NP Question ............................... 46
        2.1.1  The Search Version: Finding Versus Checking ..... 47
        2.1.2  The Decision Version: Proving Versus
               Verifying ....................................... 50
        2.1.3  Equivalence of the Two Formulations ............. 54
        2.1.4  Two Technical Comments Regarding NP ............. 55
        2.1.5  The Traditional Definition of NP ................ 55
        2.1.6  In Support ofP Different from NP ................ 57
        2.1.7  Philosophical Meditations ....................... 58
   2.2  Polynomial-Time Reductions ............................. 58
        2.2.1  The General Notion of a Reduction ............... 59
        2.2.2  Reducing Optimization Problems to Search
               Problems ........................................ 61
        2.2.3  Self-Reducibility of Search Problems ............ 63
        2.2.4  Digest and General Perspective .................. 67
   2.3  NP-Completeness ........................................ 67
        2.3.1  Definitions ..................................... 68
        2.3.2  The Existence of NP-Complete Problems ........... 69
        2.3.3  Some Natural NP-Complete Problems ............... 71
        2.3.4  NP Sets That Are Neither in P nor NP-Complete ... 81
        2.3.5  Reflections on Complete Problems ................ 85
   2.4  Three Relatively Advanced Topics ....................... 87
        2.4.1  Promise Problems ................................ 87
        2.4.2  Optimal Search Algorithms for NP ................ 92
        2.4.3  The Class coNP and Its Intersection with NP ..... 94
   Chapter Notes ............................................... 97
   Exercises ................................................... 99
3  Variations on P and NP ..................................... 108
   3.1  Non-uniform Polynomial Time (P/poly) .................. 108
        3.1.1  Boolean Circuits ............................... 109
        3.1.2  Machines That Take Advice ...................... 111
   3.2  The Polynomial-Time Hierarchy (PH) .................... 113
        3.2.1  Alternation of Quantifiers ..................... 114
        3.2.2  Non-deterministic Oracle Machines .............. 117
        3.2.3  The P/poly Versus NP Question and PH ........... 119
   Chapter Notes .............................................. 121
   Exercises .................................................. 122
4  More Resources, More Power? ................................ 127
   4.1  Non-uniform Complexity Hierarchies .................... 128
   4.2  Time Hierarchies and Gaps ............................. 129
        4.2.1  Time Hierarchies ............................... 129
        4.2.2  Time Gaps and Speedup .......................... 136
   4.3  Space Hierarchies and Gaps ............................ 139
   Chapter Notes .............................................. 139
   Exercises .................................................. 140
5  Space Complexity ........................................... 143
   5.1  General Preliminaries and Issues ...................... 144
        5.1.1  Important Conventions .......................... 144
        5.1.2  On the Minimal Amount of Useful Computation
               Space .......................................... 145
        5.1.3  Time Versus Space .............................. 146
        5.1.4  Circuit Evaluation ............................. 153
   5.2  Logarithmic Space ..................................... 153
        5.2.1  The Class L .................................... 154
        5.2.2  Log-Space Reductions ........................... 154
        5.2.3  Log-Space Uniformity and Stronger Notions ...... 155
        5.2.4  Undirected Connectivity ........................ 155
   5.3  Non-deterministic Space Complexity .................... 162
        5.3.1  Two Models ..................................... 162
        5.3.2  NL and Directed Connectivity ................... 164
        5.3.3  A Retrospective Discussion ..................... 171
   5.4  PSPACE and Games ...................................... 172
   Chapter Notes .............................................. 175
   Exercises .................................................. 175
6  Randomness and Counting .................................... 184
   6.1  Probabilistic Polynomial Time ......................... 185
        6.1.1  Basic Modeling Issues .......................... 186
        6.1.2  Two-Sided Error: The Complexity Class BPP ...... 189
        6.1.3  One-Sided Error: The Complexity Classes RP
               and coRP ....................................... 193
        6.1.4  Zero-Sided Error: The Complexity Class ZPP ..... 199
        6.1.5  Randomized Log-Space ........................... 199
   6.2  Counting .............................................. 202
        6.2.1  Exact Counting ................................. 202
        6.2.2  Approximate Counting ........................... 211
        6.2.3  Searching for Unique Solutions ................. 217
        6.2.4  Uniform Generation of Solutions ................ 220
   Chapter Notes .............................................. 227
7  The Bright Side of Hardness ................................ 241
   7.1  One-Way Functions ..................................... 242
        7.1.1  Generating Hard Instances and One-Way
               Functions ...................................... 243
        7.1.2  Amplification of Weak One-Way Functions ........ 245
        7.1.3  Hard-Core Predicates ........................... 250
        7.1.4  Reflections on Hardness Amplification .......... 255
   7.2  Hard Problems in E .................................... 255
        7.2.1  Amplification with Respect to Polynomial-Size
               Circuits ....................................... 257
        7.2.2  Amplification with Respect to Exponential-
               Size Circuits .................................. 270
   Chapter Notes .............................................. 277
   Exercises .................................................. 278
8  Pseudorandom Generators .................................... 284
   Introduction ............................................... 285
   8.1  The General Paradigm .................................. 288
   8.2  General-Purpose Pseudorandom Generators ............... 290
        8.2.1  The Basic Definition ........................... 291
        8.2.2  The Archetypical Application ................... 292
        8.2.3  Computational Indistinguishability ............. 295
        8.2.4  Amplifying the Stretch Function ................ 299
        8.2.5  Constructions .................................. 301
        8.2.6  Non-uniformly Strong Pseudorandom Generators ... 304
        8.2.7  Stronger Notions and Conceptual Reflections .... 305
   8.3  Derandomization of Time-Complexity Classes ............ 307
        8.3.1  Defining Canonical Derandomizers ............... 308
        8.3.2  Constructing Canonical Derandomizers ........... 310
        8.3.3  Technical Variations and Conceptual
               Reflections .................................... 313
   8.4  Space-Bounded Distinguishers .......................... 315
        8.4.1  Definitional Issues ............................ 316
        8.4.2  Two Constructions .............................. 318
   8.5  Special-Purpose Generators ............................ 325
        8.5.1  Pairwise Independence Generators ............... 326
        8.5.2  Small-Bias Generators .......................... 329
        8.5.3  Random Walks on Expanders ...................... 332
   Chapter Notes .............................................. 334
   Exercises .................................................. 337
9  Probabilistic Proof Systems ................................ 349
   Introduction and Preliminaries ............................. 350
   9.1  Interactive Proof Systems ............................. 352
        9.1.1  Motivation and Perspective ..................... 352
        9.1.2  Definition ..................................... 354
        9.1.3  The Power of Interactive Proofs ................ 357
        9.1.4  Variants and Finer Structure: An Overview ...... 363
        9.1.5  On Computationally Bounded Provers: An
               Overview ....................................... 366
   9.2  Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems .......................... 368
        9.2.1  Definitional Issues ............................ 369
        9.2.2  The Power of Zero-Knowledge .................... 372
        9.2.3  Proofs of Knowledge - A Parenthetical
               Subsection ..................................... 378
   9.3  Probabilistically Checkable Proof Systems ............. 380
        9.3.1  Definition ..................................... 381
        9.3.2  The Power of Probabilistically Checkable
               Proofs ......................................... 383
        9.3.3  PCP and Approximation .......................... 398
        9.3.4  More on PCP Itself: An Overview ................ 401
   Chapter Notes .............................................. 404
   Exercises .................................................. 406
10 Relaxing the Requirements .................................. 416
   10.1 Approximation ......................................... 417
        10.1.1 Search or Optimization ......................... 418
        10.1.2 Decision or Property Testing ................... 423
   10.2 Average-Case Complexity ............................... 428
        10.2.1 The Basic Theory ............................... 430
        10.2.2 Ramifications .................................. 442
   Chapter Notes .............................................. 451
   Exercises .................................................. 453
   Epilogue ................................................... 461

Appendix A: Glossary of Complexity Classes .................... 463
   A.l  Preliminaries ......................................... 463
   A.2  Algorithm-Based Classes ............................... 464
        A.2.1  Time Complexity Classes ........................ 464
        A.2.2  Space Complexity Classes ....................... 467
   A.3  Circuit-Based Classes ................................. 467
Appendix B: On the Quest for Lower Bounds ..................... 469
   B.l  Preliminaries ......................................... 469
   B.2  Boolean Circuit Complexity ............................ 471
        B.2.1  Basic Results and Questions .................... 472
        B.2.2  Monotone Circuits .............................. 473
        B.2.3  Bounded-Depth Circuits ......................... 473
        B.2.4  Formula Size ................................... 474
   B.3  Arithmetic Circuits ................................... 475
        B.3.1  Univariate Polynomials ......................... 476
        B.3.2  Multivariate Polynomials ....................... 476
   B.4  Proof Complexity ...................................... 478
        B.4.1  Logical Proof Systems .......................... 480
        B.4.2  Algebraic Proof Systems ........................ 480
        B.4.3  Geometric Proof Systems ........................ 481
Appendix С: On the Foundations of Modern Cryptography ......... 482
   C.l  Introduction and Preliminaries ........................ 482
        C.l.l  The Underlying Principles ...................... 483
        C.l.2  The Computational Model ........................ 485
        С.1.3  Organization and Beyond ........................ 486
   C.2  Computational Difficulty .............................. 487
        C.2.1  One-Way Functions .............................. 487
        C.2.2  Hard-Core Predicates ........................... 489
   C.3  Pseudorandomness ...................................... 490
        C.3.1  Computational Indistinguishability ............. 490
        C.3.2  Pseudorandom Generators ........................ 491
        C.3.3  Pseudorandom Functions ......................... 492
   C.4  Zero-Knowledge ........................................ 494
        C.4.1  The Simulation Paradigm ........................ 494
        C.4.2  The Actual Definition .......................... 494
        C.4.3  A General Result and a Generic Application ..... 495
        C.4.4  Definitional Variations and Related Notions .... 497
   C.5 Encryption Schemes ..................................... 500
        C.5.1  Definitions .................................... 502
        C.5.2  Constructions .................................. 504
        C.5.3  Beyond Eavesdropping Security .................. 505
   C.6 Signatures and Message Authentication .................. 507
        C.6.1  Definitions .................................... 508
        C.6.2  Constructions .................................. 509
   C.7  General Cryptographic Protocols ....................... 511
        C.7.1  The Definitional Approach and Some Models ...... 512
        C.7.2  Some Known Results ............................. 517
   C.7.3  Construction Paradigms and Two Simple Protocols ..... 517
   C. 7.4  Concluding Remarks ................................. 522
Appendix D: Probabilistic Preliminaries and Advanced Topics
   in Randomization ........................................... 523
   D.l  Probabilistic Preliminaries ........................... 523
        D.1.1 Notational Conventions .......................... 523
        D.l.2  Three Inequalities ............................. 524
   D.2  Hashing ............................................... 528
        D.2.1  Definitions .................................... 528
        D.2.2  Constructions .................................. 529
        D.2.3  The Leftover Hash Lemma ........................ 529
   D.3  Sampling .............................................. 533
        D.3.1  Formal Setting ................................. 533
        D.3.2  Known Results .................................. 534
        D.3.3  Hitters ........................................ 535
   D.4  Randomness Extractors ................................. 536
        D.4.1  Definitions and Various Perspectives ........... 537
        D.4.2  Constructions .................................. 541
Appendix E: Explicit Constructions ............................ 545
   E.l  Error-Correcting Codes ................................ 546
        E.l.l  Basic Notions .................................. 546
        E.1.2  A Few Popular Codes ............................ 547
        E.1.3  Two Additional Computational Problems .......... 551
        E.l.4  A List-Decoding Bound .......................... 553
   E.2  Expander Graphs ....................................... 554
        E.2.1  Definitions and Properties ..................... 555
        E.2.2  Constructions .................................. 561
Appendix F: Some Omitted Proofs ............................... 566
   F.l  Proving That fig.1fig.2 Reduces to #fig.1 ........................ 566
   F.2  Proving That fig.3fig.1(ƒ) fig.6 fig.4fig.5(O(ƒ)) fig.6 fig.4fig.5(ƒ) ............. 572
        F.2.1  Emulating General Interactive Proofs by AM-
               Games .......................................... 572
        F.2.2  Linear Speedup for fig.4fig.5 ......................... 578
Appendix G: Some Computational Problems ....................... 583
   G.l  Graphs ................................................ 583
   G.2  Boolean Formulae ...................................... 585
   G.3  Finite Fields, Polynomials, and Vector Spaces ......... 586
   G.4  The Determinant and the Permanent ..................... 587
   G.5  Primes and Composite Numbers .......................... 587

Bibliography .................................................. 589

Index ......................................................... 601

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