Garratt J.R. The atmospheric boundary layer (Cambridge; New York, 1994) - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGarratt J.R. The atmospheric boundary layer. - Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. - xviii, 316 p.: ill. - (Cambridge atmospheric and space science series). - Ref.: p.294-310. - Ind.: p.311-316. - ISBN 0-521-46745-4

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface ..................................................... ix
   Symbols ..................................................... xi
   Abbreviations ............................................. xvii
1  The atmospheric boundary layer ............................... 1
 1.1  Introduction .............................................. 1
 1.2  History ................................................... 3
 1.3  Observing the ABL ......................................... 5
 1.4  ABL modelling ............................................. 5
 1.5  Applications .............................................. 6
 1.6  Scope of the book ......................................... 7
 1.7  Nomenclature and some definitions ......................... 8
      Notes and bibliography ................................... 12
2  Basic equations for mean and fluctuating 
      quantities ............................................... 15
 2.1  Turbulence and flow description .......................... 15
 2.2  Governing equations for mean and fluctuating 
      quantities ............................................... 20
 2.3  The simplified mean equations ............................ 25
 2.4  The turbulence closure problem ........................... 26
 2.5  The second-moment equations .............................. 29
 2.6  Turbulent kinetic energy and stability parameters ........ 32
      Notes and bibliography ................................... 38
3  Scaling laws for mean and turbulent quantities .............. 40
 3.1  The wind profile: simple considerations .................. 40
 3.2  Wind profile laws: the neutral case ...................... 42
 3.3  Monin-Obukhov similarity theory: the non-neutral
      surface layer ............................................ 49
 3.4  Generalized ABL similarity theory ........................ 60
 3.5  Similarity theory and turbulence statistics .............. 70
      Notes and bibliography ................................... 82
4  Surface roughness and local advection ....................... 85
 4.1  Aerodynamic characteristics of the land .................. 85
 4.2  Scalar roughness lengths ................................. 89
 4.3  The vegetation canopy ...................................  93
 4.4  Flow over the sea ........................................ 97
 4.5  Local advection and the internal boundary layer ......... 104
      Notes and bibliography .................................. 113
5  Energy fluxes at the land surface .......................... 115
 5.1  Surface energy balance and soil heat flux ..............  115
 5.2  Radiation fluxes ........................................ 120
 5.3  Evaporation ............................................. 125
 5.4  Condensation ............................................ 139
      Notes and bibliography .................................. 143
6  The thermally stratified atmospheric boundary layer ........ 145
 6.1  The convective boundary layer ........................... 145
 6.2  The stable (nocturnal) boundary layer ................... 164
 6.3  The marine atmospheric boundary layer ................... 182
 6.4  Mesoscale flow and IBL growth ........................... 186
      Notes and bibliography .................................. 191
7  The cloud-topped boundary layer ............................ 193
 7.1  General properties of the CTBL .......................... 194
 7.2  Observations ............................................ 200
 7.3  Radiation fluxes and cloud-top radiative cooling ........ 207
 7.4  Entrainment and entrainment instability ................. 212
 7.5  Numerical modelling of the CTBL ......................... 216
      Notes and bibliography .................................. 222
8  Atmospheric boundary-layer modelling and parameterization
      schemes ................................................. 224
 8.1  Introduction ............................................ 224
 8.2  Surface temperature ..................................... 226
 8.3  Surface humidity (soil moisture) ........................ 229
 8.4  Canopy parameterization ................................. 235
 8.5  Surface fluxes .......................................... 243
 8.6  Rate equation for ABL depth ............................. 244
 8.7  Turbulence closure schemes .............................. 245
 8.8  ABL cloud parameterization .............................. 256
      Notes and bibliography .................................. 257
9  The atmospheric boundary layer, climate and climate
      modelling ............................................... 258
 9.1  Introduction............................................. 258
 9.2  Sensitivity of climate to the ABL and to land surface ... 262
 9.3  Research priorities ..................................... 267
      Notes and bibliography .................................. 277
 Appendices ................................................... 279
 References ................................................... 294
 Index ........................................................ 311

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