Business fluctuations and long-phased cycles in high order macrosystems (New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBusiness fluctuations and long-phased cycles in high order macrosystems / C.Chiarella et al. - New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2009. - viii, 97 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.89-92. - Ind.: p.93-97. - ISBN-10 1-60456-654-X; ISBN-13 978-1-60456-654-3

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  The Structure of the Economy ............................ 4
   1.2  National Accounting (in Intensive Form) ................. 8
        1.2.1  The Sector of Firms (Table 3) .................... 8
        1.2.2  Asset Holders (Table 4a) ......................... 9
        1.2.3  Households (Workers) (Table 4b) .................. 9
        1.2.4  Fiscal and Monetary Authorities ................. 12
        1.2.5  International Relationships ..................... 13
2  Explicit Representation and Feedback Structure of the Core
   18D Dynamical System ........................................ 17
3  Numerical Simulations of the Real Part of 18D Dynamics ...... 29
   3.1  The 9D Real Part of the Economy ........................ 30
   3.2  The Keynes-Metzler-Goodwin Core 5D Dynamics ............ 35
   3.3  The KMG Core Dynamics with a Housing Sector ............ 41
   3.4  The KMG 5D Dynamics and the Mundell Effect ............. 41
   3.5  The Integrated Dynamics of the Real Part of the
        Economy ................................................ 45
4  Adding Policy Issues to the Real Dynamics ................... 47
   4.1  Interest Rate Policy Rules ............................. 47
   4.2  Fiscal Policy Rules .................................... 52
   4.3  Fiscal and Monetary Policy Rules in Interaction ........ 54
5  Adding Asset Price Dynamics to the Real Dynamics ............ 55
6  Numerical Investigations of the Full 18D Dynamics ........... 63
7  Conclusions ................................................. 81

Appendix: Notation ............................................. 85
References ..................................................... 89
Index .......................................................... 93

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