Inter-area oscillations in power systems: a nonlinear and nonstationary perspective (New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInter-area oscillations in power systems: a nonlinear and nonstationary perspective / ed. by A.R.Messina. - New York: Springer, 2009. - xvi, 267 p.: ill. - (Power electronics and power systems). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.261-267. - ISBN 978-0-387-89529-1

Оглавление / Contents
1  Signal Processing Methods for Estimating Small-Signal
   Dynamic Properties from Measured Responses ................... 1
   Daniel Trudnowski and John Pierre
2  Enhancements to the Hilbert-Huang Transform for Application
   to Power System Oscillations ................................ 37
   Nilanjan Senroy
3  Variants of Hilbert-Huang Transform with Applications to
   Power Systems' Oscillatory Dynamics ......................... 63
   Dina Shona Laila, Arturo Roman Messina, and Bikash Chandra 
4  Practical Application of Hilbert Transform Techniques in
   Identifying Inter-area Oscillations ........................ 101
   T.J. Browne, V. Vittal, G.T. Heydt, and Arturo Roman
5  A Real-Time Wide-Area Controller for Mitigating Small-
   Signal Instability ......................................... 127
   Jaime Quintero and Vaithianathan (Mani) 
6  Complex Empirical Orthogonal Function Analysis of Power
   System Oscillatory Dynamics ................................ 159
   P. Esquivel, E. Barocio, M.A. Andrade, and F. Lezama
7  Detection and Estimation of Nonstationary Power
   Transients ................................................. 189
   Gerard Ledwich, Ed Palmer, and Arindam Ghosh
8  Advanced Monitoring and Control Approaches for Enhancing
   Power System Security ...................................... 231
   Sergio Bruno, Michele De Benedictis, and Massimo La Scala
Index ......................................................... 261

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