Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirja = Journal de la Societe Finno-Ougrienne; 93 (Helsinki, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSuomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirja = Journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne; 93. - Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, 2011. - 459 s. - ISBN 978-952-5667-35-6; ISSN 0355-0214

Оглавление / Contents

Preface to the quasquicentennial issue .......................... 7
José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente: Venjukov's [1858] 1862/1868
    Nanai materials ......................................... 11-35
Arja Hamari: The abessive in the Permic languages ........... 37-84
Denis Kuzmin: -ngV|-н(ь)гV-johtimet Karjalan 
   nimistössä .............................................. 85-110
Matti Miestamo: Skolt Saami: A typological profile ........ 111-145
Takashi Ōsawa: Revisiting the Ongi inscription of 
   Mongolia from the Second Turkic Qaγanate on the basis 
   of rubbings by G.J. Ramstedt ........................... 147-203
Pauli Rahkonen: Finno-Ugrian hydronyms of the River
   Volkhov and Luga catchment areas ....................... 205-266
Ilona Rauhala: The terms for black and white and their
   development in the Uralic languages .................... 267-302
Kamil Stachowski: Remarks on the usefulness of different
   types of transcription, with a particular regard to
   Turkic comparative studies ............................. 303-338
Sabira Ståhlberg & Ingvar Svanberg: Gathering dog's
   tooth violet (Erythronium sibiricum) in Siberia ........ 339-352
Sabira Ståhlberg & Ingvar Svanberg: Wild animals in 
   Russian, Siberian and Central Asian households
   according to eighteenth-century travel reports ......... 353-384
Rigina Turunen: Double encoding of nominal and adjectival
   predicates: A study of the nominative-translative
   switch in Erzya ........................................ 385-315


László Honti: Etsiä ja ansaita ............................ 419-427
Esa-Jussi Salminen: Permistiikan symposiumit .............. 428-431

Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran vuosikertomus ja
   tilinpäätös vuodelta 2009 .............................. 432-445
Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran vuosikertomus ja 
tilinpäätös vuodelta 2010 ................................. 446-459

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