Studia Geologica Polonica; 134 (Krakow, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBąk M. Tethyan radiolarians at the Cenomanian-Turonian anoxic event from the Apennines (Umbria-Marche) and the Outer Carpathians: palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental implications. - Kraków: Instytut Nauk Geologicznych PAN, 2011. - 279 p.: ill. - (Studia Geologica Polonica, ISSN 0081-6426; 134) (Methods and Applications in Micropalaeontology / ed. by J.Tyszka; pt.2). - Bibliogr. p.262-279. - ISBN 978-83-61375-24-1

Оглавление / Contents
Abstract ........................................................ 9
Introduction .................................................... 9
Geological setting ............................................. 12
   Regional setting ............................................ 12
      Umbria-Marche basin ...................................... 12
      Outer Carpathian basins .................................. 14
   Upper Cenomanian-Lower Turonian lithostratigraphy and
   lithology ................................................... 14
      Umbria-Marche basin ...................................... 14
      Outer Carpathian basin ................................... 17
   Remarks on Upper Cenomanian-Lower Turonian stratigraphy ..... 18
Material ....................................................... 20
   Umbria-Marche basin ......................................... 20
   Outer Carpathian basins ..................................... 20
      Barnasiówka-Jasienica (BJ) and Barnasiówka-Ostra Góra 
      (OG) sections ............................................ 20
      Trzemeśnia section (Tr) .................................. 23
      Lanckorona section (Lc) .................................. 23
      Zasań section (Zas) ...................................... 23
Methods ........................................................ 23
   Methods of micropalaeontological analyses ................... 23
   Microfacies and micro-laminae analyses ...................... 27
   Diversity measure of radiolarians (partly also 
   foraminifers) ............................................... 27
   Carbon isotope record and phosphorus data ................... 28
Results ........................................................ 29
   Correlation of the studied sections ......................... 29
      Mid-Cenomanian Event ..................................... 29
      Middle-Upper Cenomanian Boundary ......................... 31
      Bonarelli Level vs OAE2 .................................. 32
      Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary ............................. 33
      Lower-Middle Turonian Boundary ........................... 33
   Chronostratigraphic correlation ............................. 36
   Correlation with phosphorus data in the Umbria-Marche
   Basin ....................................................... 36
   Radiolarian record .......................................... 37
      Umbria-Marche basin ...................................... 37
      Outer Carpathians - Silesian basin ....................... 47
      Outer Carpathians - Subsilesian basin .................... 73
   Systematic description ...................................... 76
      Order Nassellaria ........................................ 76
      Order Spumellaria ....................................... 119
      Order Entactinaria ...................................... 148
   Qualitative characteristics of the radiolarian
   assemblages ................................................ 156
      Contributions of Nassellaria, Spumellaria, and
      Entactinaria ............................................ 156
      General distribution patterns at the family, genus and
      species level ........................................... 156
   Radiolarian diversity ...................................... 162
      Species richness ........................................ 162
      Equitability ............................................ 162
      Evenness ................................................ 167
      Dominance ............................................... 168
      Species diversity based on Shannon and Simpson
      indices ................................................. 169
   Taxon clustering ........................................... 170
      Radiolarian frequency bar-charts ........................ 170
      Cluster analysis ........................................ 171
         Contributions of radiolarian groups in the 
         Umbria-Marche basin .................................. 173
         Contributions of radiolarian groups in the Outer
         Carpathian basins .................................... 189
         Comparison to the North European Platform (NEP) ...... 192
      Correspondence Analysis (CA) ............................ 193
      Grouping by relay index ................................. 197
   Micro-laminae analysis ..................................... 201
      Laminae accumulation rates .............................. 203
      Results of micro-laminae analysis ....................... 206
   Radiolarian test size variability .......................... 210
   Biostratigraphy ............................................ 213
      Radiolarian datum events vs diversity ................... 213
         Umbria-Marche basin .................................. 213
         Outer Carpathian basins .............................. 217
      Radiolarian datum events in relation to carbon 
      isotopic curve .......................................... 218
      Radiolarian biostratigraphy ............................. 219
         Hemicryptocapsa prepolyhedra Interval Zone ........... 220
         Hemicryptocapsa polyhedra Interval Zone .............. 221
         Alievium superbum Taxon Range Zone ................... 221
         Alievium superbum - Xitus mclaughlini Concurent
         Range Subzone ........................................ 222
      Correlation with ammonite and foraminiferal zonal
      schemes ................................................. 222
      Comparison with previous radiolarian biozonations of
      the Western Tethys ...................................... 224
Interpretation and discussion ................................. 225
   Impact of C-T press extinction event on radiolarian
   evolution .................................................. 225
      New data on radiolarian first and last occurrences ...... 226
      Radiolarian response on C-T press extinction ............ 229
      Lazarus effect .......................................... 229
   Radiolarian flux and their preservation potential .......... 232
      Dissolution of radiolarians ............................. 232
      Role of fecal pellets in particles transport ............ 233
      Radiolarian skeleton versus fecal pellets and marine
      snow particles .......................................... 235
      Contribution of grazers and OMZ to radiolarian flux ..... 236
   Distribution of radiolaria and other plankton
   constituents in relation to nutrients availability ......... 236
      Role of phosphorus and nitrogen sequestration in
      changes of plankton communities ......................... 237
      Radiolarians vs primary producers and nutrient
      availability ............................................ 241
      Radiolarian proliferation vs silicic acid
      concentration ........................................... 243
      Role of the mesopelagic zone in nutrient cycle .......... 243
   Environmental changes around the OAE2 and their influence
   on radiolarian assemblages ................................. 245
      Background conditions for radiolarian changes 
      (interval up to 330 ka before the Bonarelli Event) ...... 245
      Ecozone I (330-150 ka before the BL) .................... 246
      Ecozone II (from 150 ka up to onset of the BL) .......... 247
      Ecozone III (Bonarelli Interval) ........................ 250
      Ecozone IV (above BL until 940 ka beyond) ............... 253
   Interpretation of life habitats of Cretaceous
   radiolarians ............................................... 254
      Radiolarian feeding strategies .......................... 255
      Radiolarian interspecific size variability .............. 255
      Radiolarian ecological preferences ...................... 256
Conclusions ................................................... 260
Acknowledgements .............................................. 262
References .................................................... 262

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