Miralles M.P. The sun, the solar wind, and the heliosphere (Dordrecht, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMiralles M.P. The sun, the solar wind, and the heliosphere / ed. by M.P.Miralles, J.S.Almeida. - Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011. - xvi, 383 p.: ill. - (IAGA Special Sopron Book Series; 4). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.381-383. - ISBN 978-90-481-9787-3

Оглавление / Contents
Part I  Introduction ............................................ 1
1  The Sun, the Solar Wind, and the Heliosphere ................. 3
   Mari Paz Miralles and Jorge Sánchez Almeida
2  Universal Heliophysical Processes ............................ 9
   Nat Gopalswamy

Part II  The Solar Interior .................................... 21

3  Solar Convection Zone Dynamics .............................. 23
   Matthias Rempel
4  Solar Oscillations: Current Trends .......................... 31
   Sébastien Couvidat
5  Theories of the Solar Cycle : A Critical View ............... 39
   Hendrik С. Spruit
6  The New Solar Composition and the Solar Metallicity ......... 51
   Nicolas Grevesse, Martin Asplund, A. Jacques Sauval, and
   Pat Scott

Part III The Solar Atmosphere  ................................. 61
7  Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere Observed
   by Hinode ................................................... 63
   Shinsuke Imada, Hiroaki Isobe, and Toshifumi Shimizu
8  Constraining the Initiation and Early Evolution of CMEs
   with SECCHI on STEREO ....................................... 73
   Spiros Patsourakos
9  Funnels and the Origin of the Solar^Wind .................... 83
   Ruth Esser and Øystein Lie-Svendsen
10 MHD Simulations of the Global Solar Corona and the Solar
   Wind ....................................................... 101
   Roberto Lionello, Jon A. Linker, Zoran Mikić, Pete Riley,
   and Viacheslav S. Titov

Part IV The Heliosphere ....................................... 107
11 Solar Wind Observations from the STEREO Perspective
   (2007-2009) ................................................ 109
   Antoinette B. Galvin
12 Shocks in the Heliosphere .................................. 121
   Toshio Terasawa
13 Observations of the Termination Shock and Heliosheath ...... 131
   John D. Richardson

Part V Heliophysical Processes ................................ 145
14 Three Dimensional Magnetic Reconnection at Null Points
   and Separators ............................................. 147
   Clare E. Parnell, Andrew L. Haynes, and Rhona C. Maclean
15 Current Sheets in the Solar Atmosphere ..................... 157
   Giannina Poletto
16 Solar Energetic Particles .................................. 167
   Eino Valtonen
17 From Micro- to Macro-scales in the Heliosphere and
   Magnetosphere .............................................. 177
   Dastgeer Shaikh, Igor S. Veselovsky, Quanming M. Lu, 
   and Gary P. Zank
18 Selected Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere: 
   Information from Cosmic Rays ............................... 199
   Karel Kudela and Leonid L. Lazutin
19 Radio Emission Processes as Tracers of Heliospheric
   Weather: An Ontological Approach ........................... 209
   Mauro Messerotti

Part VI Radio Emissions ....................................... 221
20 Solar and Interplanetary Radio Emissions ................... 223
   Bo Li, Dalmiro J.F. Maia, and Milan Maksimovic
21 Radiation in the Solar System Through Converted
   Electrostatic Waves ........................................ 235
   Paul J. Kellogg and David M. Malaspina
22 Contributions of Radioheliograph Observations to the
   Understanding of Solar Flares, Coronal Mass Ejections,
   Electron Beams in the Corona and in the Interplanetary
   Medium ..................................................... 247
   Nicole Vilmer
23 Coherent Radio Emissions Associated with Solar System 
   Shocks ..................................................... 267
   Iver H. Cairns

Part VII Coordinated Science in the Sun-Earth System .......... 339
24 Advances in Coordinated Sun-Earth System Science Through
   Interdisciplinary Initiatives and International Programs ... 341
   Horst Fichtner and W. William Liu
25 Solar Orbiter: Linking the Sun and Inner Heliosphere ....... 347
   Richard G. Marsden and Daniel Müller
26 Scientific Objectives of the Canadian CASSIOPE Enhanced
   Polar Outflow Probe (e-POP) Small Satellite Mission ........ 355
   Andrew W. Yau and H. Gordon James
27 The Sun-Climate Connection Through Measurements and 
   Modeling: The Picard Investigation ......................... 365
   Gérard Thuillier, Steven Dewitte, Werner Schmutz, and the
   PICARD team
28 The International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) .......... 375
   Joseph M. Davila, Nat Gopalswamy, Barbara J. Thompson,
   Tom Bogdan, and Mike Hapgood

Index ......................................................... 381

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