Eukaryotic microbes (Amsterdam, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEukaryotic microbes / ed. by M.Schaechter. - Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2012. - xv, 479 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.467-479. - ISBN 978-0-12-383876-6

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Оглавление / Contents
Contributors ................................................. xiii
Preface ........................................................ xv

Part I Fungi

1  Yeasts
   G.M. Walker .................................................. 3
2  Aspergillus
   C. Scazzocchio .............................................. 19
3  Clavicipitaceae
   M.S. Torres and J.F. White .................................. 41
4  Endophytic Microbes
   M. Tadych and J.F. White .................................... 51
5  Microsporidia: A Model for Minimal Parasite-Host
   Catherine Texier, Cyril Vidau, Bernard Viguès, Hicham El
   Alaoui and Frédéric Delbac .................................. 65
6  Mycorrhizae
   J. Dighton .................................................. 73
7  Lichens
   S. Hammer ................................................... 85
8  Plant Pathogens and Disease
   J.J. Burdon, P.H. Thrall and L. Ericson ..................... 97
9  Fungal and Protist Plant Pathogens
   A.B. Gould ................................................. 105
10 Entomogenous Fungi
   R.A. Humber ................................................ 127
11 Fungal Infections, Systemic
   J.F. Staab and B. Wong ..................................... 143
12 Fungal Infections, Cutaneous
   C.J. Watts, D.K. Wagner and P.C. Sohnle .................... 167

Part II Protists

13 Amitochondriate Protists (Diplomonads, Parabasalids,
   and Oxymonads)
   A.G.B. Simpson and I. Ĉepiĉka .............................. 177
14 Amoebas, Lobose
   A. Smirnov ................................................. 191
15 Ciliates
   D. Lynn .................................................... 213
16 Secretive Ciliates and Putative Asexuality in Microbial
   Micah Dunthorn and Laura A. Katz ........................... 227
17 Coccolithophores	
   R.W. Jordan ................................................ 235
18 The Glass Menagerie: Diatoms for Novel Applications in
   Richard Gordon, Dusan Losic, Mary Ann Tiffany, Stephen
   S. Nagy and Frithjof A.S. Sterrenburg ...................... 249
19 Dinoflagellates
   M.-O. Soyer-Gobillard ...................................... 263
20 Dictyostelium
   C. Scott and P. Schaap ..................................... 279
21 Foraminifera
   J. Pawlowski ............................................... 291
22 Euglenozoa
   M.A. Farmer ................................................ 311
23 Protozoan, Intestinal
   K. Pierce and C.D. Huston .................................. 323
24 Leishmania
   G.B. Ogden and P.C. Melby .................................. 335
25 Oomycetes (Water Mold, Plant Pathogenic)
   S. Kamoun .................................................. 347
26 Picoeukaryotes
   R. Massana ................................................. 355
27 Stramenopiles
   H.S. Yoon, R.A. Andersen, S.M. Boo and D. Bhattacharya ..... 373
28 Toxoplasmosis
   J.C. Boothroyd ............................................. 385
29 Trypanosomes
   L.V. Kirchhoff, C.J. Bacchi, F.S. Machado, H.D. Weiss,
   H. Huang, S. Mukherjee, L.M. Weiss and H.B. Tanowitz ....... 397
30 Sleeping Sickness
   S.C. Welburn, K. Picozzi, I. Maudlin and P.P. Simarro .... 411
31 Secondary Endosymbiosis
   J.M. Archibald ............................................. 427
32 Algal Blooms
   P. Assmy and V. Smetacek ................................... 435
33 Food Webs, Microbial
   E.B. Sherr and B.F. Sherr .................................. 451

Index	......................................................... 467

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