Bioinformatics: high performance parallel computer architectures (Boca Raton, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBioinformatics: high performance parallel computer architectures / ed. by B.Schmidt. - Boca Raton: CRC, 2011. - xiv, 356 p.: ill. - (Embedded multi-core systems). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.337-356. - ISBN 978-1-4398-1498-8

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Editor ......................................................... xi
Contributors ................................................. xiii

1  Algorithms for Bioinformatics ................................ 1
   Bertil Schmidt
2  Introduction to GPGPUs and Massively Threaded Programming ... 29
   Robert M. Farber
3  FPGA: Architecture and Programming .......................... 49
   Douglas Maskell
4  Parallel Algorithms for Alignments on the Cell BE ........... 59
   Abhinav Sarje and Srinivas Aluru
5  Orchestrating the Phylogenetic Likelihood Function on
   Emerging Parallel Architectures ............................. 85
   Alexandros Stamatakis
6  Parallel Bioinformatics Algorithms for CUDA-Enabled GPUs ... 117
   Yongchao Liu, Bertil Schmidt, and Douglas Maskell
7  CUDA Error Correction Method for High-Throughput Short-
   Read Sequencing Data ....................................... 139
   Haixiang Shi, Weiguo Liu, and Bertil Schmidt
8  FPGA Acceleration of Seeded Similarity Searching ........... 157
   Arpith C. Jacob, Joseph M. Lancaster, Jeremy D. Buhler,
   and Roger D. Chamberlain
9  Seed-Based Parallel Protein Sequence Comparison Combining
   Multithreading, GPU, and FPGA Technologies ................. 181
   Dominique Lavenier and Van-Hoa Nguyen
10 Database Searching with Profile-Hidden Markov Models on
   Reconfigurable and Many-Core Architectures ................. 203
   John Paul Walters, Vipin Chaudhary, and Bertil Schmidt
11 COPACOBANA: A Massively Parallel FPGA-Based Computer
   Architecture ............................................... 223
   Manfred Schimmler, Lars Wienbrandt, Tim Güneysu, and Jost
12 Accelerating String Set Matching for Bioinformatics Using
   FPGA Hardware .............................................. 263
   Yoginder S. Dandass
13 Reconfigurable Neural System and Its Application to
   Dimeric Protein Binding Site Identification ................ 285
   Feng Lin and Maria Stepanova
14 Parallel FPGA Search Engine for Protein Identification ..... 313
   Daniel Coca, Istvan Bogdan, and Robert J. Beynon

Index ......................................................... 337

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