Khazanov G.V. Kinetic theory of the inner magnetospheric plasma (New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKhazanov G.V. Kinetic theory of the inner magnetospheric plasma. - New York: Springer, 2011. - xx, 581 p.: ill. - (Astrophysics and space science library; 372). - ISSN 0067-0057; ISBN 978-1-4419-6796-1

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction .................................................. 1
   1.1  General Overview ......................................... 1
   1.2  Complexity of the Inner Magnetosphere .................... 5
   References .................................................... 8
2  Kinetic Equations and Particle Collisions .................... 11
   2.1  Kinetic and Maxwell Equations ........................... 11
   2.2  Elastic Collisions ...................................... 13
   2.3  Inelastic Collisions .................................... 17
   2.4  Plasma Source ........................................... 20
   2.5  Superthermal Electron Kinetic Equation Simplification ... 24
   References ................................................... 26
3  General Description of Wave-Particle Interaction Phenomena ... 27
   3.1  Plasma Electrodynamics .................................. 27
   3.2  Energy of the Electromagnetic Field ..................... 31
   3.3  Electromagnetic Waves ................................... 34
   3.4  Dielectric Tensor of Collisionless Plasma ............... 36
   3.5  Maxwellian Plasma ....................................... 41
   3.6  Cold Plasma Approximation ............................... 43
   3.7  Wave Damping and Growth ................................. 46
   3.8  The Quasilinear Approximation ........................... 53
   3.9  Nonlinear Drift-Kinetic Equation ........................ 56
   References ................................................... 62
4  Hydrodynamic Description of Space Plasma ..................... 65
   4.1  Moments of the Kinetic Equation ......................... 65
   4.2  General Transport Equations ............................. 72
   4.3  The 16-Moment Approximation ............................. 79
   4.4  Coulomb Collision Terms ................................. 82
        4.4.1  General Expressions .............................. 82
        4.4.2  Collisions with Superthermal Electrons ........... 86
   4.5  Collisions with Neutral Particles ....................... 90
        4.5.1  Electrons ........................................ 90
        4.5.2  Ions ............................................. 98
   4.6  Wave-Particle Interaction Terms ........................ 102
        4.6.1  Quasilinear Interaction in Hydrodynamics:
               General Relationships ........................... 103
        4.6.2  Moments in a Bi-Maxwellian plasma ............... 108
        4.6.3  Moments in the Absence of a Transverse Drift .... 110
   4.7  Heat Balance Equation in the Presence of Temperature
        Anisotropy ............................................. 113
   4.8  Equations of Anisotropic Hydrodynamics for Modeling
        the Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Plasma .................... 119
   References .................................................. 121
5  Transport of Superthermal Electrons: General Analysis ....... 125
   5.1  Exact Solution of the Collisionless Drift Kinetic
        Equation ............................................... 125
        5.1.1  Introduction .................................... 125
        5.1.2  Moments of the Velocity Distribution Function ... 128
        5.1.3  The Generalized Approach ........................ 130
        5.1.4  Implementation .................................. 133
   5.2  Legendre Polynomial Expansion .......................... 140
   5.3  Description of Electron-Electron Collisions in the
        Lower Ionosphere ....................................... 146
        5.3.1  Lower Energies .................................. 146
        5.3.2  Fine Structure of Photoelectron Fluxes .......... 149
   5.4  Pitch-Angle Distribution in the Upper Ionosphere ....... 154
   5.5  Transport in the Plasmasphere .......................... 159
        5.5.1  Infinite Trapped Zone Approximation ............. 162
        5.5.2  The Distribution Function of Superthermal
               Electrons in the Plasmasphere ................... 165
        5.5.3  Plasmaspheric Transparency and Heating Rate ..... 170
   5.6  Thermal Electron Heating Rate .......................... 174
   5.7  The Loss Cone Distribution ............................. 184
   References .................................................. 188
6  Analysis of Cold Plasma Transport ........................... 193
   6.1  Convective Plasma Motion in the Magnetosphere .......... 193
   6.2  Density Distribution ................................... 194
        6.2.1  Model of the Electric Field ..................... 194
        6.2.2  Effects of Perpendicular Transport on
               Equatorial Density .............................. 196
        6.2.3  Plasma Distribution Along a Field Line .......... 201
   6.3  Effects of Magnetospheric Convection on Temperature .... 205
        6.3.1  Adiabatic Variations ............................ 206
        6.3.2  Heat Conduction ................................. 209
   6.4  Plasma Electron Temperature Anisotropy ................. 211
        6.4.1  The Effect of Anisotropy on Electron
               Temperature in the Plasmasphere ................. 212
        6.4.2  Electron Temperature Anisotropy Estimations ..... 215
        6.4.3  Discussion ...................................... 229
   6.5  Heating and Cooling of the Plasmasphere ................ 232
        6.5.1  Electron Energy Equation and Sources of
               Heating ......................................... 233
        6.5.2  Electron Temperatures in the Upper Ionosphere ... 234
        6.5.3  Plasmaspheric Solution .......................... 235
        6.5.4  Analysis ........................................ 237
   6.6  Polar Wind ............................................. 241
        6.6.1  Historical Remarks .............................. 241
        6.6.2  General Relations ............................... 244
        6.6.3  The Solution of the Kinetic Equation ............ 245
        6.6.4  Moments of the Velocity Distribution Function ... 247
        6.6.5  Thermal Electron Fluid Equations ................ 249
        6.6.6  The Necessity of a Generalized Model ............ 251
        6.6.7  Applications of the General Formulation ......... 256
   References .................................................. 263
7  Kinetic Theory of Superthermal Electron Transport ........... 271
   7.1  Superthermal Electron Studies .......................... 271
   7.2  Ionosphere-Plasmasphere Superthermal Electrons
        Coupling ............................................... 272
        7.2.1  Mathematical Formulation ........................ 272
        7.2.2  Steady-State Solution ........................... 276
        7.2.3  Nonsteady-State Solution ........................ 279
        7.2.4  Plasmaspheric Transparency ...................... 284
        7.2.5  Plasmaspheric Energy Interplay .................. 289
        7.2.6  Comparison with Observations .................... 292
   7.3  Global Superthermal Electron Transport ................. 294
        7.3.1  The Field-Aligned and Bounce-Averaged Models .... 295
        7.3.2  Combined Global Model ........................... 297
        7.3.3  Numerical Implementation ........................ 298
        7.3.4  The Low-Energy Limit ............................ 300
        7.3.5  Photoelectron Distribution Function Formation ... 304
        7.3.6  Injection of Plasma Sheet Electrons ............. 309
        7.3.7  The Combined Electron Distribution Function ..... 312
   7.4  Artificial Relativistic Electrons Injection ............ 317
        7.4.1  Interhemispheric Transport ...................... 318
        7.4.2  Global Transport ................................ 325
   7.5  Magnetospheric Convection Electric Field Dynamics and
        Storm-Time Particle Energization ....................... 351
        7.5.1  Electric Fields Models .......................... 351
        7.5.2  Model Description ............................... 353
        7.5.3  The 1-7 May 1998 Storm .......................... 355
        7.5.4  Results ......................................... 356
   References .................................................. 368
8  Kinetic Superthermal Electron Instabilities in the
   Ionosphere .................................................. 377
   8.1  The Generation of Plasma Oscillations by
        Photoelectrons ......................................... 377
        8.1.1  Dielectric Permittivity of Plasma ............... 377
        8.1.2  Cherenkov Resonance ............................. 379
        8.1.3  Cyclotron Resonance ............................. 385
        8.1.4  Double Resonance ................................ 388
   8.2  High-Frequency Fluctuations in the Ionospheric
        Plasma ................................................. 390
        8.2.1  Fluctuations of a Non-equilibrium Stable
               Plasma .......................................... 390
        8.2.2  Coulomb Scattering in a Weakly Non-equilibrium
               Plasma .......................................... 393
        8.2.3  Unstable Plasma Fluctuations .................... 396
   8.3  Relaxation of Electron Fluxes in the Auroral
        Ionosphere ............................................. 399
        8.3.1  The Origin of Electron Beams .................... 399
        8.3.2  Peculiarities of the Plasma Noise Distribution
               in the Auroral Ionosphere ....................... 406
        8.3.3  Instabilities of the Secondary Electrons in
               the Region of Their Production .................. 409
   8.4  Some Radio Physical Effects of Superthermal
        Electrons .............................................. 413
        8.4.1  The RIS Spectrum in the Presence of
               Photoelectrons: Diagnostic of Aeronomical
               Parameters ...................................... 414
        8.4.2  Ground-Based Diagnostic of Photoelectron
               Fluxes .......................................... 421
        8.4.3  Generation of VLF Emission ...................... 423
   References .................................................. 425
9  Kinetic Theory of Ring Current and Electromagnetic Ion
   Cyclotron Waves: Fundamentals ............................... 429
   9.1  General Overview ....................................... 429
        9.1.1  Terrestrial Ring Current ........................ 429
        9.1.2  Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves ............. 431
   9.2  EMIC Wave Generation and Propagation in
        Magnetosphere .......................................... 434
        9.2.1  EMIC Wave Modes in Multicomponent Plasma ........ 434
        9.2.2  Propagation in the Magnetosphere ................ 438
        9.2.3  Tunneling Effects ............................... 441
   9.3  Bouncing EMIC Waves Versus Unidirectional
        Propagation ............................................ 445
        9.3.1  Poynting Flux Analysis: No Reflection ........... 446
        9.3.2  Poynting Flux Analysis: With Reflection ......... 448
        9.3.3  EMIC Wave Ellipticity Argument .................. 454
        9.3.4  Convective Instability Argument ................. 456
   9.4  Governing Equations .................................... 458
        9.4.1  Wave Kinetic Equation ........................... 458
        9.4.2  Ring Current Particle Transport ................. 462
        9.4.3  Coupling with the Magnetospheric Electric
               Field ........................................... 463
        9.4.4  Simulation Scenarios ............................ 465
   9.5  The EMIC Wave Normal Angle Distribution ................ 471
        9.5.1  Prediction from Theory .......................... 471
        9.5.2  Comparison with Observations .................... 476
   9.6  The Effect of Ring Current H+ Density .................. 479
   References .................................................. 482
10 Kinetic Theory of Ring Current and Electromagnetic Ion
   Cyclotron Waves: Applications ............................... 491
   10.1 Wave-Induced Precipitated RC Fluxes .................... 491
   10.2 Heating of Thermal Plasmaspheric Electrons and
        Subauroral Ionospheric Temperature Enhancement ......... 494
        10.2.1 EMIC Wave and Coulomb Heating of Thermal
               Plasmaspheric Electrons ......................... 494
        10.2.2 Electron Heating Events in Subauroral Topside
               Ionosphere: Qualitative Comparison with
               Observations .................................... 498
        10.2.3 Relationship of Wave Heating to SAR Arcs ........ 501
   10.3 Associated Global Inner Magnetosphere Environment ...... 502
        10.3.1 Magnetospheric Electric Field ................... 502
        10.3.2 Plasmasphere .................................... 505
   10.4 Relativistic Electrons Scattering by EMIC Waves ........ 507
        10.4.1 Introduction .................................... 507
        10.4.2 Pitch-Angle Diffusion Coefficients: Model
               Calculations .................................... 509
        10.4.3 Bounce-Averaged Diffusion Coefficient: Self-
               Consistent Calculations ......................... 513
        10.4.4 CRRES-Based Calculations ........................ 515
   10.5 The Nonlinear Coupling of Electromagnetic Ion
        Cyclotron and Lower Hybrid Waves in the Ring Current
        Region ................................................. 521
        10.5.1 Lower Hybrid Waves .............................. 521
        10.5.2 Generation of Lower Hybrid Waves ................ 523
        10.5.3 Results and Discussion .......................... 531
   References .................................................. 535

Concluding Remarks ............................................. 541
Appendix A ..................................................... 545
Appendix В ..................................................... 549
Appendix С ..................................................... 553
Appendix D ..................................................... 557

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