International Symposium on Waves, Coherent Structures, and Turbulence in Plasmas: 12-15 Jauary 2010, Gandhinagar, India (Melville; New York, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInternational Symposium on Waves, Coherent Structures, and Turbulence in Plasmas: 12-15 Jauary 2010, Gandhinagar, India / ed. by A.Sen, S.Sharma, P.N.Guzdar. - Melville; New York: American Institute of Physics, 2010. - ix, 220 p.: ill. - (AIP conference proceedings; 1308). - ISBN 978-0-7354-0865-4; ISSN 0094-243X

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Committees ..................................................... ix

                         TURBULENCE STUDIES

Advances and Current Challenges in the Theory of Zonal-Flow
Generation ...................................................... 1
   J.A. Krommes
Studies of Intermittency-Like Phenomena in Plasma Turbulence
at IPR ......................................................... 13
   R. Jha, A. Das, N. Bisai, and P. Kaw
Dynamo Transition .............................................. 25
   M.K. Verma, R. Yadav, M. Chandra, S. Paul, and P. Wahi

                     LASER PLASMA INTERACTIONS

FIREX Project and Effects of Self-Generated Electric and 
Magnetic Fields on Electron Driven Fast Ignition ............... 37
   K. Mima, A. Sunahara, H. Shiraga, H. Nishimura, H. Azechi,
   T. Johzaki, H. Nagatomo, C. Garcia, and P. Veralde
Laser Experiments for High Energy Density Science .............. 46
   G. Ravindra Kumar
Ultrahigh Intensity Laser—Matter Interaction Studies at 
RRCAT, Indore .................................................. 51
   P.D. Gupta, P.A. Naik, J.A. Chakera, R. Ganeev, 
   H. Singhai, B.S. Rao, V. Arora, U. Chakravarty, and
   R.A. Khan
Anharmonic Resonance in Intense Laser-Matter Interaction: Key
to Collisionless Absorption .................................... 63
   P. Mulser and D. Bauer

                      MAGNETIC FUSION PLASMAS

Measurements and Modeling of Turbulent Transport in the Tore
Supra Tokamak .................................................. 75
   X. Garbet, J. Abiteboul, S. Benkadda, C. Bourdelle, 
   A. Casati, F. Clairet, N. Dubuit, G. Falchetto, 
   C. Fenzi, S. Futatani, V. Grandgirard, R. Guirlet,
   O.D. Gurcan, P. Hennequin, S. Heuraux, G.T. Hoang,
   C. Honore, R. Sabot, Y. Sarazin, J.L. Segui,
   A. Smolyakov, E. Trier, L. Vermare, and D. Villegas
Change of Paradigm for the Reversed Field Pinch ................ 85
   D.F. Escande
Synergy of Edge Shear Layer and Micro Turbulence in the 
Dynamics of the Density Limit of H-Mode Discharges ............. 97
   R. Singh, P.K. Kaw, M. Tokar, and P.H. Diamond
Geodesic Acoustic Mode in Toroidal Plasma ..................... 108
   N. Chakrabarti, P.N. Guzdar, R.G. Kleva, R. Singh,
   P.K. Kaw, V. Naulilj, and J.J. Rasmussen

                           SPACE PLASMAS

The Magnetosphere: A Complex Driven System .................... 120
   A. Surjalal Sharma


Observation and Control of Hamiltonian Chaos in Wave-
Particle Interaction .......................................... 132
   F. Doveil, Y. Elskens, and A. Ruzzon
Parametric Decay of Pumping Waves into Two Linear Modes in
SINP MaPLE Device ............................................. 142
   S. Biswas and R. Pal
Low Dimensional Model for the Fluctuations Observed in the
Maryland Centrifugal Experiment ............................... 148
   P.N. Guzdar, I. Uzun-Kaymak, A.B. Hassam, C. Teodorescu, 
   R.F. Ellis, R. Clary, C. Romero-Talamas, and W. Young
Energetic Electron Transport in an Inhomogeneous Plasma 
Medium ........................................................ 158
   A. Das
Identical Collision Terms/Solutions of Kinetic Eqn. and
Explanation of Damping of Waves in Plasmas and Solids Known
by Different Names ............................................ 170
   S.K. Sharma

                          EXOTIC PLASMAS

Electromagnetic Probes: A Chrometer of Heavy Ion Collision .... 175
   B. Sinha
Collective Dynamics of Strongly Coupled Dusty Plasmas ......... 184
   A. Sen
Thermodynamics of the Inter Conversion of Heat and Work via
Plasma Electric Fields ........................................ 196
   K. Avinash
Complex Plasma—The Plasma State of Soft Matter ................ 207
   M. Chaudhuri, Sergei, A. Khrapak, and G.E. Morfill

List of Participants .......................................... 215
Photographs ................................................... 217
Author Index .................................................. 219

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