Contemporary mathematics; 531 (Providence, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCombinatorics and graphs: twentieth anniversary conference of IPM combinatorics, May 15-21, 2009, Tehran, Iran / ed. by R.A.Brualdi et al. - Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2010. - ix, 264 p.: ill. - (Contemporary mathematics; 531). - Incl. bibl. ref.- ISBN 978-0-8218-4865-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... Vll
The Eigenvalues of Oppositeness Graphs in Buildings of 
Spherical Type
   Andries E. Brouwer ........................................... 1
On the Dynamic Chromatic Number of Graphs
   S. Akbari, M. Ghanbari, and S. Jahanbekam ................... 11
Signed Domination of Graphs and (0,1)-Matrices
   Adam H. Berliner, Richard A. Brualdi, Louis Deaett,
   Kathleen P. Kiernan, Seth A. Meyer, and Michael
   W. Schroeder ................................................ 19
Totally Balanced Test-Control Incomplete Crossover Designs
and Their Statistical Applications
   A.S. Hedayat and Wei Zheng .................................. 43
Euclidean Designs and Coherent Configurations
   Eiichi Bannai and Etsuko Bannai ............................. 59
Maps with Highest Level of Symmetry That Are Even More 
Symmetric Than Other Such Maps: Regular Maps with Largest
Exponent Groups
   Jozef Širáň and Yan Wang .................................... 95
A Note on Finite Groups Determined by a Combinatorial
   A. Rahnamai Barghi ......................................... 103
On the Zeros of Domination Polynomial of a Graph
   S. Akbari, S. Alikhani, M.R. Oboudi, and Y. H. Peng ........ 109
List Coloring of Graphs with Cycles of Length Divisible by 
a Given Integer
   S. Akbari, A. Doni, M. Ghanbari, S. Jahanbekam, and 
   A. Saito ................................................... 117
On Generalized Lucas Sequences
   Qiang Wang ................................................. 127
On Cycle-Free Lattices
   Amin Sakzad and Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi ...................... 143
On the Rational Independence Roots
  Saieed Akbari, Mohammad Reza Oboudi, and Sahar Qajar ........ 149
Graphs Cospectral with Kneser Graphs
   Willem H. Haemers abd Farzaneh Ramezani .................... 159
A Survey of Alternating Permutations
   Richard P. Stanley ......................................... 165
The Spectrum of the МсКау-Мillеr-Širáň graphs
   A. Mohammadian and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie ........................ 197
A Theorem on Incidence Matrices and Quasirandom Hypergraphs
   Domingos Dellamonica Jr., Peter Frankl, and Vojtĕch Rödl ... 201
Combinatorial Estimates by the Switching Method
   Mahdieh Hasheminezhad and Brendan D. McKay ................. 209
Characterizing Completely Regular Codes from an Algebraic
   Jacobus H. Koolen, Woo Sun Lee, and William J. Martin ...... 223
On the Real Unbiased Hadamard Matrices
   W.H. Holzmann, H. Kharaghani, and W. Orrick ................ 243
The Proportion of Various Graphs in Graph-Designs
   Richard M. Wilson .......................................... 251
On Unique Independence Weighted Graphs
   Farzad Didehvar, Ali D. Mehrabi, and Fatemeh Raee B. ....... 257

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