Sanskrit texts from the Tibetan Autonomous Region; N 8 (Beijing; Vienna, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDharmakïrti's Pramāṇaviniścaya. Chapter 3 / critically ed. by P.Hugon, T.Tomabechi; with a preface T.J.F.Tillemans. - Beijing; Vienna: China Tibetology Publishing House; Austrain Academy of Sciences, 2011. - xlvii, 223 p. - (Sanskrit texts from the Tibetan Autonomous Region; N 8). - Bibliogr.: p.187-200. - Ind.: p.201-223. - ISBN 978-7-80253-385-1; ISBN 978-3-7001-6893-5

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Acknowledgements .............................................. vii

Introduction ................................................. xiii

1  Additional remarks on the manuscripts ....................... xv
   1.1  Manuscript A ........................................... xv
   1.2  Manuscript В .......................................... xvi
   1.3  Manuscript С ......................................... xvii
   1.4  Manuscript D ........................................ xviii
   1.5  Manuscript E ........................................ xviii
   1.6  Manuscript N .......................................... xix
   1.7  Manuscript of Dharmottara's commentary (PVinṬ) ......... xx
2  The extant portions of the manuscripts for PVin3 ........... xxi
3  Additional remarks on the Tibetan translation ............. xxii
4  Relationship between the manuscripts ...................... xxiv
   4.1  A/D .................................................. xxvi
   4.2  B/E/N .............................................. xxviii
        4.2.1  В and E ..................................... xxviii
        4.2.2  N ............................................. xxix
   4.3  The relationship of manuscript С to the other
        manuscripts ........................................... xxx
   4.4  The exemplar(s) of the PVin used for the Tibetan
        translation ......................................... xxxiv
   4.5  The exemplar(s) of the PVin used by Dharmottara .... xxxvii
5  Editorial policy ....................................... xxxviii
   5.1  Conventions for the edition ............................ xl
   5.2  Conventions for the apparatus .......................... xl
        5.2.1  Apparatus 1 - Minor witnesses ................... xl
        5.2.2  Apparatus 2 - Critical apparatus ............... xli
   5.3  Typographical conventions, editorial signs and
        sigla ................................................ xliv
        5.3.1  Conventions in the text ....................... xliv
        5.3.2  Editorial indications in the margins .......... xliv
        5.3.3  Sigla in the apparatus of minor witnesses ...... xlv
        5.3.4  Editorial signs in the critical apparatus ...... xlv
6  Note on the numbering of the kārikās in chapter 3 ........ xlvii

Sanskrit text ................................................... 1
   Section I .................................................... 1
   Section II .................................................. 11
   Section III ................................................. 43
   Section IV .................................................. 91
   Section V .................................................. 132
   Section VI ................................................. 135
   Analysis ................................................... 139

Appendices .................................................... 163
1  Corrections to the Tibetan text ............................ 165
2  Marginalia ................................................. 168
3  List of PVin3 verses ....................................... 173

Bibliography .................................................. 185
General abbreviations ......................................... 187
Sources ....................................................... 188
Secondary literature .......................................... 194

Indices ....................................................... 201
Names of persons, texts and schools ........................... 203
Index locorum ................................................. 204
Pāda index .................................................... 216

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