Theoretical and technological advancements in nanotechnology and molecular computation: interdisciplinary gains (Hershey, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTheoretical and technological advancements in nanotechnology and molecular computation: interdisciplinary gains / [ed. by] B.MacLennan. - Hershey: Information Science Reference, 2011. - xxiv, 366 p.: ill. - (Premier Reference Source). - Ref.: p.315-347. - Ind.: p.360-366. - ISBN 978-1-60960-186-7

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xvi

                            Section 1

Chapter 1
Optimal DNA Codes for Computing and Self-Assembly ............... 1
   Max H. Garzon, The University of Memphis, USA
   Vinhthuy Phan, The University of Memphis, USA
   Andrew Neel, The University of Memphis, USA

Chapter 2
DNA Hash Pooling and its Applications .......................... 15
   Dennis Shasha, New York University, USA
   Martyn Amos, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Chapter 3
Cellular Nanocomputers: A Focused Review ....................... 28
   Ferdinand Peper, National Institute of Information and
   Communications Technology (NiCT), Japan
   Jia Lee, Celartem Technology Inc., Japan
   Susumu Adachi, National Institute of Information and 
   Communications Technology (NiCT), Japan
   Teijiro Isokawa, University of Hyogo, Japan

Chapter 4
An Advanced Architecture of a Massive Parallel Processing 
Nano Brain Operating 100 Billion Molecular Neurons 
Simultaneously ................................................. 43
   Anirban Bandyopadhyay, National Institute for Materials 
   Science, Japan
   Subrata Ghosh, National Institute for Materials Science,
   Daisuke Fujita, National Institute for Materials Science,
   Ranjit Pati, Michigan Technological University, USA
   Satyajit Sahu, National Institute for Materials Science,

                            Section 2

Chapter 5
Single-Electron Devices and Circuits Utilizing Stochastic
Operation for Intelligent Information Processing ............... 75
   Takashi Morie, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan

Chapter 6
Application of Single Electron Devices Utilizing Stochastic
Dynamics ...................................................... 100
   Shigeo Sato, Tohoku University, Japan
   Koji Nakajima, Tohoku University, Japan

Chapter 7
On the Reliability of Post-CMOS and SET Systems ............... 114
   Milos Stanisavljevic, Swiss Federal Institute of 
   Technology EPFL, Switzerland
   Alexandre Schmid, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 
   EPFL, Switzerland
   Yusuf Leblebici, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
   EPFL, Switzerland

Chapter 8
Full Adder Operation Based on Si Nanodot Array Device with
Multiple Inputs and Outputs ................................... 131
   Takuya Kaizawa, Hokkaido University, Japan
   Mingyu Jo, Hokkaido University, Japan
   Masashi Arita, Hokkaido University, Japan
   Akira Fujiwara, NTT Corporation, Japan
   Kenji Yamazaki, NTT Corporation, Japan
   Yukinori Ono, NTT Corporation, Japan
   Hiroshi Inokawa, Shizuoka University, Japan
   Yasuo Takahashi, Hokkaido University, Japan
   Jung-Bum Choi, Chungbuk National University, Korea

Chapter 9
Investigation on Stochastic Resonance in Quantum Dot and its
Summing Network ............................................... 140
   Seiya Kasai, Hokkaido University & Japan Science and 
   Technology Agency, Japan

Chapter 10
A Neuromorphic Single-Electron Circuit for Noise-Shaping 
Pulse-Density Modulation ...................................... 149
   Andrew Kilinga Kikombo, Hokkaido University, Japan
   Tetsuya Asai, Hokkaido University, Japan
   Takahide Oya, Yokohama National University, Japan
   Alexandre Schmid, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology 
   (EPFL), Switzerland Yusuf Leblebici, Swiss Federal 
   Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland 
   Yoshihito Amemiya, Hokkaido University, Japan

                            Section 3

Chapter 11
Simple Collision-Based Chemical Logic Gates with Adaptive
Computing ..................................................... 162
   Rita Toth, University of the West of England, UK
   Christopher Stone, University of the West of England, UK
   Ben de Lacy Costello, University of the West of England, UK
   Andrew Adamatzky, University of the West of England, UK 
   Larry Bull, University of the West of England, UK

Chapter 12
Toward Biomolecular Computers Using Reaction-Diffusion 
Dynamics ...................................................... 176
   Masahiko Hiratsuka, Sendai National College of Technology,
   Koichi Ito, Tohoku University, Japan
   Takafumi Aoki, Tohoku University, Japan
   Tatsuo Higuchi, Tohoku Institute of Technology, Japan

Chapter 13
Fine Control and Selection of Travelling Waves in Inorganic
Pattern Forming Reactions ..................................... 184
   B.P.J. de Lacy Costello, University of the West of 
   England, UK
   J. Armstrong, University of the West of England, UK
   I. Jahan, University of the West of England, UK
   N. M. Ratcliffe, University of the West of England, UK

Chapter 14
Dynamics of Particle-Based Reaction-Diffusion Computing:
Active vs. Passive, Attraction vs. Repulsion .................. 194
   Jeff Jones, University of the West of England, UK

Chapter 15
Towards Arithmetical Chips in Sub-Excitable Media: Cellular
Automaton Models .............................................. 223
   Liang Zhang, University of the West of England, UK
   Andrew Adamatzky, University of the West of England, UK

                            Section 4

Chapter 16
Organization-Oriented Chemical Programming of Distributed
Artifacts ..................................................... 240
   Naoki Matsumaru, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, 
   Thomas Hinze, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
   Peter Dittrich, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

Chapter 17
Dominant Spin Relaxation Mechanisms in Organic Semiconductor
Alq ........................................................... 259
   Sridhar Patibandla, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
   Bhargava Kanchibotla, Virginia Commonwealth University,
   Sandipan Pramanik, University of Alberta, Canada 
   Supriyo Bandyopadhyay, Virginia Commonwealth University,
   Marc Cahay, University of Cincinnati, USA

Chapter 18
The Synthesis of Stochastic Circuits for Nanoscale 
Computation ................................................... 279
   Weikang Qian, University of Minnesota, USA
   John Backes, University of Minnesota, USA
   Marc D. Riedel, University of Minnesota, USA

Chapter 19
Random Dynamical Network Automata for Nanoelectronics:
A Robustness and Learning Perspective ......................... 295
   Christof Teuscher, Portland State University, USA
   Natali Gulbahce, Northeastern University, USA
   Thimo Rohlf Genopole, France
   Alireza Goudarzi, Portland State University, USA

Compilation of References ..................................... 315
About the Contributors ........................................ 348
Index ......................................................... 360

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