Fay J.A. Energy and the environment: scientific and technological principles (New York; Oxford, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFay J.A. Energy and the environment: scientific and technological principles / J.A.Fay, D.S.Golomb. - 2nd ed. - New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. - xviii, 366 p. - (MIT-Pappalardo series in Mechanical Engineering). - Ind.: 361-366. - ISBN 978-0-19-976513-3

Оглавление / Contents
Tables ....................................................... xiii
Preface ........................................................ xv

1  ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT ................................... 1
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 1
        1.1.1  An Overview of This Text ......................... 2
   1.2  Energy .................................................. 7
        1.2.1  Electric Power ................................... 9
        1.2.2  Transportation Energy ........................... 10
        1.2.3  Energy as a Commodity ........................... 10
   1.3  The Environment ........................................ 11
        1.3.1  Managing Industrial Pollution 13 Bibliography ... 13
2  GLOBAL ENERGY USE AND SUPPLY ................................ 14
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 14
   2.2  Global Energy Consumption .............................. 15
   2.3  Global Carbon Emissions ................................ 17
   2.4  Global Energy Sources .................................. 18
   2.5  Global Electricity Consumption ......................... 20
   2.6  End-Use Energy Consumption in the United States
        2.6.1  Industrial Sector ............................... 22
        2.6.2  Residential Sector .............................. 24
        2.6.3  Commercial Sector ............................... 24
        2.6.4  Transportation Sector ........................... 25
   2.7  Global Energy Supply ................................... 26
        2.7.1  Coal Reserves ................................... 26
        2.7.2  Petroleum Reserves .............................. 27
        2.7.3  Unconventional Petroleum Resources .............. 29
        2.7.4  Natural Gas Reserves ............................ 29
        2.7.5  Unconventional Gas Resources .................... 30
        2.7.6  Summary of Fossil Reserves ...................... 31
   2.8  Conclusion ............................................. 31
   Problems .................................................... 32
   Bibliography ................................................ 33
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 34
   3.2  The Forms of Energy .................................... 35
        3.2.1  The Mechanical Energy of Macroscopic Bodies ..... 35
        3.2.2  The Energy of Atoms and Molecules ............... 36
        3.2.3  Chemical and Nuclear Energy ..................... 36
        3.2.4  Electric and Magnetic Energy .................... 37
        3.2.5  Total Energy .................................... 37
   3.3  Work and Heat Interactions ............................. 37
        3.3.1  Work Interaction ................................ 38
        3.3.2  Heat Interaction ................................ 39
   3.4  The First Law of Thermodynamics ........................ 39
   3.5  The Second Law of Thermodynamics ....................... 40
   3.6  Thermodynamic Properties ............................... 41
   3.7  Steady Flow ............................................ 43
   3.8  Heat Transfer and Heat Exchange ........................ 43
   3.9  Ideal Heat Engine Cycles ............................... 44
        3.9.1  The Carnot Cycle ................................ 45
        3.9.2  The Rankine Cycle ............................... 47
        3.9.3  The Otto Cycle .................................. 50
        3.9.4  The Brayton Cycle ............................... 52
        3.9.5  Combined Brayton and Rankine Cycles ............. 54
   3.10 The Vapor Compression Cycle: Refrigeration and Heat
        Pumps .................................................. 55
   3.11 Energy Processing: First and Second Law Constraints .... 57
        3.11.1 Fuel Heating Value .............................. 58
        3.11.2 Free Energy Change .............................. 59
        3.11.3 Separating Gases ................................ 60
   3.12 Fuel (Thermal) Efficiency .............................. 60
   3.13 Conclusion ............................................. 61
   Problems .................................................... 62
   Bibliography ................................................ 63
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 64
   4.2  Fossil Fuels ........................................... 64
   4.3  Combustion of Fossil Fuel .............................. 67
        4.3.1  Fuel Heating Value .............................. 68
   4.4  Biomass Fuels .......................................... 69
   4.5  Synthetic Fuels ........................................ 70
        4.5.1  Examples of Fossil Fuel Synthesis ............... 71
       Coal to Gas ............................ 72
        4.5.2  Examples of Biochemical Synthesis ............... 73
   4.6  Biochemical Production of Ethanol from Biomass ......... 74
   4.7  Electrochemical Reactions .............................. 74
        4.7.1  Fuel Cells ...................................... 75
        4.7.2  Practical Fuel Cell Systems ..................... 79
   4.8  The Hydrogen Economy ................................... 80
        4.8.1  Hydrogen Fuel for Vehicle Propulsion ............ 81
        4.8.2  Synthetic Hydrogen from Fossil Fuels with
               Carbon Capture and Storage ...................... 81
        4.8.3  Hydrogen as Energy Storage for Intermittent
               Electric Power Plants ........................... 82
        4.8.4  Hydrogen as a Substitute for Pipeline Natural
               Gas ............................................. 83
   4.9  Conclusion ............................................. 83
   Problems .................................................... 83
   Bibliography ................................................ 84
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 85
   5.2  Electromechanical Power Transformation ................. 88
   5.3  Electric Power Transmission ............................ 92
        5.3.1  AC/DC Conversion ................................ 93
   5.4  Energy Storage ......................................... 94
        5.4.1  Electrostatic Energy Storage .................... 94
        5.4.2  Magnetic Energy Storage ......................... 95
        5.4.3  Electrochemical Energy Storage .................. 96
       Lead-Acid Storage Battery .............. 97
       Lithium-Ion Storage Battery ............ 98
       Other Storage Batteries ................ 99
        5.4.4  Mechanical Energy Storage ....................... 99
       Pumped Hydropower ...................... 99
       Flywheel Energy Storage ............... 100
        5.4.5  Properties of Energy Storage Systems ........... 101
   5.5  Conclusion ............................................ 102
   Problems ................................................... 102
   Bibliography ............................................... 103
6  FOSSIL-FUELED POWER PLANTS ................................. 104
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 104
   6.2  Fossil-Fueled Power Plant Components .................. 105
        6.2.1  Fuel Storage and Preparation ................... 106
        6.2.2  Burner ......................................... 106
        6.2.3  Boiler ......................................... 108
        6.2.4  Steam Turbine .................................. 109
       Impulse Turbine ....................... 110
       Reaction Turbine ...................... 110
        6.2.5  Gas Turbine .................................... 111
        6.2.6  Condenser ...................................... 112
        6.2.7  Cooling Tower .................................. 113
       Wet Cooling Tower ..................... 113
       Dry Cooling Tower ..................... 114
        6.2.8  Generator ...................................... 114
        6.2.9  Combustion Stoichiometry ....................... 115
        6.2.10 Emission Control ............................... 116
      Control of Products of Incomplete
                        Combustion and Carbon Monoxide ........ 117
      Control of Particles .................. 117
      Sulfur Control ........................ 121
      Nitrogen Oxide Control ................ 125
      Mercury Control ....................... 128
      Toxic Metals .......................... 129
        6.2.11 Waste Disposal ................................. 129
   6.3  Advanced Cycles ....................................... 129
        6.3.1  Combined Cycle ................................. 129
        6.3.2  Coal Gasification Combined Cycle ............... 130
        6.3.3  Cogeneration ................................... 132
        6.3.4  Fuel Cell ...................................... 132
   6.4  Conclusion ............................................ 133
   Problems ................................................... 134
   Bibliography ............................................... 136
7  NUCLEAR-FUELED POWER PLANTS ................................ 137
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 137
   7.2  Nuclear Energy ........................................ 138
        7.2.1  Nuclear Energy from Fission .................... 138
   7.3  Radioactivity ......................................... 141
        7.3.1  Decay Rates and Half-Lives ..................... 142
        7.3.2  Units and Dosage ............................... 143
       Health Effects of Radiation ........... 144
       Radiation Protection Standards ........ 144
   7.4  Nuclear Reactors ...................................... 145
        7.4.1  Boiling Water Reactor .......................... 147
        7.4.2  Pressurized Water Reactor ...................... 149
        7.4.3  Gas-Cooled Reactor ............................. 151
        7.4.4  Breeder Reactor ................................ 151
   7.5  Nuclear Fuel Cycle .................................... 153
        7.5.1  Mining and Refining ............................ 153
        7.5.2  Gasification and Enrichment .................... 154
        7.5.3  Spent Fuel Reprocessing ........................ 155
        7.5.4  Temporary Waste Storage ........................ 156
        7.5.5  Permanent Waste Storage ........................ 156
   7.6  Fusion ................................................ 156
        7.6.1  Magnetic Confinement ........................... 157
        7.6.2  Laser Fusion ................................... 158
   7.7  Energy Evolvement in Nuclear Fission and Fusion
        Reactions ............................................. 158
   7.8  Conclusions ........................................... 159
   Problems ................................................... 159
   Bibliography ............................................... 161
8  RENEWABLE ENERGY ........................................... 162
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 162
   8.2  Hydropower ............................................ 164
        8.2.1  Environmental Effects .......................... 167
   8.3  Biomass Energy ........................................ 168
        8.3.1  Photosynthesis ................................. 169
        8.3.2  Biofuels ....................................... 169
       Bioethanol ............................ 171
       Biodiesel ............................. 171
        8.3.3  Wood as Biofuel ................................ 171
        8.3.4  Environmental Effects .......................... 172
   8.4  Geothermal Energy ..................................... 173
        8.4.1  Environmental Effects .......................... 176
   8.5  Solar Energy .......................................... 176
        8.5.1  Fiat Plate Collector ........................... 181
        8.5.2  Focusing Collectors ............................ 183
       Solar Thermal Farms ................... 185
        8.5.3  Photovoltaic Cells ............................. 185
       Photovoltaic Farms .................... 190
        8.5.4  Environmental Effects .......................... 192
   8.6  Wind Power ............................................ 192
        8.6.1  Aerodynamics of Wind Turbine Operation ......... 193
        8.6.2  Mechanical and Electrical Components ........... 196
        8.6.3  Wind Resources ................................. 198
       Capacity Factor ....................... 200
       Effectiveness ......................... 202
       Wind Variability and Predictability ... 202
        8.6.4  Economical Turbine Designs ..................... 204
        8.6.5  Wind Farms ..................................... 205
        8.6.6  Integrating Wind Farms into the Electric
               Power Network .................................. 208
       Averaging an Array of Wind Farms ...... 209
        8.6.7  Environmental Effects .......................... 210
   8.7  Tidal Power ........................................... 210
        8.7.1  Tidal Current Power ............................ 214
        8.7.2  Environmental Effects .......................... 216
   8.8  Ocean Wave Power ...................................... 216
        8.8.1  Ocean Wave Energy and Power .................... 217
        8.8.2  Ocean Wave Power Systems ....................... 220
        8.8.1  Wave Power Farms ............................... 224
        8.8.4  Environmental Impacts .......................... 224
   8.9  Ocean Thermal Power ................................... 225
   8.10 Capital Cost of Renewable Electric Power .............. 226
   8.11 Conclusion ............................................ 228
   Problems ................................................... 228
   Bibliography ............................................... 231
9  AUTOMOTIVE TRANSPORTATION .................................. 233
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 233
   9.2  Internal Combustion Engines for Highway Vehicles ...... 236
        9.2.1  Combustion in SI and CI engines ................ 238
   9.3  Engine Power and Performance .......................... 240
        9.3.1  Engine Efficiency .............................. 242
   9.4  Vehicle Power and Performance ......................... 244
        9.4.1  Connecting the Engine to the Wheels ............ 246
   9.5  Vehicle Fuel Efficiency ............................... 248
        9.5.1  U.S. Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Regulations and
               Test Cycles .................................... 248
        9.5.2  Improving Vehicle Fuel Economy ................. 251
       Improving Vehicle Performance ......... 251
       Improving Engine Performance .......... 252
   9.6  Electric-Drive Vehicles ............................... 254
        9.6.1  Vehicles Powered by Storage Batteries .......... 254
        9.6.2  Hybrid Vehicles ................................ 255
        9.6.3  Fuel Cell Vehicles ............................. 256
   9.7  Vehicle Emissions ..................................... 259
        9.7.1  U.S. Vehicle Emission Standards ................ 259
        9.7.2  Reducing Vehicle Emissions ..................... 261
       Reducing Engine-Out Emissions ......... 263
       Catalytic Converters for Exhaust Gas
                        Treatment ............................. 263
       Evaporative Emissions ................. 265
       Reducing CI Engine Emissions .......... 265
       Fuel Quality and Its Regulation ....... 266
   9.8  Conclusion ............................................ 267
   Problems ................................................... 268
   Bibliography ............................................... 269
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 271
   10.2 Air Pollution ......................................... 272
        10.2.1 U.S. Emission Standards ........................ 273
        10.2.2 U.S. Ambient Standards ......................... 275
        10.2.3 Health and Environmental Effects of Fossil-
               Fuel-Related Air Pollutants .................... 277
        10.2.4 Air Pollution Meteorology ...................... 279
        10.2.5 Air Quality Modeling ........................... 281
      Modeling of Steady-State Point
                        Source ................................ 281
      Plume Rise ............................ 283
      Steady-State Line Source .............. 284
      Steady-State Area Source .............. 284
        10.2.6 Photo-Oxidants ................................. 285
      Photo-Oxidant Modeling ................ 287
        10.2.7 Acid Deposition ................................ 290
      Acid Deposition Modeling .............. 293
        10.2.8 Regional Haze and Visibility Impairment ........ 295
   10.3 Water Pollution ....................................... 297
        10.3.1 Acid Mine Drainage and Coal Washing ............ 298
        10.3.2 Solid Waste from Power Plants .................. 299
        10.3.3 Water Use and Thermal Pollution from Power
               Plants ......................................... 299
        10.3.4 Atmospheric Deposition of Toxic Pollutants
               onto Surface Waters ............................ 300
      Toxic Metals .......................... 300
      Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ...... 300
   10.4 Land Pollution ........................................ 301
   10.5 Conclusion 302 Problems ............................... 303
   Bibliography ............................................... 304
11 GLOBAL WARMING AND CLIMATE CHANGE .......................... 305
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 305
   11.2 What Is the Greenhouse Effect? ........................ 306
        11.2.1 Solar and Terrestrial Radiation ................ 307
        11.2.2 Sun-Earth-Space Radiative Equilibrium .......... 309
        11.2.3 Modeling Global Warming ........................ 311
        11.2.4 Global Warming Potential ....................... 312
        11.2.5 Radiative Forcing .............................. 313
        11.2.6 Results of Global Warming Modeling ............. 316
        11.2.7 Observed Trend of Global Warming ............... 316
   11.3 Associated Effects of Global Warming .................. 317
        11.3.1 Sea Level Rise ................................. 317
        11.3.2 Water Vapor and Precipitation Changes .......... 318
        11.3.3 Hurricanes and Typhoons ........................ 318
        11.3.4 Climate Changes ................................ 318
   11.4 Greenhouse Gas Emissions .............................. 319
        11.4.1 Carbon Dioxide Emissions and the Carbon
               Cycle .......................................... 319
        11.4.2 Methane ........................................ 320
        11.4.3 Nitrous Oxide .................................. 322
        11.4.4 Chlorofluorocarbons ............................ 322
        11.4.5 Ozone .......................................... 323
   11.5 Conclusion ............................................ 323
   Problems ................................................... 324
   Bibliography ............................................... 324
12 MITIGATING GLOBAL WARMING .................................. 326
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 326
   12.2 Controlling Halocarbon Emissions ...................... 326
   12.3 Controlling Nitrous Oxide Emissions ................... 327
   12.4 Controlling Methane Emissions ......................... 327
        12.4.1 Controlling Methane Generated by Coal Mining ... 328
        12.4.2 Controlling Methane from Petroleum and
               Natural Gas Operations ......................... 328
        12.4.3 Controlling Landfill Methane ................... 328
   12.5 Controlling Carbon Dioxide Emissions .................. 329
        12.5.1 Controlling CO2 Emissions from Fossil-Fueled
               Electric Power Plants .......................... 330
      Shift from Coal or Oil to Natural
                        Gas Fuel .............................. 330
      Natural Gas-Fired Combined Cycle
                        Plants ................................ 330
      Capturing CO2 from the Flue Gas by
                        Chemical Absorption ................... 330
      Oxyfuel Combustion with CO2 Capture ... 332
      Integrated Coal Gasification
                        Combined Cycle Plants with CO2
                        Capture ............................... 333
      Capturing CO2 after Gasification by
                        Physical Absorption ................... 334
      Capturing CO2 after Gasification by
                        Membrane Separation ................... 335
   12.6 Thermal Efficiency and Cost of Controlling CO2
        Emissions from Power Plants ........................... 336
   12.7 CO2 Sequestration ..................................... 337
        12.7.1 Sequestration in Oil and Gas Reservoirs ........ 337
        12.7.2 Sequestration in Coal Seams .................... 338
        12.7.3 Sequestration in Deep Sedimentary Basins ....... 339
        12.7.4 Sequestration in the Deep Ocean ................ 341
        12.7.5 CO2 Removal from the Atmosphere ................ 344
      Afforestation ......................... 344
      Ocean Fertilization ................... 344
      Mineral Sequestration ................. 344
      CO2 Utilization ....................... 344
   12.8 Conclusion ............................................ 346
   Problems ................................................... 346
   Bibliography ............................................... 348
13 CONCLUDING REMARKS ......................................... 349
   13.1 Energy Resources ...................................... 349
   13.2 Regulating the Environmental Effects of Energy Use .... 350
   13.3 Global Climate Change ................................. 352
        13.3.1 Coping with Climate Change ..................... 353
   13.4 Conclusion ............................................ 355

Appendix A: Measuring Energy .................................. 356

Index ......................................................... 361

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