Forschungsbericht 2012-02 (Koln, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe DLR project Wetter & Fliegen / ed. by T.Gerz, C.Schwarz; Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Oberpfaffenhofen, Braunschweig, Göttingen und Gamburg. - - Köln: DLR, Bibliotheks- und Informationswesen, 2012. - v, 274 p.: ill. - (Forschungsbericht 2012-02). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISSN 1434-8454

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Aircraft Wake Vortices .................................. 2
   1.2  Air Traffic Management and Meteorology .................. 3
   1.3  Aircraft and Atmosphere ................................. 4
   1.4  The DLR Project Wetter & Fliegen ........................ 5
   1.5  Outline of the Report ................................... 6
2  Wake and Weather Information Systems for Aerodromes .......... 8
   2.1  Prediction of Dynamic Pairwise Wake Vortex Separations
        for Approach and Landing ................................ 8
   2.2  Concatenating Weather Monitoring and Forecast: the
        WxFUSION Concept ....................................... 25
   2.3  Nowcasting Thunderstorms for Munich Airport ............ 32
   2.4  Nowcasting Winter Weather at Munich Airport ............ 46
   2.5  Limited Area Numerical Weather Prediction .............. 58
3  Risk and Economic Assessments ............................... 65
   3.1  Economic Assessment of a Wake Vortex Advisory System ... 65
   3.2  Wake Vortex Scenarios Simulation Package for Take-Off
        and Departure .......................................... 87
   3.3  Economic Assessment of Enhanced Information on
        Convective Weather .................................... 107
4  Advanced Flight Control Systems for Atmospheric
   Disturbance Mitigation ..................................... 117
   4.1  Wake Impact Alleviation Control Functions and Sensor
        Requirements .......................................... 117
   4.2  Simulated Lidar Signals for Wake Vortex Detection
        ahead of the Aircraft ................................. 130
   4.3  Wake Characterisation Using LIDAR Measurements ........ 144
   4.4  Wake Vortex Encounter Modelling and Validation by
        Flight Tests .......................................... 153
   4.5  Design and Flight Testing of Feedback Control Laws .... 162
5  Flight Systems to Increase Situational Awareness and
   Avoid Hazards .............................................. 171
   5.1  System and HMI Design of a Wake Encounter Avoidance
        and Advisory System ................................... 171
   5.2  Situational Awareness about Thunderstorms On-board
        an Aircraft ........................................... 184
   5.3  Air Traffic Operational Concept for Mitigating the
        Impact of Thunderstorms ............................... 192
6  Wake Vortex Physics and Encounter Consequences ............. 197
   6.1  Wake-Vortex Topology, Circulation, and Turbulent
        Exchange Processes .................................... 197
   6.2  Large-Eddy Simulation of Wake Vortex Evolution from
        Roll-Up to Decay ...................................... 211
   6.3  Experimental Study on Wake Vortices Impacted by
        Turbulence and Surfaces ............................... 222
   6.4  Large-Eddy Simulations of Wake Vortices in Ground
        Proximity and Crosswind ............................... 233
   6.5  Wake Characterisation by Encounter Flight Tests ....... 243
   6.6  On the Influence of Vortex Curvature on Wake
        Encounter Hazard ...................................... 253
7  Concluding Remarks and Future Activities ................... 266
   List of Publications and Reports of the Team ............... 267

Glossary ...................................................... 272

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