Religion and logic in Buddhist philosophical analysis: proceedings of the Fourth International Dharmakirti Conference (Wien, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаReligion and logic in Buddhist philosophical analysis: proceedings of the Fourth International Dharmakīrti Conference, Vienna, August 23-27, 2005 / ed. by H.Krasser et al. - Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2011. - xxi, 521 p.: 1 col. ill. - (Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens; N 69) (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Denkschriften; Bd.424). - ISBN 978-3-7001-7000-6

Оглавление / Contents
Frontispiece: Paricipants at the conference ...................... v
Preface ......................................................... ix
Account of the Fourth International Dharmakīrti Conference in 
Vienna, August 23-27, 2005 
   Program ...................................................... xi
   List of participants ......................................... xv
Ernst Steinkellner, Opening speech - News from the manuscript
   department ................................................. xvii


Piotr Balcerowicz, Dharmakīrti's criticism of the Jaina
   doctrine of multiplexity of reality (anekāntāvada) ............ 1
Junjie Chu, Sanskrit fragments of Dharmakīrti's 
   Santānāntarasiddhi ........................................... 33
Vincent Eltschinger, Studies on Dharmakīrti's religious 
   philosophy (3): Compassion and its role in the general
   structure of PV 2 ............................................ 43
Koji Ezaki, Can we say that everything is ineffable? Udayana's
   refutation of the theory of apoha ............................ 73
Eli Franco, Perception of yogis - Some epistemological and
   metaphysical considerations .................................. 81
Torn Funayama, Kamalaśīla's view on yogic perception and the
   bodhisattva paths ............................................ 99
Brendan S. Gillon, Dharmakīrti on inference from effect.
   A discussion of verse 12 and the Svavṛtti of the 
   Svārthānumāna chapter of the Pramāṇavārttika ................ 113
Klaus Glashoff, Problems of transcribing avinābhāva into
   predicate logic ............................................. 131
Keijin Hayashi, Prajñākaragupta's interpretation of mental
   perception .................................................. 139
Yoshichika Honda, Bhoja and Dharmakīrti ........................ 151
Pascale Hugon, Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge's views on
   perception .................................................. 159
Masahiro Inami, Nondual cognition .............................. 177
Hisataka Ishida, On the classification of anyāpoha ............. 197
Takashi Iwata, Compassion in Buddhist logic - Dharmakīrti's
   view of compassion as inter-preted by Prajñākaragupta ....... 211
Куō Kanō, Dichotomy, antarvyāpti, and dṛṣṭānta .................. 231
Kei Kataoka, Manu and the Buddha for Kumārila and 
   Dharmakīrti ................................................. 255
Shoryu Katsura, From Abhidharma to Dharmakīrti - With 
   a special reference to the concept of svabhāva .............. 271
Yohei Kawajiri, A critique of the Buddhist theory of
   adhyavasāya in the Pratyabhijñā school ...................... 281
Birgit Kellner, Dharmakīrti's criticism of external realism 
   and the sliding scale of analysis ........................... 291
Hisayasu Kobayashi, On the development of the argument to
   prove vijñaptimātratā ....................................... 299
Taiken Kyuma, On the (im)perceptibility of external objects 
   in Dharmakīrti's epistemology ............................... 309
Lawrence McCrea, Prajñākaragupta on the pramāṇas and their
   objects ..................................................... 319
Shinya Moriyama, pramāṇapariśuddhasakalatattvajña, sarvajña
   and sarvasarvajña ........................................... 329
Yasutaka Muroya, Bhāsarvajña's Interpretation of bhāva eva
   nāśaḥ and a related chrono-logical problem .................. 341
Hiroshi Nemoto, The proof of impermanence in the dGe lugs 
   pa's pramāṇa theory ......................................... 363
Miyako Notake, The concept of samayābhoga in the refutation
   of the existence of universale .............................. 375
Hideyo Ogawa, On the term anupalabdhi .......................... 395
Masamichi Sakai, Śākyabuddhi and Dharmottara on the inference
   of momentariness based on the absence of external causes
   of destruction .............................................. 407
Kiyokuni Shiga, antarvyāpti and bahirvyāpti re-examined ........ 423
John Taber, Did Dharmakīrti think the Buddha had desires? ...... 437
Tom J.F. Tillemans, Dignāga, Bhāviveka and Dharmakīrti on
   apoha ....................................................... 449
Toshikazu Watanabe, Dharmakīrti's intention to quote
   Pramāṇasamuccaya III 12 ..................................... 459
Jeson Woo, Vācaspatimiśra and Jñānaśrīmitra on the object of
   yogipratyakṣa ............................................... 469
Zhihua Yao, Non-cognition and the third pramāṇa ................ 477
Chizuko Yoshimizu, What makes all the produced impermanent?
   Proof of impermanence and theory of causality ............... 491
Kiyotaka Yoshimizu, Reconsidering the fragment of the
   Bṛhaṭṭīkā on restriction (niyama) ............................. 507

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