| Bannert D. The geology of the Indoburman Ranges in Myanmar / D.Bannert, A.S.Lyen, T.Htay; Hrsg. von der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe und dem Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie. - Hannover: Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2011. - 101 p.: col. ill., col. maps; + 1 folded map. - (Geologisches Jahrbuch. Reihe B. Regionale Geologie Ausland; Heft 101). - ISBN 978-3-510-95993-8; ISSN 0341-6402
1 Introduction ................................................. 9
2 Stratigraphy ................................................ 13
2.1 Stratigraphy of the Indoburman Ranges .................. 13
2.1.1 Ophiolitic rocks - the basement of the
Indoburman Flysch ............................... 13
2.1.2 The Indoburman Flysch ........................... 20
2.1.3 Paleogene / Neogene molasse ..................... 32
2.2 Stratigraphy of the eastern Indoburman Ranges .......... 37
2.2.1 Metamorphic rocks ............................... 37
2.2.2 Triassic rocks .................................. 46
2.2.3 Cretaceous rocks ................................ 50
2.3 Stratigraphy of the Western Outcrops of the
Innerburman Tertiary Basin ............................. 52
3 Tectonics ................................................... 54
3.1 Rakhine ................................................ 55
3.1.1 The Ramree - Cheduba Archipelago and the
Rakhine coastal area ............................ 55
3.1.2 The southern Rakhine Yoma ....................... 58
3.1.3 The northern Rakhine Yoma ....................... 61
3.2 The Chin Hills ......................................... 64
3.2.1 The southern Chin Hills ......................... 64
3.2.2 The northern Chin Hills ......................... 64
3.3 The Naga Hills ......................................... 67
3.4 The Patkoi Ranges ...................................... 73
3.5 The Kabaw Valley Fault ................................. 76
4 Plate tectonic development and paleogeographic
constraints ................................................. 79
5 References .................................................. 91
Map 1: Geological Map of the northern Chin Hills ............... 99
Map 2: Geological Map of the northern Myanmar and Indian
Naga Hills
(enclosed in a pocket at the end of this volume)