Pilgrimage and faith: Buddhism, Christianity and Islam (Chicago, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPilgrimage and faith: Buddhism, Christianity and Islam / ed. by V.C.Raguin, D.Bangdel, F.E.Peters. - Chicago: Serindia Publications, 2010. - 356 p.: ill. (cheifly col.), maps (cheifly col.). - Bibliogr.: p.338-348. - Ind.: p.353-356. – ISBN 978-193247648-4

Оглавление / Contents
Preface by Virginia C. Raguin ................................... 6
Origins and History of Pilgrimage for Christians, Muslims,
   and Buddhists by F.E. Peters and Dina Bangdel ............... 12


Relics, Pilgrimage, and Personal Transformation in Buddhism 
   by Susan L. Huntington ...................................... 40
Tracing the Footsteps of the Buddha: Pilgrimage to the 
   Eight Great Places (Ashtamahasthana) by Dina Bangdel ........ 54
Pilgrimage Traditions in Nepal by Dina Bangdel ................. 62
Pilgrimage and Gift-Giving in Newar Buddhism by Kerry Lucinda
   Brown ....................................................... 86
Pilgrimage in Tibet by Toni Huber .............................. 94
Pilgrimages to Paradise by Martin Brauen ...................... 108
Journey of the Heart: Prostrating on the Roof of the World
   by Krisadawan Hongladarom .................................. 114
Saikoku Pilgrimage: Japanese Devotees Search for Kannon
   by Elizabeth ten Grotenhuis ................................ 126


Christian Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
   by Virginia C. Raguin ...................................... 142
The Relics of the Infancy of Christ at Rome's Santa Maria
   Maggiore by Virginia C. Raguin ............................. 168
Rome's Santa Croce in Gerusalemme and Relics of the Passion
   of Christ by Virginia C. Raguin ............................ 172
Saint Peter's in Rome and the Relic of Veronica's Veil 
   by Virginia C. Raguin ...................................... 176
Relics Defined: Discoveries on Site, Invention, Translation
   and Furta Sacra by David M. Perry .......................... 182
Egeria's Description of the Liturgical Year in Jerusalem:
   Excerpt for the Good Friday Veneration of the Cross ........ 188
The Holy Land Experienced Vicariously in Lowlands Devotional
   Practices Cloistered Women's Strategies for Taking Mental
   Pilgrimages in Northern Europe by Kathryn M. Rudy .......... 191
Anselm Adornes' Jerusalem Pilgrimage and the
   Jeruzalemkapel of Bruges by Mitzi Kirkland-Ives ............ 193
A Souvenir on Your Hat: Medieval Christian Pilgrims'
   Badges by Jennifer Lee ..................................... 196
"Pilgrimage on a Page": Pilgrims' Badges in Late Medieval
   Manuscripts by Megan H. Foster-Campbell .................... 202
Medieval Christian Pilgrims' Guides and Pilgrims' Texts
   by Paula Gerson ............................................ 206
St. James: The Eternal Pilgrim by Virginia C. Raguin .......... 216
St. James as Pilgrim or Moorslayer in the Poem of the Cid 
   by Alexander J. McNair ..................................... 224
Paths through the Desert: Hispanic Pilgrimage Experiences
   in Mexico City and Chimayo by Edward Holgate ............... 230


Mecca and the Hajj by F.E. Peters ............................. 244
Primary Sources on Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and Mecca
   The Kiswa: The Curtain of the Ka'ba by Virginia
   C. Raguin .................................................. 261
Nicolas de Nicolay: A French View of the Hajj in the 16th
   Century by Virginia C. Raguin .............................. 264
Richard Burton: An Englishman at Mecca and Medina in 1853
   by Virginia C. Raguin ...................................... 267
The Prophet's Tomb at Medina by Virginia C. Raguin ............ 271
Charity for Pilgrims on the Hajj and Elsewhere ................ 275
Muslim Visits to Jerusalem and the Dome of the Rock by 
   F.E. Peters and Virginia C. Raguin ......................... 278
Seeing Jerusalem from Afar for an Arab Traveler by Virginia
   C. Raguin .................................................. 290
Observations on Pilgrimage and Art in the Islamic World
   by Oleg Grabar ............................................. 292
The "Objectivity" of the Hajj by Mika Natif ................... 298
The Pilgrim, the Image, and the Word in Islam by Amanda
   Luyster .................................................... 308
The Hajj Today — Connecting the Global Village by Anisa
   Mehdi ...................................................... 316
Personal Reflections of a Hajjah and Others by Najah Bazzy .... 328

Acknowledgments ............................................... 334
List of Contributors .......................................... 336
Further Reading ............................................... 338
Bibliography .................................................. 345
Glossary ...................................................... 349
Index ......................................................... 353

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