Ma X. Computational lithography (Hoboken, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMa X. Computational lithography / X.Ma, G.R.Arce. - Hoboken: Wiley, 2010. - xv, 226 p.: ill. - (Wiley series in pure and applied optics). - Ref.: p.217-222. - Ind.: p.223-226. – ISBN 978-0-470-59697-5

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi
Acknowledgments .............................................. xiii
Acronyms ....................................................... xv

1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Optical Lithography ..................................... 1
        1.1.1  Optical Lithography and Integrated Circuits ...... 2
        1.1.2  Brief History of Optical Lithography Systems ..... 3
   1.2  Rayleigh's Resolution ................................... 5
   1.3  Resist Processes and Characteristics .................... 7
   1.4  Techniques in Computational Lithography ................ 10
        1.4.1  Optical Proximity Correction .................... 11
        1.4.2  Phase-Shifting Masks ............................ 11
        1.4.3  Off-Axis Illumination ........................... 14
        1.4.4  Second-Generation RETs .......................... 15
   1.5  Outline ................................................ 16
2  Optical Lithography Systems ................................. 19
   2.1  Partially Coherent Imaging Systems ..................... 19
        2.1.1  Abbe's Model .................................... 19
        2.1.2  Hopkins Diffraction Model ....................... 22
        2.1.3  Coherent and Incoherent Imaging Systems ......... 24
   2.2  Approximation Models ................................... 25
        2.2.1  Fourier Series Expansion Model .................. 25
        2.2.2  Singular Value Decomposition Model .............. 29
        2.2.3  Average Coherent Approximation Model ............ 32
        2.2.4  Discussion and Comparison ....................... 34
   2.3  Summary ................................................ 36
3  Rule-Based Resolution Enhancement Techniques ................ 37
   3.1  RET Types .............................................. 37
        3.1.1  Rule-Based RETs ................................. 37
        3.1.2  Model-Based RETs ................................ 38
        3.1.3  Hybrid RETs ..................................... 39
   3.2  Rule-Based OPC ......................................... 39
        3.2.1  Catastrophic OPC ................................ 40
        3.2.2  One-Dimensional OPC ............................. 40
        3.2.3  Line-Shortening Reduction OPC ................... 42
        3.2.4  Two-Dimensional OPC ............................. 43
   3.3  Rule-Based PSM  ........................................ 44
        3.3.1  Dark-Field Application .......................... 44
        3.3.2  Light-Field Application ......................... 45
   3.4  Rule-Based OAI ......................................... 46
   3.5  Summary ................................................ 47
4  Fundamentals of Optimization ................................ 48
   4.1  Definition and Classification .......................... 48
        4.1.1  Definitions in the Optimization Problem ......... 48
        4.1.2  Classification of Optimization Problems ......... 49
   4.2  Unconstrained Optimization ............................. 50
        4.2.1  Solution of Unconstrained Optimization
               Problem ......................................... 50
        4.2.2  Unconstrained Optimization Algorithms ........... 52
   4.3  Summary ................................................ 57
5  Computational Lithography with Coherent Illumination ........ 58
   5.1  Problem Formulation .................................... 59
   5.2  OPC Optimization ....................................... 62
        5.2.1  OPC Design Algorithm ............................ 62
        5.2.2  Simulations ..................................... 64
   5.3  Two-Phase PSM Optimization ............................. 65
        5.3.1  Two-Phase PSM Design Algorithm .................. 65
        5.3.2  Simulations ..................................... 68
   5.4  Generalized PSM Optimization ........................... 72
        5.4.1  Generalized PSM Design Algorithm ................ 72
        5.4.2  Simulations ..................................... 75
   5.5  Resist Modeling Effects ................................ 79
6  Regularization Framework .................................... 83
   6.1  Discretization Penalty ................................. 84
        6.1.1  Discretization Penalty for OPC Optimization ..... 84
        6.1.2  Discretization Penalty for Two-Phase PSM
               Optimization .................................... 86
        6.1.3  Discretization Penalty for Generalized PSM
               Optimization .................................... 87
   6.2  Complexity Penalty ..................................... 93
        6.2.1  Total Variation Penalty ......................... 93
        6.2.2  Global Wavelet Penalty .......................... 94
        6.2.3  Localized Wavelet Penalty ....................... 98
   6.3  Summary ............................................... 100
7  Computational Lithography with Partially Coherent
   Illumination ............................................... 101
   7.1  OPC Optimization ...................................... 102
        7.1.1  OPC Design Algorithm Using the Fourier Series
               Expansion Model ................................ 102
        7.1.2  Simulations Using the Fourier Series
               Expansion Model ................................ 105
        7.1.3  OPC Design Algorithm Using the Average
               Coherent Approximation Model ................... 107
        7.1.4  Simulations Using the Average Coherent
               Approximation Model ............................ 111
        7.1.5  Discussion and Comparison ...................... 111
   7.2  PSM Optimization ...................................... 115
        7.2.1  PSM Design Algorithm Using the Singular Value
               Decomposition Model ............................ 116
        7.2.2  Discretization Regularization for PSM Design
               Algorithm ...................................... 118
        7.2.3  Simulations .................................... 118
   7.3  Summary ............................................... 122
8  Other RET Optimization Techniques .......................... 123
   8.1  Double-Patterning Method .............................. 123
   8.2  Post-Processing Based on 2D DCT ....................... 128
   8.3  Photoresist Tone Reversing Method ..................... 131
   8.4  Summary ............................................... 135
9  Source and Mask Optimization ............................... 136
   9.1  Lithography Preliminaries ............................. 137
   9.2  Topological Constraint ................................ 140
   9.3  Source-Mask Optimization Algorithm .................... 141
   9.4  Simulations ........................................... 141
   9.5  Summary ............................................... 145
10 Coherent Thick-Mask Optimization ........................... 146
   10.1 Kirchhoff Boundary Conditions ......................... 147
        10.2.1  Boundary Layer Model in Coherent Imaging
                Systems ....................................... 147
        10.2.2  Boundary Layer Model in Partially Coherent
                Imaging Systems ............................... 151
   10.2 Boundary Layer Model .................................. 147
   10.3 Lithography Preliminaries ............................. 153
   10.4 OPC Optimization ...................................... 157
        10.4.1 Topological Constraint ......................... 157
        10.4.2 OPC Optimization Algorithm Based on BL Model
               Under Coherent Illumination .................... 158
        10.4.3 Simulations .................................... 159
   10.5 PSM Optimization ...................................... 162
        10.5.1 Topological Constraint ......................... 162
        10.5.2 PSM Optimization Algorithm Based on BL Model
               Under Coherent Illumination .................... 165
        10.5.3 Simulations .................................... 165
   10.6 Summary ............................................... 170
11 Conclusions and New Directions of Computational
   Lithography ................................................ 171
   11.1 Conclusion ............................................ 171
   11.2 New Directions of Computational Lithography ........... 173
        11.2.1 OPC Optimization for the Next-Generation
               Lithography Technologies ....................... 173
        11.2.2 Initialization Approach for the Inverse
               Lithography Optimization ....................... 173
        11.2.3 Double Patterning and Double Exposure
               Methods in Partially Coherent Imaging System ... 174
        11.2.4 OPC and PSM Optimizations for Inverse
               Lithography Based on Rigorous Mask Models in
               Partially Coherent Imaging System .............. 174
        11.2.5 Simultaneous Source and Mask Optimization
               for Inverse Lithography Based on Rigorous
               Mask Models .................................... 174
        11.2.6 Investigation of Factors Influencing the
               Complexity of the OPC and PSM Optimization
               Algorithms ..................................... 174
Appendix A: Formula Derivation in Chapter 5 ................... 175
Appendix B: Manhattan Geometry ................................ 181
Appendix C: Formula Derivation in Chapter 6 ................... 182
Appendix D: Formula Derivation in Chapter 7 ................... 185
Appendix E: Formula Derivation in Chapter 8 ................... 189
Appendix F: Formula Derivation in Chapter 9 ................... 194
Appendix G: Formula Derivation in Chapter 10 .................. 195
Appendix H: Software Guide .................................... 199

References .................................................... 217
Index ......................................................... 223

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