Lynch S. Dynamical systems with applications using MATLAB (Boston, 2004). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLynch S. Dynamical systems with applications using MATLAB. - Boston: Birkhauuser, 2004. - xv, 459 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.429-441. - Ind.: p.449-459. – ISBN 978-0-8176-4321-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi

0  A Tutorial Introduction to MATLAB and the Symbolic Math 
   Toolbox ...................................................... 1
   0.1  Tutorial One: The Basics and the Symbolic Math
        Toolbox (One Hour) ...................................... 2
   0.2  Tutorial Two: Plots and Differential Equations (One
        Hour) ................................................... 4
   0.3  MATLAB Program Files, or M-Files ........................ 7
   0.4  Hints for Programming .................................. 10
   0.5  MATLAB Exercises ....................................... 11
1  Linear Discrete Dynamical Systems ........................... 15
   1.1  Recurrence Relations ................................... 16
   1.2  The Leslie Model ....................................... 21
   1.3  Harvesting and Culling Policies ........................ 25
   1.4  MATLAB Commands ........................................ 30
   1.5  Exercises .............................................. 30
2  Nonlinear Discrete Dynamical Systems ........................ 35
   2.1  The Tent Map and Graphical Iterations .................. 36
   2.2  Fixed Points and Periodic Orbits ....................... 40
   2.3  The Logistic Map, Bifurcation Diagram, and 
        Feigenbaum Number ...................................... 48
   2.4  Gaussian and Hénon Maps ................................ 55
   2.5  Applications ........................................... 59
   2.6  MATLAB Commands ........................................ 62
   2.7  Exercises .............................................. 66
3  Complex Iterative Maps ...................................... 69
   3.1  Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot Set ...................... 70
   3.2  Boundaries of Periodic Orbits .......................... 74
   3.3  MATLAB Commands ........................................ 76
   3.4  Exercises .............................................. 79
4  Electromagnetic Waves and Optical Resonators ................ 81
   4.1  Maxwell's Equations and Electromagnetic Waves .......... 82
   4.2  Historical Background .................................. 84
   4.3  The Nonlinear SFR Resonator ............................ 89
   4.4  Chaotic Attractors and Bistability ..................... 91
   4.5  Linear Stability Analysis .............................. 94
   4.6  Instabilities and Bistability .......................... 97
   4.7  MATLAB Commands ....................................... 101
   4.8  Exercises ............................................. 104
5  Fractals and Multifractals ................................. 109
   5.1  Construction of Simple Examples ....................... 110
   5.2  Calculating Fractal Dimensions ........................ 116
   5.3  A Multifractal Formalism .............................. 121
   5.4  Multifractals in the Real World and Some Simple
        Examples .............................................. 126
   5.5  MATLAB Commands ....................................... 133
   5.6  Exercises ............................................. 137
6  Controlling Chaos .......................................... 143
   6.1  Historical Background ................................. 144
   6.2  Controlling Chaos in the Logistic Map ................. 148
   6.3  Controlling Chaos in the Henon Map .................... 151
   6.4  MATLAB Commands ....................................... 155
   6.5  Exercises ............................................. 157
7  Differential Equations ..................................... 161
   7.1  Simple Differential Equations and Applications ........ 162
   7.2  Applications to Chemical Kinetics ..................... 169
   7.3  Applications to Electric Circuits ..................... 172
   7.4  Existence and Uniqueness Theorem ...................... 176
   7.5  MATLAB Commands ....................................... 179
   7.6  Exercises ............................................. 180
8  Planar Systems ............................................. 185
   8.1  Canonical Forms ....................................... 186
   8.2  Eigenvectors Denning Stable and Unstable Manifolds .... 190
   8.3  Phase Portraits of Linear Systems in the Plane ........ 193
   8.4  Linearization and Hartman's Theorem ................... 197
   8.5  Constructing Phase Plane Diagrams ..................... 199
   8.6  MATLAB Commands ....................................... 208
   8.7  Exercises ............................................. 210
9  Interacting Species ........................................ 215
   9.1  Competing Species ..................................... 215
   9.2  Predator-Prey Models .................................. 218
   9.3  Other Characteristics Affecting Interacting Species ... 224
   9.4  MATLAB Commands ....................................... 225
   9.5  Exercises ............................................. 226
10 Limit Cycles ............................................... 229
   10.1 Historical Background ................................. 229
   10.2 Existence and Uniqueness of Limit Cycles in the 
        Plane ................................................. 232
   10.3 Nonexistence of Limit Cycles in the Plane ............. 237
   10.4 Exercises ............................................. 241
11 Hamiltonian Systems, Lyapunov Functions, and Stability ..... 243
   11.1 Hamiltonian Systems in the Plane ...................... 244
   11.2 Lyapunov Functions and Stability ...................... 249
   11.3 Exercises ............................................. 253
12 Bifurcation Theory ......................................... 257
   12.1 Bifurcations of Nonlinear Systems in the Plane ........ 258
   12.2 Multistability and Bistability ........................ 264
   12.3 MATLAB Commands ....................................... 267
   12.4 Exercises ............................................. 268
13 Three-Dimensional Autonomous Systems and Chaos ............. 271
   13.1 Linear Systems and Canonical Forms .................... 272
   13.2 Nonlinear Systems and Stability ....................... 276
   13.3 The Rossler System and Chaos .......................... 280
   13.4 The Lorenz Equations, Chua's Circuit, and the
        Belousov-Zhabotinski Reaction ......................... 284
   13.5 MATLAB Commands ....................................... 291
   13.6 Exercises ............................................. 292
14 Poincare Maps and Nonautonomous Systems in the Plane ....... 297
   14.1 Poincaré Maps ......................................... 298
   14.2 Hamiltonian Systems with Two Degrees of Freedom ....... 304
   14.3 Nonautonomous Systems in the Plane .................... 307
   14.4 MATLAB Commands ....................................... 316
   14.5 Exercises ............................................. 320
15 Local and Global Bifurcations .............................. 323
   15.1 Small-Amplitude Limit Cycle Bifurcations .............. 324
   15.2 Melnikov Integrals and Bifurcating Limit Cycles from
        a Center .............................................. 328
   15.3 Homoclinic Bifurcations ............................... 330
   15.4 MATLAB Commands ....................................... 332
   15.5 Exercises ............................................. 332
16 The Second Part of Hilbert's Sixteenth Problem ............. 335
   16.1 Statement of Problem and Main Results ................. 336
   16.2 Poincaré Compactification ............................. 338
   16.3 Global Results for Liénard Systems .................... 345
   16.4 Local Results for Liénard Systems ..................... 352
   16.5 Exercises ............................................. 354
17 Neural Networks ............................................ 359
   17.1 Introduction .......................................... 360
   17.2 The Delta Learning Rule and Backpropagation ........... 366
   17.3 The Hopfield Network and Lyapunov Stability ........... 370
   17.4 Neurodynamics ......................................... 379
   17.5 MATLAB Commands ....................................... 383
   17.6 Exercises ............................................. 391
18 Simulink ................................................... 397
   18.1 Introduction .......................................... 398
   18.2 Electric Circuits ..................................... 401
   18.3 A Mechanical System ................................... 402
   18.4 Nonlinear Optics ...................................... 403
   18.5 The Lorenz Equations and Chaos Synchronization ........ 405
   18.6 Exercises ............................................. 405
19 Solutions to Exercises ..................................... 409
   19.0  Chapter 0 ............................................ 409
   19.1  Chapter 1 ............................................ 411
   19.2  Chapter 2 ............................................ 412
   19.3  Chapter 3 ............................................ 413
   19.4  Chapter 4 ............................................ 414
   19.5  Chapter 5 ............................................ 415
   19.6  Chapter 6 ............................................ 416
   19.7  Chapter 7 ............................................ 416
   19.8  Chapter 8 ............................................ 417
   19.9  Chapter 9 ............................................ 419
   19.10 Chapter 10 ........................................... 413
   19.11 Chapter 11 ........................................... 414
   19.12 Chapter 12 ........................................... 415
   19.13 Chapter 13 ........................................... 416
   19.14 Chapter 14 ........................................... 416
   19.15 Chapter 15 ........................................... 417
   19.16 Chapter 16 ........................................... 419
   19.17 Chapter 17 ........................................... 417
   19.18 Chapter 18 ........................................... 419

References .................................................... 429
   Textbooks .................................................. 429
   Research Papers ............................................ 434

MATLAB Program File Index ..................................... 443

Simulink Model File Index ..................................... 447

Index ......................................................... 449

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