Learning regional innovation: Scandinavian models (Basingstoke, New York, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLearning regional innovation: Scandinavian models / ed. by M.Ekman et al. - Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. - xi, 300 p.: ill. - Ref.: p.273-289. - Ind.: p.290-300. – ISBN 978-0-230-27560-7

Оглавление / Contents
List of Tables and Figures .................................... vii
Acknowledgements ............................................... ix
List of Contributors ............................................ x

1  Innovation, Participation and 'Constructivist Society' ....... 1
   Bjørn Gustavsen
2  Learning, Innovation and Participation: Nordic Experiences
   in a Global Context with a Focus on Innovation Systems and
   Work Organization ........................................... 15
   Bjørn T. Asheim
3  The Organization of Work and Systems of Labour Market
   Regulation and Social Protection: A Comparison of the
   EU-15 ....................................................... 50
   Edward Lorenz and Bengt-Åke Lundvall
4  Promoting Innovative Organization ........................... 70
   Bjørn Gustavsen
5  Discourse and Change in Organizations ....................... 93
   Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen
6  Incremental Innovations in Organizational Performance
   in Health Care ............................................. 104
   Marianne Ekman and Beth Maina Ahlberg
7  Research in Action: The Development of Cluster-Specific
   Innovation Strategies in the Oslo Region ................... 120
   Øyvind Pålshaugen
8  The Initiation and Organization of Regional Innovation
   Processes .................................................. 150
   Helena Eriksson, Trond Haga and Bernd Hofmaier
9  Proactive Labour Market Policy as a Step Towards New
   Regional Innovation Policy: The Case of Tampere Region ..... 170
   Pasi Koski and Anu Järvensivu
10 Participative Democracy and the Diffusion of
   Organizational Innovations: The Long, Winding Road from
   a Plant Level 'Field Experiment' to Regional Economic
   Development ................................................ 187
   Thoralf Ulrik Qyale
11 Shared Learning Spaces as Enablers in Regional
   Development and Learning ................................... 206
   Tarja Kantola, Sirpa Lassila, Hans Mäntylä, Anne
   Äyväri, Sisko Kalliokoski, Jarmo Ritalahti, Anu Sipilä
   and Tuovi Soisalon-Soininen
12 Innovating Regional Co-operation between the Local and
   the National ............................................... 226
   Henrik Dons Finsrud, Jan-Evert Nilsson and Åke Uhlin
13 Gender, Work and Innovation ................................ 245
   Agneta Hansson
14 Strategies to Promote Workplace Innovation:
   A Comparative Analysis of Nine National and Regional
   Approaches ................................................. 253
   Tuomo Alasoini

References .................................................... 273
Index ......................................................... 290

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