Inside marketing: practices, ideologies, devices (Oxford, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInside marketing: practices, ideologies, devices / ed. by D.Zwick, J.Cayla. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. - xi, 357 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.351-357. – ISBN 978-0-19-957674-6

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgments ............................................... vii
List of Contributors ......................................... viii

Inside Marketing: Practices, Ideologies, Devices ................ 3
   Detlev Zwick and Julien Cayla

Part I. Studying Marketing Differently

1  Marketing as a Monstrosity: The Impossible Place between
   Culture and Economy ......................................... 23
   Don Slater
2  The Uses of Use Value: Marketing, Value Creation,
   and the Exigencies of Consumption Work ...................... 42
   Robert J. Foster
3  "Market-things Inside": Insights from Progressive Grocer
   (United States, 1929-1959) .................................. 58
   Franck Cochoy

Part II. Marketing as Performance: Tools and Devices

4  Convoking the Consumer in Person: The Focus Group Effect .... 87
   Catherine Grandclément and Gérald Gaglio
5  Marketing as Surveillance: Assembling Consumers as
   Brands ..................................................... 115
   Jason Pridmore and David Lyon
6  Consumer Segmentation in Practice: An Ethnographic
   Account of Slippage ........................................ 137
   Patricia L. Sunderland and Rita M. Denny
7  The Making of the Sensuous Consumer ........................ 162
   Pascale Desroches and Jean-Sébastien Marcoux

Part III. The Political Economy of Marketing Practice

8  Black Models and the Invention of the US "Negro Market,"
   1945-1960 .................................................. 185
   Elspeth H. Brown
9  Customer Co-production from Social Factory to Brand:
   Learning from Italian Fashion .............................. 212
   Adam Arvidsson and Giannino Malossi
10 Flipping the Neighborhood: Biopolitical Marketing as
   Value Creation for Condos and Lofts ........................ 234
   Detlev Zwick and Yesim Ozalp

Part IV. The Diffusion of Marketing Ideology and its Effects

11 Commercial Epistemologies of Childhood: "Fun" and the
   Leveraging of Children's Subjectivities and Desires ........ 257
   Daniel Thomas Cook
12 Broadening the Marketing Concept: Service to Humanity,
   or Privatization of the Public Good? ....................... 269
   Kalman Applbaum
13 Neoliberal Experiments: Social Marketing and the
   Governance of Populations .................................. 299
   Liz Moor
14 Mapping the Future of Consumers ............................ 320
   Julien Cayla and Lisa Peñaloza

The Marketing Reformation Redux ............................... 343
   John F. Sherry, Jr.

Index ......................................................... 351

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