Dynamic faces: insights from experiments and computation (Cambridge; London, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDynamic faces: insights from experiments and computation / ed. by C.Curio, H.H.Bülthoff, M.A.Giese; foreword by T.Poggio. - Cambridge; London: MIT Press, 2011. - xiii, 283 p.: ill. charts. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.281-283. – ISBN 978-0-262-01453-3

Оглавление / Contents
   Foreword by Tomaso Poggio .................................. vii
   Introduction ................................................ ix

I  PSYCHOPHYSICS ................................................ 1

1  Is Dynamic Face Perception Primary? .......................... 3
   Alan Johnston
2  Memory for Moving Faces: The Interplay of Two Recognition
   Systems ..................................................... 15
   Alice O'Toole and Dana Roark
3  Investigating the Dynamic Characteristics Important for
   Face Recognition ............................................ 31
   Natalie Butcher and Karen Lander
4  Recognition of Dynamic Facial Action Probed by Visual
   Adaptation .................................................. 47
   Cristóbal Curio, Martin A. Giese, Martin Breidt, Mario
   Kleiner, and Heinrich H. Bülthoff
5  Facial Motion and Facial Form ............................... 67
   Barbara Knappmeyer
6  Dynamic Facial Speech: What, How, and Who? .................. 77
   Harold Hill

II  PHYSIOLOGY ................................................. 95

7  Dynamic Facial Signaling: A Dialog between Brains ........... 97
   David A. Leopold
8  Engaging Neocortical Networks with Dynamic Faces ........... 105
   Stephen V. Shepherd and Asif A. Ghazanfar
9  Multimodal Studies Using Dynamic Faces ..................... 123
   Aina Puce and Charles E. Schroeder
10 Perception of Dynamic Facial Expressions and Gaze .......... 141
   Patrik Vuilleumier and Ruthger Righart
11 Moving and Being Moved: The Importance of Dynamic
   Information in Clinical Populations  ....................... 161
   B. de Gelder and J. Van den Stock

III COMPUTATION ............................................... 175

12 Analyzing Dynamic Faces: Key Computational Challenges ...... 177
   Pawan Sinha
13 Elements for a Neural Theory of the Processing of Dynamic
   Faces ...................................................... 187
   Thomas Serre and Martin A. Giese
14 Insights on Spontaneous Facial Expressions from Automatic
   Expression Measurement ..................................... 211
   Marian Bartlett, Gwen Lifflewort, Esra Vural, Jake
   Whitehill, Tingfan Wu, Kang Lee, and Javier Movellan
15 Real-Time Dissociation of Facial Appearance and Dynamics
   during Natural Conversation ................................ 239
   Steven M. Boker and Jeffrey F. Cohn
16 Markerless Tracking of Dynamic 3D Scans of Faces ........... 255
   Christian Walder, Martin Breidt, Heinrich H. Bülthoff,
   Bernhard Schölkopf, and Cristóbal Curio

   Contributors ............................................... 277
   Index ...................................................... 281

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