Bell D. Coal gasification and its applications (Oxford; Burlington, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBell D. Coal gasification and its applications / D.A.Bell, B.F.Towler, M.Fan. - Oxford; Burlington: William Andrew/Elsevier, 2011. - xi, 399 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.393-399. - ISBN 978-0-81-552049-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction ................................................... ix

1  The Nature of Coal ........................................... 1
   The Geologic Origin of Coal .................................. 1
   Coal Analysis and Classification ............................. 2
   Coal Rank .................................................... 4
   Ash Thermal Properties ....................................... 5
   Coal as a Porous Material .................................... 9
   Spontaneous Combustion ...................................... 10
   Reserves, Resources, and Production ......................... 11
2  Non-gasification Uses of Coal ............................... 17
   Home Heating and Cooking vs. Industrial Use ................. 17
   Coal Combustion Pollutants .................................. 17
   Pulverized Coal Combustion .................................. 19
   Supercritical Pulverized Coal Combustion .................... 20
   Carbon Capture with Pulverized Coal Combustion Plants ....... 21
   Oxy-combustion .............................................. 24
   Sargas ...................................................... 27
   Coal-to-liquids ............................................. 28
3  Gasification Fundamentals ................................... 35
   Process Goals ............................................... 35
   Devolatization .............................................. 36
   Reactions with Oxygen ....................................... 38
   Char Reactions .............................................. 38
   Additional Gas Phase Reactions .............................. 39
   Slagging .................................................... 39
   Balancing Coal, Oxygen and Water Feeds ...................... 39
   Air Versus Oxygen Feed ...................................... 41
   Estimating Syngas Composition from Equilibrium 
   Calculations ................................................ 41
   Reaction Rates .............................................. 46
   Fluidization Regimes ........................................ 64
   Computational Fluid Dynamic Models .......................... 67
   In Summary .................................................. 68
4  Gasifiers ................................................... 73
   Overview .................................................... 73
   Moving Bed Gasifiers: The Lurgi Gasifier .................... 73
   BGL Gasifier ................................................ 75
   Fluidized Bed Gasifiers: The Winkler Gasifier ............... 77
   High Temperature Winkler Gasifier ........................... 79
   U-Gas Gasifier .............................................. 79
   Foster-Wheeler Partial Gasifier ............................. 79
   KBR Transport Gasifier ...................................... 80
   Entrained Flow Gasifiers: The GE Gasifier ................... 83
   ConocoPhillips E-Gas Gasifier ............................... 88
   Shell Gasifier .............................................. 90
   Siemens Gasifier ............................................ 91
   Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Gasifier .................. 92
   Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne (PWR) Gasifier ................. 93
   Less Conventional Gasifiers: The Alter NRG Plasma
   Gasification System ......................................... 96
5  Underground Coal Gasification .............................. 101
   Underground Gasification Concept ........................... 101
   Motivation ................................................. 102
   Connections between Injection and Production Wells ......... 102
   Process Control and Modeling ............................... 103
   Water Contamination ........................................ 107
   UCG-recoverable Coal ....................................... 108
   GasTech Process and Economic Study ......................... 108
6  Sulfur Recovery ............................................ 113
   Coal Combustion ............................................ 113
   Sulfur Compounds in Syngas ................................. 114
   COS Hydrolysis ............................................. 114
   Water Quench/Water Condensation ............................ 115
   Acid Gas Removal Processes ................................. 116
   Physical Solvent: Rectisol Process ......................... 117
   Physical Solvent: Selexol .................................. 122
   Chemical Solvents: Amines .................................. 124
   Chemical Solvents: Benfield Process ........................ 126
   Chemical Solvents: Aqueous Ammonia ......................... 127
   Solid Adsorbents for Sulfur Removal ........................ 128
   Elemental Sulfur: Claus Process ............................ 130
   Shell Claus Offgas Treatment (SCOT) Process ................ 131
   Sulfuric and Phosphoric Acid ............................... 132
   Co-sequestration of CO2 and H2S ............................ 134
7  Hydrogen Production and Integrated Gasification Combined 
   Cycle (IGCC) ............................................... 137
   Need for Increasing H2 Content ............................. 137
   Water Gas Shift in the Catalytic Temperature Range ......... 138
   Hydrogen for Ammonia Synthesis ............................. 139
   Iron-Based HT Shift Catalyst ............................... 140
   LT Shift Catalyst .......................................... 142
   Sour Gas Shift ............................................. 142
   Steam-Iron Process ......................................... 143
   Hydrogen for Ammonia Synthesis: Removal of Residual 
   Impurities ................................................. 145
   Dehydration ................................................ 146
   Hydrogen for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells ........... 146
   Hydrogen for Petroleum Refining ............................ 148
   Combined cycle plants for power production, NGCC and 
   IGCC ....................................................... 149
   Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) .......................... 151
   Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) .............. 152
   Combining IGCC and Oxy-Combustion .......................... 154
   Methanol, SNG, and Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis ............... 155
8  Hydrogen Adsorption and Storage ............................ 157
   Xin Hu, Maohong Fan, Brian Francis Towler, Maciej Radosz,
   David A. Bell, Ovid Augustus Plumb
   Introduction ............................................... 157
   Physisorption of Hydrogen .................................. 158
   Chemisorption of Hydrogen .................................. 210
   Hydrogen Storage in Pure And Reduced Microporous and 
   Mesoporous Ti Oxides ....................................... 230
9  Mercury Removal ............................................ 247
   Rodolfo Monterroso, Maohong Fan, Morris Argyle
   Introduction ............................................... 248
   Mercury Species in Coal Combustion ......................... 250
   Summary of Technologies for Mercury Removal ................ 252
   Flue Gas Components that Affect Mercury Sorption ........... 282
   Summary .................................................... 288
10 CO2 Sorption ............................................... 293
   Soonchul Kwon, Maohong Fan, Herbert F.M. DaCosta, 
   Armistead G. Russell, Kathryn A. Berchtold, Manvendra 
   K. Dubey
   Introduction ............................................... 293
   Sorption-based CO2 Separation Processes .................... 296
   Adsorbent Performance for CO2 Capture ...................... 301
   CO2 Capture Development Strategies ......................... 333
11 Ammonia and Derivatives .................................... 341
   Historical Background ...................................... 341
   Feedstocks for Ammonia Synthesis ........................... 342
   Ammonia Synthesis Equilibria and the Synthesis Loop ........ 342
   Ammonia Synthesis Catalysts ................................ 344
   Ammonia Synthesis Kinetics ................................. 345
   Ammonia as Nitrogen Fertilizer ............................. 347
   Ammonia as a Transportation Fuel ........................... 348
   Urea ....................................................... 348
   Nitric Acid and Ammonium Nitrate ........................... 349
   Future of Nitrogen Fertilizers ............................. 350
12 Methanol and Derivatives ................................... 353
   Reaction Chemistry and Catalysts ........................... 353
   Methanol Synthesis Equilibria .............................. 354
   Methanol Synthesis Flowsheet ............................... 356
   Methanol Synthesis Kinetics ................................ 357
   Methanol as a Transportation Fuel .......................... 359
   Dimethyl Ether ............................................. 359
   Two Pot Synthesis of DME ................................... 360
   One Pot Synthesis of DME ................................... 361
   DME to Hydrocarbons: ExxonMobil MTG Process ................ 365
   Methanol to Hydrocarbons: UOP/HYDRO MTO Process ............ 368
   Methanol and DME to Hydrocarbons: Future Prospects ......... 370
13 Substitute Natural Gas and Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis ....... 373
   Overview ................................................... 373
   Substitute Natural Gas ..................................... 373
   SNG Processes .............................................. 375
   Competition Between Coal Gasification and Natural Gas ...... 377
   SNG as a Carrier of Coal Energy ............................ 378
   SNG Versus Synthetic Liquid Hydrocarbons ................... 378
   Fischer-Tropsch History .................................... 379
   Fischer-Tropsch Chemistry .................................. 379
   FT reactor design .......................................... 381
   Refining Fischer-Tropsch Fluids ............................ 385
   FT Economics ............................................... 389

Index ......................................................... 393

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