Walters M. Bird watch: a survey of planet Earth's changing ecosystems (Chicago; London, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWalters M. Bird watch: a survey of planet Earth's changing ecosystems. - Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press, 2011. - 256 p.: col. ill. - Ind.: p.246-255. - ISBN-10 0-226-87226-1; ISBN-13 978-0-226-87226-2

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ 6

THE THREATS TO BIRDS ............................................ 8
  Bird Distribution ............................................ 10
  Threats to Wild Birds ........................................ 12
  Threats to Habitats .......................................... 16
  The World Bird Database ...................................... 20

HABITATS ....................................................... 22
  Worldwide Habitats ........................................... 24

  Tropical Forest .............................................. 26
  Major Tropical Forests ....................................... 28
  Habitat Focus: Lowland Atlantic Forest of Brazil ............. 32
  Tropical Forest Endemic Bird Areas ........................... 34
  Conservation Story: Philippine Eagle ......................... 36
  Threatened Birds of South and Central America ................ 38

  Temperate and Northern Forest ................................ 42
  Major Temperate and Northern Forests ......................... 44
  Habitat Focus: Western Himalayas Endemic Bird Area ........... 49
  Conservation Story: Spotted Owl .............................. 50

  Desert ....................................................... 52
  Major Deserts of the World ................................... 54
  Conservation Story: Houbara Bustard .......................... 58

  Mountain ..................................................... 60
  Mountain Ranges .............................................. 62
  Habitat Focus: The East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania ....... 64
  Conservation Story: California Condor ........................ 68

  Grassland .................................................... 72
  Grasslands Around the World .................................. 74
  Habitat Focus: Serengeti Plains/Masai Mara ................... 78

  Mediterranean Scrub and Heathland ............................ 80
  Types of Scrub and Heathland ................................. 82
  Habitat Focus: Australian Mallee ............................. 86

  Wetland and Coast ............................................ 88
  Wetlands of the World ........................................ 90
  Habitat Focus: Endangered Cranes ............................. 92
  Conservation Story: Kakadu National Park ..................... 96
  Conservation Story: Rare Birds of the Andean Lakes .......... 100

  Island ...................................................... 102
  The Threats to Island Birds ................................. 104
  Conservation Story: Success in the Seychelles ............... 106
  Oceanic Islands ............................................. 108
  Conservation Story: New Caledonia ........................... 114

ENDANGERED BIRDS .............................................. 116
  The Bird Profiles ........................................... 118
  Kiwis, Tinamous, and Cassowaries ............................ 120
  Penguins .................................................... 121
  Grebes ...................................................... 122
  Albatrosses ................................................. 123
  Petrels and Shearwaters, Storm-petrels and Diving-petrels ... 125
  Pelicans, Gannets and Boobies, Cormorants, and Frigatebirds . 127
  Herons and Egrets, Storks, Ibises and Spoonbills, Shoebill,
     and Flamingos ............................................ 129
  Ducks, Geese, and Swans ..................................... 131
  New World Vultures and Old World Vultures ................... 133
  Kites, Harriers, Honey-buzzards, and Falcons ................ 134
  Hawks ....................................................... 136
  Eagles ...................................................... 137
  Peafowl, Pheasants, and Tragopans ........................... 139
  Partridges, Francolins, Quails, and Allies .................. 141
  Guineafowl, Megapodes, Guans, and Curassows ................. 143
  Cranes ...................................................... 145
  Rails, Crakes, and Allies ................................... 146
  Bustards, Buttonquails, Plains-wanderer, Kagu, Mesites, and
     Finfoots ................................................. 148
  Plovers, Sandpipers, Stilts, Oystercatchers, Coursers, and
     Pratincoles .............................................. 150
  Gulls and Terns, and Auks ................................... 152
  Doves and Pigeons ........................................... 154
  New World Amazons and Macaws ................................ 158
  New World Parrots, Parakeets, and Parrotlets ................ 160
  Old World Cockatoos, Lorikeets, and Parakeets ............... 162
  Old World Parrots ........................................... 164
  Cuckoos and Turacos ......................................... 166
  Typical Owls ................................................ 167
  Barn Owls, Nightjars, Owlet-Nightjars ....................... 169
  Swifts and Hummingbirds ..................................... 171
  Trogons, Kingfishers, Hornbills, Ground-rollers, and
     Motmots .................................................. 174
  Woodpeckers, Toucans and Barbets, and Jacamars .............. 176
  Broadbills, Scrub-birds, and Ovenbirds ...................... 178
  Antbirds .................................................... 180
  Antpittas, Pittas, Woodcreepers, New Zealand Wrens, and
     Asities .................................................. 182
  Tyrant-flycatchers .......................................... 184
  Manakins, Cotingas, and Tapaculos ........................... 186
  Swallows and Martins, Larks, and Pipits ..................... 188
  Bulbuls, Bush-shrikes and Helmet-shrikes, Cuckooshrikes,
     Vangas, Shrikes, and Leafbirds ........................... 191
  Wrens, Nuthatches, Dippers, and Tits ........................ 193
  Thrushes, Mockingbirds and Thrashers ........................ 195
  Babblers and Parrotbills, and Rockfowl ...................... 197
  Old World Warblers, Cisticolas and Allies, and Gnatcatchers . 199
  Chats and Old World Flycatchers, Australasian Wrens,
     Bristlebirds, and Wattle-eyes ............................ 202
  Monarchs, Thornbills and Gerygones, Fantails,
     Shrike-thrushes, and Australasian Robins ................. 205
  White-eyes .................................................. 207
  Honeyeaters, Sunbirds, Flowerpeckers, and Pardalotes ........ 209
  Buntings, American Sparrows, and Allies ..................... 211
  Tanagers and Allies ......................................... 213
  New World Warblers .......................................... 215
  New World Blackbirds and Vireos ............................. 217
  Finches ..................................................... 219
  Waxbills, Munias, and Allies, and Weavers, Fodies, and
     Allies ................................................... 222
  Starlings, Orioles, Drongos, and Birds of Paradise .......... 224
  Crows and Jays, and Wattled Crows ........................... 226

CONSERVATION .................................................. 228
  Conservation Works .......................................... 230
  Saving Seabirds ............................................. 232
  Invasive Species on Islands ................................. 234
  Conserving Forest Birds ..................................... 235
  What is BirdLife? ........................................... 236
  Preventing Extinctions Program .............................. 239
  Birdwatching Hotspots of the World .......................... 240

Glossary ...................................................... 244
Index ......................................................... 246
Acknowledgments ............................................... 256

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