Key transition in animal evolution (Enfield, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKey transition in animal evolution / ed. by R.Desalle, B.Schierwater. - Enfield: Science Publishers, 2011. - xii, 434 p.: ill. (some col.). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.409-416. - ISBN 978-1-57808-695-5

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction. A Phylogenomic Journey Through the Animal 
Tree of Life: Key Innovations in the Evolution of Metazoa ....... v
   Bernd Schierwater and Rob DeSalle

Section 1. Tangled Roots in the Animal Tree of Life

1  Putting Animals in their Place Within a Context of
   Eukaryotic Innovations ....................................... 3
   Danielle Vazquez, Laura Wegener Parfrey, and Laura A. Katz
2  Elucidating Animal Phylogeny: Advances in Knowledge and 
   Forthcoming Challenges ...................................... 15
   Kevin M. Kocot, Johanna T. Cannon, and Kenneth M. Halanych
3  Key Transitions in Animal Evolution: a Mitochondrial 
   DNA Perspective ............................................. 34
   Dennis V. Lavrov
4  Pending Issues in Development and Phylogeny of Arthropods ... 54
   Jean S. Deutsch

Section 2. The Earliest Animals: From Genes to Transitions

5  The Pre-Nervous System and Beyond—Poriferan Milestones in
   the Early Evolution of the Metazoan Nervous System .......... 85
   Michael Nickel
6  A Key Innovation in Animal Evolution, the Emergence of
   Neurogenesis: Cellular and Molecular Cues from Cnidarian
   Nervous Systems ............................................ 127
   Brigitte Galliot
7  From Cnidaria to "Higher Metazoa" in One Step .............. 162
   Ferdinando Boero and Stefano Piraino
8  Basal Metazoan Sensory Evolution ........................... 175
   D.K. Jacobs, D.A. Gold, N. Nakanishi, D. Yuan, A. Camara,
   S.A. Nichols, and V. Hartenstein
9  Cnidarian Gene Expression Patterns and the Origins of 
   Bilaterality—Are Cnidarians Reading the Same Game Plan as
   "Higher" Animals? .......................................... 197
   Eldon E. Ball, Danielle M. de Jong, Bernd Schierivater, 
   Chuya Shinzato, David C. Hayward and David J. Miller
10 Key Transitions During Animal Phototransduction 
   Evolution: Co-duplication as a Null Hypothesis for the
   Evolutionary Origins of Novel Traits ....................... 217
   Todd H. Oakley and David C. Plachetzki
11 Vertebrate Hox Genes and Specializations in Mammals ........ 238
   Claudia Kappen

Section 3. Pattern and Process at the Base of the Metazoan
           Tree of Life

12 Field Biology of Placozoans (Trichoplax): Distribution,
   Diversity, Biotic Interactions ............................. 259
   Vicki Buchsbaum Pearse and Oliver Voigt
13 Trichoplax and Placozoa: One of the Crucial Keys to 
   Understanding Metazoan Evolution ........................... 289
   Bernd Schierivater, Michael Eitel, Hans-Jürgen Osigus,
   Karolin von der Chevallerie, Tjard Bergmann, Heike
   Hadrys, Maria Cramm, Laura Heck, Wolfgang Jakob, Michael
   R. Lang, Rob DeSalle
14 A Food's-Eye View of Animal Transitions .................... 327
   Neil W. Blackstone
15 Lost in Transition: The Biogeochemical Context of Animal
   Origins .................................................... 345
   Eric Gaidos
16 Redefining Stem Cells and Assembling Germ Plasm: Key
   Transitions in the Evolution of the Germ Line .............. 360
   John Stouyji and Cassandra Extavour
17 Questions and Discussion ................................... 398

Index ......................................................... 409
Color Plate Section ........................................... 417

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