Economic transformation and industrial restructuring: the Hungarian experience (Tokyo, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаEconomic transformation and industrial restructuring: the Hungarian experience / I.Iwasaki et al. - Tokyo: Maruzen, 2012. - xvi, 296 p.: ill., maps. - (Economic research series / The Inst. of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University; N 43). - Ref.: p. 261-282. - Auth. ind.: p.283-288. - Sub. ind.: p.289-293. - ISBN 978-4-621-08501-1

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
List of Tables ................................................ xii
List of Figures ............................................... xvi
Introduction .................................................... 1

      Part I  Economic Reform and Foreign Direct Investment

Chapter l  Corporate Restructuring and Foreign Direct
           Investment .......................................... 13
1.1  Introduction .............................................. 13
1.2  Roles of Foreign Direct Investment in the Stabilization
     and Growth of the National Economy ........................ 14
1.3  Foreign Direct Investment and Corporate Restructuring ..... 19
1.4  Foreign Direct Investment and R&D/Innovation Activities ... 29
1.5  Conclusions ............................................... 39

Chapter 2  Privatization, Foreign Acquisition, and Firm 
           Performance ......................................... 43
2.1  Introduction .............................................. 43
2.2  Overview of Privatization Policy in Hungary ............... 47
2.3  Ownership Transformation and Firm Performance: Testable
     Hypotheses ................................................ 49
2.4  Data ...................................................... 52
2.5  Empirical Methodology ..................................... 54
2.6  Results ................................................... 62
2.7  Conclusions ............................................... 79

Part II  Multinational Enterprises and Technology Transfer

Chapter 3  Multinational Enterprise, Technology Transfer,
           and Productivity Growth ............................. 85
3.1  Introduction .............................................. 85
3.2  Multi-Layered Structure of Industrial Classifications
     and Productivity Spillover Effects of Horizontal FDI ...... 89
3.3  Objective and Period of Empirical Analysis ................ 94
3.4  Data ...................................................... 97
3.5  Empirical Methodology ..................................... 99
3.6  Estimation Results ....................................... 106
3.7  Conclusions .............................................. 117

Chapter 4  Do Domestic Firms Learn to Export from
           Multinational Enterprises? ......................... 121
4.1  Introduction ............................................. 121
4.2  Data ..................................................... 125
4.3  Empirical Methodology .................................... 126
4.4  Export Premia and Market Entry ........................... 134
4.5  Determinants of Export Decision : Baseline Estimation .... 140
4.6  Information Spillover and Heterogeneity of FDI and
     Domestic Firms ........................................... 144
4.7  Conclusions .............................................. 149

      Part III  Industrial Restructuring and Organizational 

Chapter 5  Emergence of a Service Economy: The Case of 
           Knowledge-Intensive Business Services-Hungary
           vs. Slovakia ....................................... 157
5.1  Historical Shift in Economic Structure and Growing
     Importance of the Services ............................... 157
5.2  A Brief Overview of the Diffusion of Learning/
     Innovative Organizations in Europe ....................... 163
5.3  Share and Changes in the KIBS Sector Employment
     in Europe  Special Focus on Hungary and Slovakia ......... 166
5.4  Research Design, Sampling, and Research Method ........... 171
5.5  Organizational Demography and Networking Activity of
     the Firms ................................................ 176

Chapter 6  Organizational Innovation and the Company
           Practice of Knowledge Use: Hungarian vs. Slovak
           Knowledge-Intensive Business Service Sector ........ 181
6.1  Developing Typology of Organizational Innovation:
     A Brief Theoretical Overview ............................. 181
6.2  Diffusion and Drivers of Organizational Innovation ....... 185
6.3  The Practice of Information and CommunicationTechnology
     (ICT) Use in the Firm .................................... 191
6.4  Knowledge Use Practice in Comparison : Dominance of
     the Experience-Based Competence Development .............. 193
6.5  Company Training Practice : More Training and Stronger 
     Reliance on the External Knowledge Sources in Slovakia
     than Hungary ............................................. 195

        Part IV  Industry Cluster and Economic Development

Chapter 7  Emergence and Development of Industry Clusters: 
           Searching for a 'Critical Mass' of Business via 
           Cluster Mapping .................................... 203
7.1  Introduction ............................................. 203
7.2  Supplier Networks and Cluster Development in Hungary ..... 207
7.3  Cluster-Mapping Practices ................................ 214
7.4  A New Hungarian Cluster Mapping .......................... 223
7.5  Conclusions .............................................. 228

Chapter 8  Industry Cluster and Regional Economic Growth ...... 233
8.1  Introduction ............................................. 233
8.2  Economic Transition, Regional Development, and 
     Industrial Restructuring in Hungary ...................... 235
8.3  Spatial Concentration and Regional Economic Growth:
     Hypothesis Development ................................... 236
8.4  Data and Methodology ..................................... 241
8.5  Estimation Results ....................................... 246
8.6 Conclusions ............................................... 253

Conclusions and Future Research ............................... 257
References .................................................... 261
Author Index .................................................. 283
Subject Index ................................................. 289
Biography ..................................................... 295

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