Early China; Vol.31 (Berkeley, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEarly China. Vol.31. - Berkeley: Inst. of East Asian studies, 2007. - x, 350 p. - Bibliogr.: p.315-348.

Оглавление / Contents
Contributors .................................................. iii 
Abstracts ....................................................... v

On the Identity of Shang Di fig.1 and the Origin of the Concept
of a Celestial Mandate (Tian Ming fig.2)
   SARAH ALLAN .................................................. 1
Could "Subtle Words" Have Conveyed "Praise and Blame"?
   The Implications of Formal Regularity and Variation in 
   Spring and Autumn (Chūn Qiū) Records
   NEWELL ANN VAN AUKEN ........................................ 47
Archaeological Discovery and Research into the Layout of the
   Palaces and Ancestral Shrines of Han Dynasty Chang'an - A 
   Comparative Essay on the Capital Cities of Ancient Chinese
   Kingdoms and Empires
   LIU QINGZHU fig.3 ......................................... 113
A Never-Stable Word: Zhuangzi's Zhiyan fig.4 and 'Tipping-
   Vessel' Irrigation
   DANIEL FRIED ............................................... 145

                           REVIEW ARTICLE
The Fickle Brush: Chinese Orthography in the Age of
   Manuscripts: A Review of Imre Galambos's Orthography of
   Early Chinese Writing: Evidence from Newly Excavated
   MATTHIAS L. RICHTER ........................................ 171

The Early Chinese Empires Qin and Han, by Mark Edward Lewis;
   and The Rise of the Chinese Empire, vols. I and II, by 
   Chang Chun-shu
   MICHAEL LOEWE .............................................. 193
Ancient China and Its Enemies: The Rise of Nomadic Power in
   East Asian History, by Nicola Di Cosmo
   SOPHIA-KARIN PSARRAS ....................................... 227

Shigaku Zasshi Summary of Japanese Scholarship for 2002: 
   Shang, Zhou, Spring and Autumn
   KOTERA ATSUSHI fig.5 ...................................... 26l
Shigaku Zasshi Summary of Japanese Scholarship for 2002: 
   Warring States, Qin and Han
   ABE YUKINOBU fig.6 ....................................... 277

Dissertation Abstracts ........................................ 293
Annual Bibliography ........................................... 315
Books Received ................................................ 349

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