Titman Sh. Valuation: the art and science of corporate investment decisions (Boston, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTitman Sh. Valuation: the art and science of corporate investment decisions / Sh.Titman, J.D.Martin. - 2nd ed. - Boston: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2011. - xxviii, 520 p.: ill. - (The Prentice Hall series in finance). - Ind.: p.511-520. - ISBN-10 0-13-611701-5; ISBN-13 978-013-13-611701-8

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... xix
Acknowledgments ............................................. xxvii

Chapter 1  Overview of Valuation ................................ 1

PART I   Project Analysis Using Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) ..... 19

Chapter 2  Forecasting and Valuing Cash Flows 20 chapter 3 
           Project Risk Analysis ............................... 53

PART II  Cost of Capital ....................................... 97

Chapter 4  Estimating a Firm's Cost of Capital ................. 98
Chapter 5  Estimating Required Rates of Return for Projects ... 151

PART III  Financial Statements and Valuation .................. 185

Chapter 6  Forecasting Financial Performance .................. 186
Chapter 7  Earnings Dilution, Incentive Compensation, and
           Project Selection .................................. 222

PART IV  Enterprise Valuation ................................. 257

Chapter 8  Relative Valuation Using Market Comparables ........ 258
Chapter 9  Enterprise Valuation ............................... 312
Chapter 10 Valuation in a Private Equity Setting .............. 354

PART V   Futures, Options, and the Valuation of Real 
         Investments .......................................... 395

Chapter 11 Using Futures and Options to Value Real 
           Investments ........................................ 398
Chapter 12 Managerial Flexibility and Project Valuation:
           Real Options ....................................... 436
Chapter 13 Strategic Options: Evaluating Strategic
           Opportunities ...................................... 481

Epilogue ...................................................... 509
Index ......................................................... 511

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