Ruegg D. The Buddhist philosophy of the middle: essays on Indian and Tibetan Madhyamaka (Boston, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRuegg D. The Buddhist philosophy of the middle: essays on Indian and Tibetan Madhyamaka. - Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2010. - xxii, 442 p. - (Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism). - ISBN 978-086171-590-9

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword by Tom Tillemans ...................................... ix
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Abbreviations ................................................. xix
1  Mathematical and Linguistic Models in Indian Thought:
   The Case of Zero and Śūnyatā [1978] .......................... 1
1  Towards a Chronology of the Madhyamaka School [1981] ........ 13
3  The Uses of the Four Positions of the Catuṣkoṭi and the
   Problem of the Description of Reality in Mahāyāna Buddhism
   [1977] ...................................................... 37
   I   The Four Positions in Early Buddhist Thought ............ 37
   II  The Uses of the Catuṣkoṭi in the Madhyamaka ............. 40
   III Conjunction and Negation of Opposed Terms in 
       Vijñānavāda Definitions of Reality ...................... 67
   IV  Negation of Opposed Terms in the Description of the
       Absolute in the Ratnagotravibhāga ....................... 81
   V   The Vātsīputrīya Conception of the Indeterminate ........ 84
   Appendix I   Commentarial Interpretations of
                Mūlamadhyamakakārikā xviii.8 ................... 86
   Appendix II  Some Modern Interpretations of the Catuṣkoṭi ... 89
   Appendix III The Logical Error of Negation of the
                Antecedent and the Mūlamadhyamakakārikās ...... 109
   Bibliography ............................................... 111
4  Le Dharmadhātustava de Nāgārjuna [1971] .................... 113
5  On the Authorship of Some Works Ascribed to 
   Bhā(va)viveka/Bhavya [1990] ................................ 145
6  The Svātantrika-Prāsaṅgika Distinction in the History
   of Madhyamaka Thought [2006] ............................... 159
7  Purport, Implicature, and Presupposition: Sanskrit 
   abhiprāya and Tibetan dgongs pa / dgongs gzhi as
   Hermeneutical Concepts [1985] .............................. 195
8  An Indian Source for the Tibetan Hermeneutical Term
   dgongs gzhi, "Intentional Ground" [1988] ................... 213
9  Some Reflections on the Place of Philosophy in the Study
   of Buddhism [1995] ......................................... 217
10 On the Tibetan Historiography and Doxography of the
   "Great Debate of Bsam yas" [1992] .......................... 253
11 Autour du Lta ba'i khyad par de Ye shes sde [1979] ......... 267
12 The Jo nang pas: A School of Buddhist Ontologists
   According to the Crystal Mirror of Philosophical
   Doctrines (Grub mtha'shel gyi me long) [1963] .............. 289
13 A Karma Bka'brgyud Work on the Lineages and Traditions
   of the Indo-Tibetan dbu ma (Madhyamaka) [1988] ............. 323
14 La Pensée Tibétaine (accompagnedune traduction du 
   Rten 'brel bstod pa legs bshad snying po de Tsong kha pa) 
   [1989] ..................................................... 357
15 The Indian and the Indic in Tibetan Cultural History, and
   Tsong kha pa's Achievement as a Scholar and Thinker: An 
   Essay on the Concepts of "Buddhism in Tibet" and "Tibetan
   Buddhism" [2004] ........................................... 375
English Glossary of Selected Terms ............................ 399
Publications by David Seyfort Ruegg ........................... 407
Indexes ....................................................... 419

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