Munasinghe M. Sustainable development in practice: sustainomics methodology and applications (Cambridge, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMunasinghe M. Sustainable development in practice: sustainomics methodology and applications / foreword by J.G.Speth. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. - xvii, 633 p.: ill. - (Munasinghe Institute for Development (MIND) series on growth and sustainable development). - Ref.: p.588-630. - Ind.: p.631-633. - ISBN 978-0-521-89540-8

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword by James Gustave Speth ................................ xi
Preface ...................................................... xiii

I  Framework and fundamentals

1  Overview and summary ......................................... 3
   1.1  Outline of the book ..................................... 4
   1.2  Rationale and motivations ............................... 9
   1.3  Brief history and summary of sustainomics .............. 20
   1.4  Millennium development prospects and worldwide 
        status ................................................. 25
2  Sustainomics framework ...................................... 31
   2.1  Basic concepts and principles .......................... 31
   2.2  Key elements of the sustainable development triangle ... 40
   2.3  Integration of economic, social and environmental
        elements ............................................... 46
   2.4  Tools and methods for integrated analysis and
        assessment ............................................. 55
   2.5  Restructuring development and growth for greater
        sustainability ......................................... 64
3  Economics of the environment ................................ 72
   3.1  Human activities and the environment ................... 72
   3.2  Conventional project evaluation ........................ 73
   3.3  Measuring costs and benefits ........................... 77
   3.4  Basic concepts for valuing environmental costs and
        benefits ............................................... 82
   3.5  Multicriteria analysis ................................. 89
   3.6  Discount rate, risk and uncertainty .................... 91
   3.7  Economy-wide policies and the environment .............. 96
   3.8  Appendix: Estimating and using shadow prices .......... 106
4  Ecological and social aspects .............................. 111
   4.1  Conceptual framework linking ecological and
        socioeconomic systems ................................. 111
   4.2  Property rights, governance and ecological-social
        linkages .............................................. 118
   4.3  Environmental and social assessment ................... 128

Part II Global and transnational applications

5  Global analytical applications ............................. 137
   5.1  Climate change and sustainable development ............ 137
   5.2  Applying the sustainomics framework to climate
        change ................................................ 140
   5.3  Climate-change adaptation and mitigation .............. 150
   5.4  Global-level interactions between climate change and
        sustainable development ............................... 154
   5.5  Greenhouse-gas-mitigation prospects in Sri Lanka ...... 159
   5.6  Real-options framework for carbon trading under
        uncertainty ........................................... 173
6  International process applications: multilevel, 
   multistakeholder, transdisciplinary dialogues .............. 180
   6.1  Global transdisciplinary scientific dialogue on
        climate change and sustainable development ............ 180
   6.2  Multilevel integration of millennium ecosystem
        assessment results and millennium development goals ... 184
   6.3  Using the AIM to analyse MA-MDG links at the
        national and global levels ............................ 189
   6.4  Dams and development: multilevel, multistakeholder
        dialogue .............................................. 193
   6.5  Evaluation of the Dams and Development Project 
        (2001-2004) ........................................... 198
   6.6  Dams and Development Project evaluation, conclusions
        and results ........................................... 200

Part III National and macroeconomic applications

7  National economy-wide applications ......................... 211
   7.1  Historical evolution of ideas ......................... 212
   7.2  Empirical evidence .................................... 215
   7.3  Framework for analysis ................................ 219
   7.4  Case study of Brazil - making long-term development
        more sustainable ...................................... 225
8  Mathematical macromodel applications ....................... 243
   8.1  Optimal growth models and sustainable development ..... 243
   8.2  Economic and non-economic costs and benefits of 
        growth ................................................ 244
   8.3  An optimization model: Ecol-Opt-Growth-1 .............. 246
   8.4  Ecol-Opt-Growth-1 model conclusions ................... 253
   8.5  Macroeconomic policies, second-best theory and
        environmental harm .................................... 254
   8.6  Developing country case studies ....................... 256
   8.7  Appendix A: The Ecol-Opt-Growth-1 model ............... 260
   8.8  Appendix B: Second-best nature of macroeconomic 
        policies when environmental externalities are
        present ............................................... 265
9  Computable general equilibrium modelling applications ...... 269
   9.1  Economy-wide cross-effects of social and
        environmental policies in Chile ....................... 269
   9.2  Review of economic, social and environmental issues
        and policies .......................................... 272
   9.3  Interactions between social, environmental and 
        economic policies ..................................... 280
   9.4  Chile case study conclusions .......................... 288
   9.5  Economy-wide policies and deforestation in Costa 
        Rica .................................................. 289
   9.6  Modelling approach .................................... 292
   9.7  Main findings of the Costa Rica study ................. 299
   9.8  Appendix A: ECOGEM-Chile CGE model summary ............ 303
   9.9  Appendix B: Costa Rica CGE model summary .............. 306

Part IV  Sub-national sectoral and system applications

10 Energy-sector applications ................................. 313
   10.1 Energy and sustainable development .................... 313
   10.2 Framework for sustainable energy development .......... 321
   10.3 Applying SED to power planning in Sri Lanka ........... 333
   10.4 Energy policy options ................................. 338
   10.5 Assessing the sustainability of energy policies in
        South Africa .......................................... 343
   10.6 Making electricity development more sustainable in
        the UK ................................................ 350
11 Transport-sector applications .............................. 355
   11.1 Generic priorities for sustainable transport .......... 355
   11.2 Health-damage costs of air pollution in Sri Lanka ..... 357
   11.3 Traffic congestion - economic and environmental 
        sustainability ........................................ 364
   11.4 Other options for reducing traffic congestion ......... 377
   11.5 Sustainable transport policy in Sri Lanka ............. 385
12 Water-resource applications ................................ 391
   12.1 Hydrological cycle and human actions .................. 391
   12.2 Water and development ................................. 395
   12.3 Sustainable water-resources management and policy
        (SWAMP) ............................................... 402
   12.4 Management of groundwater depletion and saline
        intrusion in the Philippines .......................... 406
   12.5 Policy implementation issues .......................... 413
   12.6 Simple water filtration method for cholera 
        prevention in Bangladesh .............................. 416
   12.7 Appendix: Economic costs of producing water ........... 420
13 Ecological and agricultural system applications ............ 424
   13.1 Sustainable management of tropical forests ............ 424
   13.2 Valuing forest ecosystems in Madagascar ............... 434
   13.3 Agriculture and climate change ........................ 441
   13.4 Climate impacts on agriculture in Sri Lanka ........... 444
   13.5 Appendix: Models used for tropical forest valuation ... 456
14 Resource-pricing-policy applications ....................... 460
   14.1 Sustainable pricing policy (SPP) ...................... 460
   14.2 Extensions of the basic model ......................... 467
   14.3 Calculating economically efficient prices based on 
        strict LRMC ........................................... 475
   14.4 Adjusting efficient prices to meet other objectives ... 480
   14.5 Sustainable pricing of water resources ................ 486
   14.6 Appendix A: Optimal energy pricing .................... 490
   14.7 Appendix B: Demand analysis and forecasting ........... 496

Part V  Project and local applications

15 Project applications ....................................... 503
   15.1 Small hydro-projects and sustainable energy
        development in Sri Lanka .............................. 503
   15.2 Main findings of small hydro study .................... 508
   15.3 New and renewable energy projects: case study of
        solar photovoltaics ................................... 512
   15.4 Sustainable rural electrification based on renewable
        energy ................................................ 519
   15.5 Evaluating a typical water supply project in a poor
        African village ....................................... 535
16 Local applications - hazards, disasters and urban growth ... 544
   16.1 Sustainable hazard reduction and disaster management
        (SHARM) ............................................... 544
   16.2 The 2004 Asian Tsunami - a preliminary assessment ..... 554
   16.3 Sustainability of long-term growth in Asian cities .... 569
   16.4 Urban vulnerability, natural hazards and
        environmental degradation ............................. 578
   16.5 Making urban development more sustainable in North
        America and Europe .................................... 583
   References ................................................. 588

Index ......................................................... 631

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