Horizontal gene transfer: genomes in flux (New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHorizontal gene transfer: genomes in flux / ed. by M.B.Gogarten, J.P.Gogarten, L.Olendzenski. - New York: Humana Press, 2009. - xix, 551 p.: ill. (some col.). - (Springer protocols) (Methods in molecular biology; 532). - ISBN 978-1-60327-852-2; ISSN 1064-3745

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Acknowledgments ................................................ IX
Contributors ................................................... XV
Color Plates .................................................. XIX

Part I. Introduction
1  Gene Transfer: Who Benefits?
   Lorraine Olendzenski and Johann Peter Gogarten ............... 3

Part II. Definitions, Philosophy, and Implications of HGT
2  Defining the Mobilome
   Janet L. Siefert ............................................ 13
3  The Interplay of Homologous Recombination and Horizontal
   Gene Transfer in Bacterial Speciation
   Jeffrey G. Lawrence and Adam C. Retchless ................... 29
4  Epistemological Impacts of Horizontal Gene Transfer on
   Classification in Microbiology
   Eric Bapteste and Yan Boucher ............................... 55
5  Persistence Mechanisms of Conjugative Plasmids
   Martin Iain Bahl, Lars Hestbjerg Hansen, and Søren J. 
   Sørensen .................................................... 73
6  The Integron/Gene Cassette System: An Active Player
   in Bacterial Adaptation
   Maurizio Labbate, Rebecca Josephine Case, and Hatch 
   W. Stokes .................................................. 103
7  Ancient Gene Transfer as a Tool in Phylogenetic 
   Jinling Huang and Johann Peter Gogarten .................... 127
8  The Tree of Life Viewed Through the Contents of Genomes
   Christopher H. House ....................................... 141
9  Horizontal Gene Transfer and the Evolution of Methanogenic
   Greg Fournier .............................................. 163
10 Genome Acquisition in Horizontal Gene Transfer:
   Symbiogenesis and Macromolecular Sequence Analysis
   Lynn Margulis .............................................. 181

Part III. Methods
11 Detection and Quantitative Assessment of Horizontal Gene 
   Olga Zhaxybayeva ........................................... 195
12 Composition-Based Methods to Identify Horizontal Gene
   Diego Cortez, Luis Delaye, Antonio Lazcano, and Arturo
   Becerra .................................................... 215
13 Testing Phylogenetic Methods to Identify Horizontal Gene
   Maria Poptsova ............................................. 227
14 Untangling Hybrid Phylogenetic Signals: Horizontal Gene
   Transfer and Artifacts of Phylogenetic Reconstruction
   Robert G. Beiko and Mark A. Ragan .......................... 241
15 Construction and Use of Flow Cytometry Optimized Plasmid-
   Sensor Strains
   Martin Iain Bahl, Gunnar Oregaard, Søren J. Sørensen, and
   Lars Hestbjerg Hansen ...................................... 257
16 Experimental Evolution of an Essential Bacillus Gene in
   an E. coli Host
   Maia Larios-Sanz and Michael Travisano ..................... 269
17 Mass Action Models Describing Extant Horizontal Transfer
   of Plasmids: Inferences and Parameter Sensitivities
   Barth F. Smets and Laurent Lardon .......................... 289

Part IV. Case Studies
18 Interdomain Transfers of Sugar Transporters Overcome
   Barriers to Gene Expression
   Kenneth M. Noll and Kamolwan Thirangoon .................... 309
19 The Role of Horizontal Gene Transfer in Photosynthesis, 
   Oxygen Production, and Oxygen Tolerance 
   Jason Raymond .............................................. 323
20 Horizontal Gene Transfer in Cyanobacterial Signature 
   Shailaja Yerrapragada, Janet L. Siefert, and George 
   E. Fox ..................................................... 339
21 Population Genomics and the Bacterial Species Concept
   Margaret A. Riley and Michelle Lizotte-Waniewski ........... 367
22 A Critique of Prokaryotic Species Concepts
   R. Thane Papke ............................................. 379
23 What Antimicrobial Resistance Has Taught Us About
   Horizontal Gene Transfer
   Miriam Barlow .............................................. 397
24 Potential for Horizontal Gene Transfer in Microbial
   Communities of the Terrestrial Subsurface
   Jonna M. Coombs ............................................ 413
25 Horizontal Gene Transfer and Mobile Genetic Elements
   in Marine Systems
   Patricia A. Sobecky and Tracy H. Hazen ..................... 435
26 Horizontal Gene Transfer in Metal and Radionuclide
   Contaminated Soils 
   Patricia A. Sobecky and Jonna M. Coombs .................... 455
27 Horizontal Gene Transfer Between Microbial Eukaryotes
   Jan O. Andersson ........................................... 473
28 Horizontal Gene Transfer in Eukaryotic Parasites: A Case
   Study of Entamoeba histolytica and Trichomonas vaginalis 
   U. Cecilia Alsmark, Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten, Peter G. 
   Foster, Robert P. Hirt, and T. Martin Embley ............... 489
29 Role of Horizontal Gene Transfer in the Evolution of
   Photosynthetic Eukaryotes and Their Plastids
   Patrick J. Keeling ......................................... 501
30 Role of Horizontal Gene Transfer in the Evolution of
   Plant Parasitism Among Nematodes
   Makedonka Mitreva, Geert Smant, and Johannes Helder ........ 517

Index ......................................................... 537

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