Akasofu S.-I. Exploring the secrets of the aurora (New York, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAkasofu S.-I. Exploring the secrets of the aurora. - 2nd ed. - New York: Springer, 2007. - xxx, 288 p.: ill. (some col.). - (Astrophysics and space science library; vol.346). - Incl. bibl. ref. (p.277-279) and indexes. - ISBN 978-0-387-45094-0

Оглавление / Contents
Preface to the Second Edition ................................... v
Preface to the First Edition .................................. vii
Prologue ....................................................... xv
Color Plates ................................................. xxxi

1  Search for the Unknown Quantity in the Solar Wind ............ 1
   1.1  Solar Corpuscular Streams ............................... 1
   1.2  The Chapman-Ferraro Theory .............................. 6
   1.3  The Solar Wind .......................................... 9
   1.4  Interplanetary Shock Waves ............................. 10
   1.5  The Modern Interpretation of the Chapman-Ferraro
        Theory ................................................. 11
   1.6  The Main Phase of Geomagnetic Storms and the Ring
        Current ................................................ 11
   1.7  Variety of the Development of Geomagnetic Storms ....... 16
   1.8  Unknown Quantity ....................................... 17
   1.9  Thee Function .......................................... 21
   1.10 The Directly Driven and Unloading Components ........... 30
   1.11 The Open Magnetosphere ................................. 33

2  Confronting Paradigms: Aurora Research During the Early
   Space Age ................................................... 37
   2.1  My Earliest Association with the Aurora ................ 37
   2.2  The Auroral Zone to the Auroral Oval ................... 38
   2.3  The Auroral Oval as the Natural Coordinate System ...... 47
   2.4  Auroral Substorms: Fixed Pattern to Substorm Pattern ... 52
   2.5  Publication of My First Monograph ...................... 62
   2.6  Auroral Storms ......................................... 63
   2.7  Auroral Rays ........................................... 64
   2.8  Thickness of an Auroral Curtain ........................ 66
   2.9  Auroral Kilometric Radiation ........................... 68
   2.10 Auroral Observation at the South Pole .................. 68
   2.11 Auroral Spectra as Tools for Detecting
        Extraterrestrial Life .................................. 69
   2.12 Emperor Showa and the Aurora ........................... 70
   2.13 Exciting New Developments .............................. 71

3  Realizing the Dream of Our Pioneers: Polar Magnetic
   Substorms and the Associated Current System ................. 79
   3.1  The Three-Dimensional Current System ................... 80
        3.1.1  The Uniqueness Problem .......................... 80
        3.1.2  Chapman's Equivalent Current System ............. 80
        3.1.3  Birkeland-Alfvén Model .......................... 84
        3.1.4  Nikolsky's Spiral ............................... 88
   3.2  Alaska Meridian Chain of Magnetic Observatories ........ 91
   3.3  The IMS Meridian Chains of Observatories ............... 92

4  Synthesis of Magnetospheric Substorm Phenomena .............. 97
   4.1  Boström's Current Loops ................................ 97
        4.1.1  Proof of Bostrцm's Current Loops ................ 97
        4.1.2  The Pedersen Current ............................ 99
        4.1.3  The Westward Electrojet is the Hall Current .... 100
   4.2  The So-called "Dipolarization" ........................ 107
   4.3  Changes of Magnetic Energy in the Magnetotail ......... 109
   4.4  Substorm Onset ........................................ 114
        4.4.1  An Example of Integration/Synthesis ............ 114
        4.4.2  The Poleward Expansion ......................... 119
        4.4.3  Magnetic Reconnection in the Magnetotail ....... 121
   4.5  Storm-Substorm Relationship ........................... 123
   4.6  Geomagnetic Indices ................................... 127
   4.7  Summary of Chapters 1, 2, and 3 ....................... 128
   4.8  Publication of Solar-Terrestrial Physics from Oxford
        University Press ...................................... 130

5  Planetary Magnetic Fields: Is the Earth's Dipole Really
   Off-Centered and Inclined? ................................. 143
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 143
   5.2  Triple Dipole Model ................................... 145
   5.3  Rotation of the Solar Magnetic Field on the Source
        Surface ............................................... 147
   5.4  Large Inclination and Eccentricity of the
        Dipole-like Field of Uranus and Neptune ............... 150
   5.5  Is the Earth's Dipole Actually Inclined with Respect
        to the Rotation Axis? ................................. 154
   5.6  Does the Main Dipole of the Geomagnetic Field Rotate
        during the Reversals? ................................. 156
   5.7  Heliospheric Current Sheet ............................ 157

6  Recurrent Geomagnetic Disturbances and the Solar Wind ...... 161
   6.1  Modeling the Background Solar Wind Flow ............... 161
   6.2  Recurrent Magnetic Storms ............................. 163
   6.3  Solar Wind Speed during the Declining Sunspot Period
        and Associated Geomagnetic Disturbance ................ 168
   6.4  NESW Coordinate System ................................ 174
   6.5  Solar Flare Locations and the NESW Coordinate
        System ................................................ 176
   6.6  Solar Corona and the NESW Coordinate System ........... 176
   6.7  The Solar Wind and the NESW Coordinate System ......... 179
   6.8  The Triple Dipole Model and the NESW Coordinate
        System ................................................ 179
   6.9  Double Wave Case ...................................... 181
   6.10 Summary of Chapters 5 and 6 ........................... 181

7  Myth of the Emerging Flux Tubes: Sunspots and Solar
   Flares ..................................................... 185
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 185
   7.2  Emerging Magnetic Flux Tubes .......................... 186
   7.3  Energy Source for Transient Solar Activities .......... 193
   7.4  Sunspots .............................................. 195
   7.5  Force-free Fields and Solar Flares .................... 198
   7.6  Simplest and Most Fundamental Flares .................. 201
   7.7  Magnetic Reconnection ................................. 204

8  Space Weather Research ..................................... 207
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 207
   8.2  Disappearing Filaments (DBs) and their Magnetic
        Field Structure ....................................... 209
   8.3  Sigmoids and Magnetic Flux Ropes ...................... 211
   8.4  Trans-equatorial Loops ................................ 216
   8.5  Halo CMEs ............................................. 216
   8.6  Flux Ropes Observed in Interplanetary Space ........... 219
   8.7  Parameterizing Solar Events ........................... 221
   8.8  An Example of the HAF Modeling ........................ 223
   8.9  Flux Rope Modeling .................................... 229
        8.9.1  Horizontal Loops ............................... 231
        8.9.2  Vertical Loops ................................. 232
   8.10 Optical Observations of Interplanetary Disturbances ... 237
   8.11 Interplanetary Scintillation .......................... 238
   8.12 Polarity of the Source Surface Field .................. 240
   8.13 Characterizing Geomagnetic Storms ..................... 241
   8.14 Predicting Ionospheric Effects ........................ 242
   8.15 Effects on Power Transmission Lines and Oil/Gas
        Pipelines ............................................. 243
   8.16 Geomagnetic Storm Prediction Scheme ................... 246

9  Beyond the Inner Heliosphere: The Magnetic Field
   Structure of the Outer Heliosphere: A Three-Dimensional
   Model ...................................................... 249

Epilogue ...................................................... 257
Sources of Figures ............................................ 267
Further Reading ............................................... 277
Name Index .................................................... 281
Index ......................................................... 285

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