McKee K.B. Applied public relations: cases in stakeholder management (New York; London, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMcKee K.B. Applied public relations: cases in stakeholder management / K.B.McKee, L.F.Lamb. - 2nd ed. - New York; London: Routledge, 2009. - xiii, 288 p.: ill. - Ind.: p.284-286. - ISBN 978-0-415-99915-1

Оглавление / Contents
   List of figures ............................................. ix
   Preface ..................................................... xi

   Professional Insight: The Management Champion of Social
   Responsibility ............................................. xiv
   James E. Grunig

1  Public Relations: Maintaining Mutually Beneficial Systems
   of Stakeholder Relationships ................................. 1

   Professional Insight: The Case For Character ................. 8
   Ron Arp

2  Stakeholders: Employees ..................................... 11
   Case 1.  General Motors Trims Its Workforce and 
            Operations ......................................... 16
   Case 2.  "You Can't Buy That Kind of PR": Southwest
            Airlines Employees Star in Reality TV .............. 21
   Case 3.  Teamsters Deliver Public Support During the UPS
            Strike ............................................. 24
   Case 4.  Sun Shines Through Employee Blogs .................. 28
   Case 5.  The Case of the Misfired Memo ...................... 31

   Professional Insight: Your Real Job Description ............. 35
   Lisa Owens

3  Stakeholders: Community ..................................... 37
   Case 6.  "The Company For Women Pledges Support ............. 41
   Case 7.  CharitaBulls Help Others Win at Life ............... 46
   Case 8.  "Walking the Talk": DuPont's Land Legacy Program
            Donates 16,000 Acres to The Conservation Fund ...... 50
   Case 9.  Habitat for Humanity: Building Corporate Bridges 
            and Affordable Houses .............................. 54
   Case 10. Community Service Constitutes Core Competency of
            Timberland ......................................... 58

   Professional Insight: A Lesson: Advertising and Public
   Relations Can Work in Harmony ............................... 64
   Anne Sceia Klein

4  Stakeholders: Consumers ..................................... 67
   Case 11. "Would You Like Your Taco With or Without 
            Pesticide Today?" .................................. 71
   Case 12. Wendy's Relies On Reputation to Combat "Finger" 
            Fraud .............................................. 76
   Case 13. Bausch & Lomb Sees Recall .......................... 79
   Case 14. Tire Tread Troubles Drive Firestone into Crisis 
            of Confidence ...................................... 83
   Case 15. Wal-Mart: Soaring Through Sustainability ........... 89
   Case 16. Warner Bros, (and Others) are Wild About "Harry" ... 93

   Professional Insight: Public Relations in the iPod 
   Generation .................................................. 98
   Richard D. French

5  Stakeholders: Media ........................................ 101
   Case 17. Media Interest in Transplant Drama Stokes
            Anxiety in Health Care Professionals .............. 106
   Case 18. Fake News Release Leads to Arrest ................. 113
   Case 19. Bishops, Priests, and Reporters: The Catholic
            Church and Media Coverage of Sex Abuse Scandals ... 119
   Case 20. Bowling For Columbine Strikes Ammunition Sales
            at Kmart Corp ..................................... 124
   Case 21. Creating and Controlling—A Dialogue on Energy:
            Chevron Launches Worldwide Advertising Campaign ... 127

   Professional Insight: Making News in a New Media World ..... 131
   David Henderson

6  Stakeholders: Investors .................................... 133
   Case 22. The Communications Company That Didn't
            Communicate: WorldCom ............................. 138
   Case 23. Appearances or Substance: Which is More 
            Important? ........................................ 143
   Case 24. A Habit of Activism ............................... 150
   Case 25. Hewlett-Packard Seeks to Plug Leaks With a
            Secret Investigation .............................. 154

   Professional Insight: Integrated Communication and
   Shareholder Wealth ......................................... 158
   Linda Kelleher

7  Stakeholders: Members and Volunteers ....................... 161
   Case 26. Designated Donations? The American Red Cross and
            the Liberty Fund .................................. 165
   Case 27. Offering "1-888-995-HOPE" to Homeowners ........... 171
   Case 28. Colossal Fossil Dominates Chicago's Field
            Museum ............................................ 174
   Case 29: Queen Latifah Introduces National Women's
            Confidence Day .................................... 179
   Case 30. A New Way for the United Way of the National
            Capital Area? ..................................... 182

   Professional Insight: A Higher Ethical Standard for
   Nonprofits ................................................. 187
   James E. Moody

8  Stakeholders: Governments and Regulators ................... 189
   Case 31. Hospital Advocates for its Property-Tax
            Exemption ......................................... 196
   Case 32. New Internet Cookie Recipe Gives Heartburn to
            Doubleclick ....................................... 201
   Case 33. "Working Together to Bring Peace": Saudi Arabia
            Seeks to Improve its U.S. Image ................... 206
   Case 34. Kick Ash Bash Sets Stage for Antismoking
            Campaign .......................................... 209
   Case 35. "What Happened": Former Press Secretary's 
            Memoir Sparks Controversies ....................... 215

   Professional Insight: Is Saying "No" an Option for the
   Government? ................................................ 218
   Gene Rose

9  Stakeholders: Activists .................................... 221
   Case 36. PETA Serves Up "Holocaust on Your Plate"
            Campaign .......................................... 225
   Case 37. Greenpeace Pressures Chemical Producers to
            Reduce Risks of Chlorine Gas ...................... 228
   Case 38. Activist Campaign in India Examines Soft
            Drinks ............................................ 233
   Case 39. Activists Keep Nike on the Run .................... 239

   Professional Insight: Three Key Concepts from a PR
   Pioneer Turned Critic ...................................... 246
   Larry Pfautsch

10 Stakeholders: Global Citizens .............................. 249
   Case 40 "Our Weapon is Our Nakedness": Nigerian
   Women Use Cultural Taboo to Fight Big Oil Company .......... 254
   Case 41. Bayer Drug Recall Strains International
            Relationships ..................................... 258
   Case 42. Brewing International Relationships: Does 
            Starbucks C.A.F.E. Program Serve Social
            Responsibility to Ethiopian Coffee Farmers? ....... 263
   Case 43. Publicis and the European Central Bank
            Introduce "The Euro, Our Money" to the World ...... 268
   Case 44. Red, White, and Blue—and Golden? McDonald's 
            Responds to International Pressures ............... 272
   Case 45. Maritime Tragedy Compounded by Cultural
            Differences ....................................... 276

   Professional Insight: Global Connections, Distinctive
   Differences ................................................ 282
   Julie Freeman

   Index ...................................................... 284

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