Energy and the transformation of international relations: toward a new producer-consumer framework / ed. by A.Wenger, R.W.Orttung, J.Perovic; contributors M.Enfield et al (Oxford; New York, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEnergy and the transformation of international relations: toward a new producer-consumer framework / ed. by A.Wenger, R.W.Orttung, J.Perovic; contributors M.Enfield et al. - Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press for the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 2009. - xiv, 386 p.: ill., maps. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.364-386. - ISBN 978-0-19-955991-6

Оглавление / Contents
List of Illustrations ......................................... vii
List of Contributors ............................................ x
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi
List of Abbreviations ......................................... xii

I   Introduction ................................................ 1
    1  The Changing International Energy System and its
       Implications for Cooperation in International Politics ... 3
       Robert Orttung, Jeronim Perovic, Andreas Wenger
    2  Changing Markets, Politics, and Perceptions:
       Dealing with Energy (Inter-) Dependencies ............... 26
       Jeronim Perovic
    3  Changing Energy Use Patterns: Increasing Efficiency,
       Adopting Alternative Sources ............................ 59
       Robert W. Orttung
II  Producers .................................................. 89
    4  How Secure Are Middle East Oil Supplies? ................ 91
       Bassam Fattouh
    5  Russia's Role for Global Energy Security ............... 117
       Jeronim Perovic and Robert W. Orttung
    6  Africa in the Context of Oil Supply Geopolitics ........ 158
       Monica Enfield
    7  Energy Security in Latin America ....................... 184
       Roger Tissot
    8  The USA: The Key Global Driver ......................... 219
       Michael E. Webber
    9  Energy Challenges for Europe ........................... 245
       John Roberts
    10 Fuelling the Dragon: China's Energy Prospects
       and International Implications ......................... 269
       Mikkal Herberg
    11 India's Quest for Energy ............................... 298
       Tanvi Madan
IV  Conclusion ................................................ 329
    12 Towards a More Sustainable Global Energy System: 
       Integrating Demand-side and Supply-side Policies ....... 331
       Andreas Wenger
Index ......................................................... 364

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