Coping with uncertainty: robust solutions (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCoping with uncertainty: robust solutions / ed. by K.Marti, Y.Ermoliev, M.Makowski. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. - xvi, 277 p.: ill. - (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems; 633). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-3-642-03734-4; ISSN 0075-8442

Оглавление / Contents
1  General Remarks on Robust Solutions .......................... 1
   Y. Ermoliev, M. Makowski, and K. Marti

References ...................................................... 7

Part I
Modeling of Uncertainty and Probabilistic Issues

2  On Joint Modelling of Random Uncertainty and Fuzzy
   Imprecision ................................................. 11
   Olgierd Hryniewicz
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 11
   2.2  Generalizations of Classical Probability and Their
        Applications in Decision Making ........................ 13
        2.2.1  Measures of Uncertainty and Criteria of Their
               Evaluation ...................................... 13
        2.2.2  Probability ..................................... 15
        2.2.3  Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence and
               Possibility Theory .............................. 17
        2.2.4  Imprecise Probabilities and Their
               Generalizations ................................. 20
   2.3  Fuzzy Random Variables and Fuzzy Statistics ............ 22
   2.4  Applications of Fuzzy Statistics in Systems Analysis ... 29
        2.4.1  Example 1: Verification of the Kyoto Protocol ... 29
        2.4.2  Example 2: Sequential Testing of a Hypothesis
               About the Mean Value in the Normal
               Distribution .................................... 31
   2.5  Conclusions ............................................ 33
   References .................................................. 35
3  On the Approximation of a Discrete Multivariate
   Probability Distribution Using the New Concept of t-Cherry
   Junction Tree ............................................... 39
   Edith Kovács and Tamas Szántai
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 39
   3.2  Preliminaries .......................................... 40
        3.2.1  Notations ....................................... 40
        3.2.2  Cherry Tree and t-Cherry Tree ................... 41
        3.2.3  Junction Tree ................................... 42
   3.3  f-Cherry-Junction Tree ................................. 43
        3.3.1  Construction of a t-Cherry-Junction Tree ........ 43
        3.3.2  The Approximation of the Joint Distribution
               Over X by the Distribution Associated to
               a t-Cherry-Junction Tree ........................ 44
        3.3.3  The Relation Between the Approximations
               Associated to the First-Order Dependence Tree
               and t-Cherry-Junction Tree ...................... 47
   3.4  Some Practical Results of Our Approximation and
        Discussions ............................................ 50
   References .................................................. 56

Part II
Robust Solutions Under Uncertainty

4  Induced Discounting and Risk Management ..................... 59
   T. Ermolieva, Y. Ermoliev, G. Fischer, and M. Makowski
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 59
   4.2  Standard and Stopping Time Induced Discounting ......... 62
   4.3  Time Declining Discount Rates .......................... 65
   4.4  Endogenous Discounting ................................. 68
   4.5  Dynamic Risk Profiles and CVaR Risk Measure ............ 71
   4.6  Intertemporal Inconsistency ............................ 73
   4.7  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 75
   References .................................................. 76
5  Cost Effective and Environmentally Safe Emission Trading
   Under Uncertainty ........................................... 79
   T. Ermolieva, Y. Ermoliev, G. Fischer, M. Jonas, and
   M. Makowski
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 79
   5.2  Uncertainties and Trends of Carbon Fluxes .............. 82
   5.3  Detectability of Emission Changes ...................... 84
   5.4  Trade Equilibrium Under Uncertainty .................... 86
   5.5  Dynamic Bilateral Trading Processes .................... 90
   5.6  Computerized Multi-agent Decentralized Trading
        System ................................................. 92
   5.7  Myopic Market Processes ................................ 93
   5.8  Concluding Remarks ..................................... 96
   References .................................................. 97
6  Robust Design of Networks Under Risks ...................... 101
   Y. Ermoliev, A. Gaivoronski, and M. Makowski
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 101
   6.2  Cooperative Provision of Advanced Mobile Data
        Services .............................................. 104
   6.3  Simplified Model of the Service Portfolio ............. 106
        6.3.1  Description of Services ........................ 106
        6.3.2  Profit Model of an Actor ....................... 108
        6.3.3  Service Portfolio: Financial Perspective ....... 110
   6.4  Modeling of Collaborative Service Provision ........... 113
        6.4.1  Service Provision Capacities ................... 114
        6.4.2  Risk/Return Industrial Expectations ............ 115
        6.4.3  Pricing ........................................ 116
        6.4.4  Revenue Sharing Schemes ........................ 116
   6.5  Properties of the Models and Implementation Issues .... 118
   6.6  Case Study ............................................ 119
   6.7  Dynamics of Attitudes ................................. 122
        6.7.1  Simplified Model: Direct and Indirect
               Interdependencies .............................. 123
        6.7.2  Model Formulation .............................. 125
        6.7.3  Bayesian Networks and Markov Fields ............ 130
        6.7.4  Sensitivity Analysis ........................... 131
        6.7.5  General Interdependencies ...................... 133
   6.8  Conclusion ............................................ 136
   References ................................................. 136

Part III
Analysis and Optimization of Technical Systems and
Structures Under Uncertainty

7  Optimal Ellipsoidal Estimates of Uncertain Systems:
   An Overview and New Results ................................ 141
   F.L. Chernousko
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 141
   7.2  Reachable Sets ........................................ 142
   7.3  Ellipsoidal Bounds .................................... 145
   7.4  Optimality ............................................ 146
   7.5  Equations of Ellipsoids ............................... 148
   7.6  Transformation of the Equations ....................... 150
   7.7  Properties of Optimal Ellipsoids ...................... 152
   7.8  Generalizations ....................................... 153
   7.9  Applications .......................................... 154
        7.9.1  Two-Sided Estimates in Optimal Control ......... 154
        7.9.2  Two-Sided Bounds on Time for the Time-Optimal
               Problem ........................................ 155
        7.9.3  Suboptimal Control ............................. 155
        7.9.4  Differential Games ............................. 156
        7.9.5  Control of Uncertain Systems ................... 157
        7.9.6  Other Applications ............................. 157
        7.9.7  State Estimation in the Presence of
               Observation Errors ............................. 158
   7.10 Ellipsoidal vs. Interval Analysis ..................... 159
   7.11 Conclusions ........................................... 160
   References ................................................. 160
8  Expected Total Cost Minimum Design of Plane Frames
   by Means of Stochastic Linear Programming Methods .......... 163
   Kurt Marti
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 164
        8.1.1  Plastic Analysis of Structures ................. 164
        8.1.2  Limit (Collapse) Load Analysis of Structures
               as a Linear Programming Problem ................ 165
        8.1.3  Plastic and Elastic Design of Structures ....... 167
   8.2  Plane Frames .......................................... 168
        8.2.1  Yield Condition in Case of M - N-
               Interaction .................................... 173
        8.2.2  Approximation of the Yield Condition by Using
               Reference Capacities ........................... 180
   8.3  Stochastic Optimization ............................... 183
        8.3.1  Violation of the Yield Condition ............... 184
        8.3.2  Cost Function .................................. 185
        8.3.3  Choice of the Cost Factors ..................... 186
        8.3.4  Total Costs .................................... 187
        8.3.5  Discretization Methods ......................... 189
        8.3.6  Complete Recourse .............................. 190
   References ................................................. 191

Part IV
Analysis and Optimization of Economic and Engineering
Systems Under Uncertainty

9  Uncertainty in the Future Nitrogen Load to the Baltic
   Sea Due to Uncertain Meteorological Conditions ............. 195
   Jerzy Bartnicki
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 195
   9.2  Nitrogen Emissions .................................... 198
        9.2.1  National Emission Ceilings According to EU
               NEC Directive .................................. 198
        9.2.2  National Emission Ceilings According
               to Gothenburg Protocol ......................... 199
        9.2.3  Nitrogen Emission Projections Used in the
               Model Runs ..................................... 200
   9.3  Computed Nitrogen Depositions for 2010 ................ 201
        9.3.1  Unified EMEP Model ............................. 202
        9.3.2  Calculated Depositions to Sub-basins and
               Catchments of the Baltic Sea ................... 203
   9.4  Uncertainty Due to Meteorological Variability ......... 203
   9.5  Conclusions ........................................... 207
   References ................................................. 207
10 Planning Sustainable Agricultural Development Under
   Risks ...................................................... 209
   G. Fischer, T. Ermolieva, and L. Sun
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 209
   10.2 Cooperation and Co-existence for Risk Sharing ......... 211
   10.3 Agricultural Planning Under Risks ..................... 214
        10.3.1 A Simulation Model ............................. 214
        10.3.2 A Simplified Production Model .................. 216
        10.3.3 A Rebalancing Production-Allocation
               Algorithm ...................................... 217
   10.4 Stochastic Production Allocation Model ................ 218
   10.5 Numerical Experiments ................................. 221
   10.6 Conclusions ........................................... 225
   References ................................................. 226
11 Dealing with Uncertainty in GHG Inventories: How to Go
   About It? .................................................. 229
   Matthias Jonas, Thomas White, Gregg Marland, Daniel
   Lieberman, Zbigniew Nahorski, and Sten Nilsson
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 230
   11.2 Does Uncertainty Matter? .............................. 232
   11.3 State of the Art of Analyzing Uncertain Emission
        Changes ............................................... 233
   11.4 How to Deal with Uncertainty? ......................... 238
   11.5 Conclusions ........................................... 241
   References ................................................. 242
12 Uncertainty Analysis of Weather Controlled Systems ......... 247
   K.J. Keesman and T. Doeswijk
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 247
   12.2 Preliminaries ......................................... 249
        12.2.1 Bulk Storage Model ............................. 249
        12.2.2 Weather Forecasts .............................. 249
        12.2.3 Cost Function .................................. 250
        12.2.4 Receding Horizon Optimal Control ............... 250
   12.3  Weather Forecast Uncertainty and Error Analysis ...... 252
        12.3.1 Open Loop Evaluation ........................... 252
        12.3.2 Closed Loop Evaluation ......................... 254
   12.4 Discussion ............................................ 256
   12.5 Concluding Remarks .................................... 257
   References ................................................. 257
13 Estimation of the Error in Carbon Dioxide Column
   Abundances ................................................. 259
   Mitsuhiro Tomosada, Koji Kanefuji, Yukio Matsumoto,
   Hiroe Tsubaki, and Tatsuya Yokota
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 259
   13.2 Trace Gas Measurement by Satellite Remote Sensing ..... 261
        13.2.1 Observations of Trace Gases with Various
               Sensors ........................................ 261
        13.2.2 GOSAT Mission .................................. 262
        13.2.3 Previous Error Analysis ........................ 264
   13.3 Error Evaluation and Results .......................... 266
        13.3.1 Retrieval Method ............................... 266
        13.3.2 Error Evaluation ............................... 268
        13.3.3 Error Evaluation Results ....................... 270
13.4 Conclusions .............................................. 276
References .................................................... 276

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