Trends and issues in global tourism (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаTrends and issues in global tourism / ed. by R.Conrady, M.Buck; in collabor. with V.Tittel, K.Tittel. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. - xxiv, 342 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISSN 1868-0127

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Оглавление / Contents
       New Data on Tourism and Changing Travel Behaviour

Status Quo and Forecasting World and European Tourism ........... 3
   Rolf Freitag and Dennis Рykа
1  Introduction ................................................. 3
2  Overview of World Tourism in 2009 ............................ 3
3  European Tourism in 2009 ..................................... 7
4  Looking Forward ............................................. 14

Changing Travel Booking Patterns in European Travel Agencies ... 19
   Stefan Nigg
1  Introduction/Methodology .................................... 19
2  Traces of the Crisis in Booking Habits ...................... 19
3  Conclusion .................................................. 25

Closer, Shorter, Cheaper: How Sustainable Is This Trend? ....... 27
   Ulrich Reinhardt
1  Closer: Domestic and Outbound Destinations in 2009 .......... 28
2  Shorter: Length of Trip in 2009 ............................. 30
3  Cheaper: Travel Expenses in 2009 ............................ 31
4  How Sustainable Is This Trend? Tourism Forecast and Future
   Trends ...................................................... 33

Exotic of Vicinity: Holiday Feelings Between Home and
Long-Distance Journeys ......................................... 37
   Christoph B. Melchers and Patricia Moser
1  The - Not so New - Trend Towards Region ..................... 37
2  Trends Seen from a Cultural-Psychological Point of View ..... 37
3  The Actual Culture of "Clutch and De-clutch" ................ 38
4  The Addiction to Vicinity as Corrective Against the 
   Culture of Clutch and De-clutch ............................. 39
5  How to Offer Travels to Nearby Regions ...................... 39

              Challenges in Global Aviation Management

Outlook on Climate Change and Aviation ......................... 43
   Jürgen Ringbeck and Daniel Röska
1  Why Aviation Should Care About Climate Change ............... 43
2  How to Deal with the COP15 Failure? ......................... 45
3  How to Crack the Fundamental Issues ......................... 48
4  Outlook ..................................................... 50

Acceptance of Aviation in the Airport Environment:
Best Practice Examples ......................................... 51
   Ralph Beisel
1  Introduction ................................................ 51
2  First Focus on the Environment: Reducing the Impact of
   Aviation-Related Noise ...................................... 51
3  Second Focus on the Environment: Reducing CO2 Emissions ..... 53
4  Third Focus on the Environment: Airports' C02 Reduction
   Package ..................................................... 54
5  Fourth Focus on the Environment: Limit Use of Space ......... 55
6  Fifth Focus on the Environment: Airports Generate 
   Sustained Growth for Regional Economies ..................... 56
7  Conclusion .................................................. 56

Ancillary Revenue Strategies: Five Success Factors ............. 59
   Jay Sorensen
1  Time of Opportunity ......................................... 59
2  Define Your Ancillary Revenue Brand ......................... 60
3  Equip Managers with Resources ............................... 62
4  Create Consumer Clarity ..................................... 63
5  Integrate the Selling Message ............................... 64
6  Engage Employees as Supporters .............................. 65
7  Mission Statement ........................................... 66

Air Berlin's Position in Global Aviation ....................... 69
   Jens Flottau

           Hospitality Management in a Changing Environment

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in the Hospitality
Industry ....................................................... 77
   Andreas Walmsley
1  Introduction ................................................ 77
2  Hotels and Climate Change: Setting the Scene ................ 77
3  To Deal or Not to Deal with Climate Change .................. 80
4  Examples of Good Practice ................................... 81
5  Conclusion .................................................. 89

Eco-leadership and Green Lifestyle: Successful Strategy for a
Growing Market Segment? ........................................ 93
   Andreas Reiter
1  Holistic Quality of Life and Rising Eco-awareness ........... 93
2  Sustainable Concepts in the Hospitality Industry ............ 95
3  Green Lifestyle as Merger of "Eco" and Hipness .............. 96

Budget Hotels: Low Cost Concepts in the U. S., Europe and 
Asia ........................................................... 99
   David Ruetz and Macy Marvel
1  Introduction ................................................ 99
2  "Cheap Chic" - A Defining Trend ............................. 99
3  What Is a Budget Hotel? .................................... 100
4  Business Travellers Targeted ............................... 101
5  Budget Hotels Not Suited to Poor Countries ................. 103
6  Revenue Management Increasingly Used ....................... 103
7  US Market .................................................. 104
8  Europe ..................................................... 109
9  Asia ....................................................... 118
10 Summary and Outlook ........................................ 124

Innovation Management in the Hospitality Industry: New Roads
Towards Meaning and Corporate Culture ......................... 125
   Geoff Marée
1  Change of Tools ............................................ 126
2  Meaning-Based Innovation ................................... 128
3  Co-creation and Open Innovation ............................ 129
4  Hybrid Thinking ............................................ 130
5  A Change of Corporate Culture, Embracing Failure ........... 131

      Destination Management: Product - Branding - Promotion

Challenges for Designing Sustainable Tourism Destinations ..... 135
   Keynote Speech of Vural Öger

Successful Destination Branding: Experiences from an
Innovator ..................................................... 143
   Christoph Engl
1  What Brands Can Do ......................................... 143
2  The Transformation from a Tourist Offer into a Brand
   Destination ................................................ 144
3  The South Tyrol Umbrella Brand ............................. 146

Social Media Tourism Marketing in China ....................... 149
   Dialogue between Wolfgang Georg Arlt and Jens Thraenhart

Tourism Tackles Poverty - A Case Study on Africa .............. 155
   Ralph Kadel, Mirjam Rödl, and Thomas Wollenzien
1  Introduction ............................................... 155
2  Tourism in Developing Countries ............................ 156
3  Tourism Development in Africa .............................. 157
4  Outlook .................................................... 161
5  Conclusion ................................................. 161

    Marketing Management in Global Tourism: Identifying New

The Individualization of Travel - Customer Management via
Website, Mobile and Social Media .............................. 165
   Thomas Helbing
1  The Reality of Individualism ............................... 166
2  Asymmetry Between Demand and Supply ........................ 167
3  Beyond the Homepage ........................................ 168
4  Relevance, Relevance, Relevance ............................ 169
5  Recommendations by the Social Environment .................. 170
6  Modular System Is Looking for Content ...................... 171
7  Direct Customer Contact .................................... 171

Public Relations in the Tourism Industry: Obsolete
Instrument Due to Blogs, Facebook & Co.? ...................... 173
   Thomas C. Wilde

Luxury Tourism - Does This Market Segment Still Work? ......... 179
   Klaus-Dieter Koch
1  The Concept of Luxury Is Set to Get a Makeover ............. 179
2  Effects on Luxury Tourism of Today and Tomorrow ............ 183

Strategies for the Growing Market Segment Gay and
Lesbian Tourism: Lessons Learned from the First Movers ........ 187
   Thomas Bömkes
1  Introduction into Gay Tourism .............................. 187
2  Does the Industry Need Specific Strategies for the Gay 
   and Lesbian Tourism Segment? ............................... 187
3  Overview of the Current Market Situation in Gay Tourism .... 188
4  Analysis of Market Strategies with Best Practice 
   Examples ................................................... 191
5  Future Aspects of Gay Tourism and the Global Picture ....... 199

Spiritual Tourism - The Church as a Partner in Tourism? ....... 201
   Marcus Herntrei and Harald Pechlaner
1  Origin and Demarcation of the Modern Concept of
   Spirituality ............................................... 202
2  Spiritual Tourism .......................................... 203
3  The Church as a Service Provider for Spiritual Tourism ..... 205
4  The Church as a Service Provider of Spiritual Tourism in
   South Tyrol - An Empirical Study ........................... 207
5  Conclusion ................................................. 212
6  Future Prospect ............................................ 215

Spirituality and Health Tourism ............................... 219
   Alexandra Graf
1  Introduction ............................................... 219
2  The Growing Market for Health Tourism and Spirituality ..... 219
3  Conclusion ................................................. 227

         Business Travel Management: Costs - Yield - Success

Business Travel Management: Everything Remains Different!
Post-Crisis Strategies ........................................ 231
   Stefan Vorndran
1  Travel Managers' Moment of Truth ........................... 231
2  Business Travellers Soon to Be Extinct? .................... 232
3  Purchasing Power Versus Fulfilment of Contract ............. 233
4  Qualified Advice Makes the Difference ...................... 234

Controlling the Real Costs of Mobility ........................ 237
   Ewald Brochhausen
1  Dimensions of Business Travel .............................. 237
2  Cost Categories ............................................ 238
3  Calculating Total Costs .................................... 240

Measuring the Return on Investment of Business Travel ......... 245
   Ernst-Otto Thiesing
1  Business Travel - Investment or Expense? ................... 245
2  What Is a Business Trip? ................................... 248
3  Model to Evaluate the Efficiency of a Business Trip -
   Prototype .................................................. 250

Event Controlling and Performance Measurement ................. 253
   Stefan Luppold and Hans Rück
1  Introduction ............................................... 253
2  Measuring of Event Impact .................................. 259
3  Special Forms of Performance Measurement ................... 267
4  Conclusion and Outlook ..................................... 274

       Corporate Social Responsibility: Help or Hindrance?

Corporate Social Responsibility: What Is It? What's the
Point? How Does It Work? ...................................... 281
   Michael Hopkins
1  Introduction ............................................... 281
2  So What Is CSR? ............................................ 282
3  What's the Point? .......................................... 283
4  So What Then Are the Key Elements of a CSR Strategy? ....... 284
5  From Theory to Practice: How Does It Work? ................. 287
6  Where Is CSR Heading? ...................................... 288
7  Concluding Remarks ......................................... 291

Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism - Consumer
Requests and the Image of Suppliers ........................... 293
   Wolfgang Adlwarth
1  Introduction and Methodology ............................... 293
2  Market Developments ........................................ 294
3  CSR-Expectations Towards Suppliers of Tourist Services ..... 295
4  CSR-Image of Tourism Suppliers ............................. 297

CSR as Corporate Strategy vs. "Greenwashing": CSR as a
New Paradigm of Brand Management? ............................. 301
   Christoph Willers and Agata Kulik
1  Introduction ............................................... 301
2  Tourism and Sustainability ................................. 302
3  Chances and Risks of Corporate Sustainability .............. 305
4  Management for Best Practice ............................... 307
5  Conclusion ................................................. 311

Socially Responsible Investing - Implications for Leveraging
Sustainable Development ....................................... 315
   Tobias Luthe and Markus Schuckert
1  Sustainability and the Finance Sector ...................... 315
2  Linking Responsibility to the Consumer ..................... 317
3  The Finance Sector and Climate Change ...................... 317
4  The Responsibility of the Finance Sector ................... 318
5  Sustainability Reporting in the Finance Sector ............. 318
6  Investing in Tourism ....................................... 319
7  Conclusion ................................................. 320

            Beyond the Boundaries of the Tourism Industry

Competent and "International" Body Language as a Key
Qualification in the Tourism Industry ......................... 325
   Monika Matschnig

The Serious Benefits of the "Joy-Care Factor" - Humor,
Laughter, Fun, Optimism and Love in Service of the 
Workplace ..................................................... 333
   Lenny Ravich and Avi Liran
1  Creating a Delightful Workplace - An Elated Employee
   Spreads Vivacity ........................................... 334
2  Choose Your Attitude - Love What You Do! We Will Love You
   Too ........................................................ 337
3  Humor as Another Way of Showing Love, Compassion and 
   Care ....................................................... 339
4  Online Reviews Value Care, Kindness, Genuine Service and
   Even Sense of Humor ........................................ 340

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