Sustainable land use in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia: meeting the challenges of ecological, socio-economic and cultural diversity (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSustainable land use in mountainous regions of Southeast Asia: meeting the challenges of ecological, socio-economic and cultural diversity / ed. by F.Heidhues, L.Herrmann, A.Neef, S.Neidhart, J.Pape, V.Zárate, P.Sruamsiri, D.C.Thu. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2007. - xxx, 404 p.: ill. - (Environmental Science and Engineering. Environmental Science). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - ISBN-10 -3-540-71221-6; ISBN-13 978-3-540-71221-3; ISSN 1863-5520

Оглавление / Contents
List of Contributing Authors ................................. XIII
List of Editors .............................................. XXIX

Chapter 1

Introduction .................................................... 1
   Franz Heidhues and Jens Pape

Chapter 2
Sustainable Resource Management in the Highlands ............... 15

2.1  Introduction .............................................. 17
     Mattiga Panomtaranichagul and Ludger Herrmann
2.2  Variability of Soil Resources in Northern Thailand ........ 21
     Ludger Herrmann, Klaus Spohrer, Ulrich Schuler, Karl 
     Stahr, Niwat Anongrak, Thanun Hongsak and Dusit Manajuti
2.3  Water Allocation and Management in Northern Thailand:
     The Case of Mae Sa Watershed .............................. 37
     Andreas Neef, Chapika Sangkapitux, Wolfram Spreer, Peter
     Elstner, Liane Chamsai, Anne Bollen and Jirawan 
2.4  The Environmental Fate of Agrochemicals: A Case Study
     in the Mae Sa Noi Watershed ............................... 54
     Holger Ciglasch, Julia Busche, Peter Ballarin, 
     Christopher Tarn, Wulf Amelung, Martin Kaupenjohann, 
     Kanita Ueangsawat, Pamornwan Nutniyom, Suphot Totrakool,
     Gunnar Kahl, Joachim Ingwersen and Thilo Streck
2.5  Biodiversity and Landscape Structure: Challenges for 
     Insect Management Strategies in Lychee Orchards in the
     Mountains of Northern Thailand ............................ 68
     Dirk Euler, Konrad Martin, Joachim Sauerborn and Vichian
2.6  Synthesis: Constraints to Sustainable Use of Soil and
     Water in Northern Thailand Highlands and Consequences
     for Future Research ....................................... 77
     Ludger Herrmann and Mattiga Panomtaranichagul

Chapter 3
Sustainable Fruit Production and Processing Systems ............ 81

3.1  Introduction .............................................. 83
     Pittaya Sruamsiri and Sybille Neidhart
3.2  Stabilisation of Fruit Production by Optimised
     Plant Nutrition ........................................... 92
     Sithidech Roygrong, Pittaya Sruamsiri, Fritz Bangerth,
     Ludger Herrmann, Volker Römheld
3.3  Strategies for Flower Induction to Improve Orchard
     Productivity: from Compensation of Alternate Bearing
     to Off-Season Fruit Production ............................ 96
     Pittaya Sruamsiri, Amonnat Chattrakul, Pawin Manochai,
     Martin Hegele, Daruni Naphrom, Winai Wiriya-Alongkorn,
     Sithidech Roygrong, Fritz Bangerth
3.4  The Plant-Physiological Basis of Flower Induction in 
     the Control of Fruit Production .......................... 110
     Martin Hegele, Fritz Bangerth, Daruni Naphrom, Pawin
     Manochai, Pittaya Sruamsiri, Winai Wiriya-Alongkorn,
     Amonnat Chattrakul, Sithidech Roygrong
3.5  Alternative Techniques for Water-Saving Irrigation
     and Optimised Fertigation in Fruit Production in 
     Northern Thailand ........................................ 120
     Somchai Ongprasert, Wolfram Spreer, Winai Wiriya-
     Alongkorn, Saksan Ussahatanonta and Karlheinz Köller
3.6  The Control of Postharvest Ripening Processes and its
     Implications for the Productivity of Mango Processing .... 134
     Sybille Neidhart, Ana Lucia Vásquez-Caicedo, Busarakorn
     Mahayothee, Isabell Pott, Werner Mühlbauer, Pittaya
     Sruamsiri and Reinhold Carle
3.7  Innovative Strategies for Sustainable Lychee
     Processing ............................................... 147
     Sybille Neidhart, Piyatip Hutasingh and Reinhold Carle
3.8  Synthesis: Food Safety, Productivity and Environmental
     Awareness as Key Objectives in Sustainable Fruit
     Production and Processing Systems ........................ 159
     Sybille Neidhart and Pittaya Sruamsiri

Chapter 4
Livestock Production Systems .................................. 173

4.1  Introduction ............................................. 175
     Anne Valle Zárate
4.2  The Contribution of Livestock to Sustainable
     Development in Mountain Farming in Northern Vietnam ...... 178
     Werner Doppler, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen and Do Anh Tai
4.3  Sustainability of Local and Improved Pig Breeds for
     Different Smallholder Production Conditions .............. 188
     Ute Lemke, Anne Valle Zárate, Brigitte Kaufmann, 
     Javier Delgado Santivañez, Le Thi Thuy, Le Viet Ly,
     Hoang Kim Giao and Nguyen Dang Vang
4.4  Local Livestock Genetic Resources in Northern Vietnam .... 203
     Le Thi Thuy, Nguyen Dang Vang, Hoang Kim Giao, Le Viet
     Ly, Anne Valle Zárate and Ute Lemke
4.5  Genetic Diversity of Vietnamese Pig Breeds ............... 213
     Nguyen ThiDieu Thuy, Melchinger, E., Andreas W. Kuss, 
     Peischl Т., Heinz Bartenschlager, Nguyen V.C., Hermann
4.6  A Survey of Selected Livestock Parasites in Son La ....... 222
     Thomas Romig, Tina Jehle, Phan Van Luc and Ute 
4.7  Synthesis ................................................ 226
     Anne Valle Zárate

Chapter 5
Farm Economics and Marketing Dynamics in Support of 
Sustainability ................................................ 231

5.1  Introduction ............................................. 233
     Franz Heidhues
5.2  The Impact of Family Decision-Making on Sustainable 
     Rural Livelihoods ........................................ 234
     Werner Doppler and Do Anh Tai
5.3  Sustainability of Mountainous Farming-Systems ............ 248
     Jürgen Zeddies and Nicole Schönleber
5.4  Sustainable Farming Systems Planning Using Goal 
     Programming in Northern Thailand ......................... 263
     Suwanna Praneetvatakul and Aer Sirijinda
5.5  Fresh Longan Marketing and Reference Market: A Case of
     Longan Grown in Northern Thailand ........................ 277
     Somporn Isvilanonda
5.6  Interregional Trade Flows and Market Stability ........... 290
     Angela Hau and Matthias von Oppen
5.7  Synthesis ................................................ 306
     Suwanna Praneetvatakul and Franz Heidhues

Chapter 6
Institutional Framework for Sustainable Land Use .............. 307

6.1  Introduction ............................................. 309
     Andreas Neef and Benchaphun Ekasingh
6.2  Resource Tenure and Sustainable Land Management - Case
     Studies from Northern Vietnam and Northern Thailand ...... 317
     Andreas Neef, Prapinwadee Sirisupluxana, Thomas Wirth, 
     Chapika Sangkapitux, Franz Heidhues, Dao Chau Thu and
     Anan Ganjanapan
6.3  Sustainable and Less Sustainable Developments in Rural
     Financial Market of Northern Vietnam ..................... 335
     Thomas Dufhues, Gertrud Buchenrieder, Franz Heidhues,
     Pham Thi My Dung
6.4  Participatory Research for Sustainable Development in
     Vietnam and Thailand: From a Static to an Evolving
     Concept .................................................. 353
     Andreas Neef, Rupert Friederichsen, Dieter Neubert,
     Benchaphun Ekasingh, Franz Heidhues and Nguyen The Dang
6.5  State Administration and Local Networks: The Case of
     Pang Ma Pha District, Northern Thailand .................. 374
     Rudiger Korff, Hans-Dieter Bechstedt and Patcharin
6.6  Synthesis, Conclusions and Implications for
     Institutional Development and Future Research ............ 394
     Benchaphun Ekasingh and Andreas Neef

Chapter 7
Conclusions and Outlook ....................................... 399
   Franz Heidhues

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