Laser imaging and manipulation in cell biology (Weinheim, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLaser imaging and manipulation in cell biology / ed. by F.S.Pavone. - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2010. - xiii, 246 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-3-527-40929-7

Оглавление / Contents
List of Contributors ........................................... XI
Introduction .................................................... 1
   Francesco S. Pavone

Part One
Multiphoton Imaging and Nanoprocessing .......................... 7
1  Multiphoton Imaging and Nanoprocessing of Human Stem Cells ... 9
   Karsten König and Aisada Uchugonova
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 9
   1.2  Principle of Two-Photon Microscopy and Multiphoton
        Tomography ............................................. 10
   1.3  Multiphoton Microscopes and Multiphoton Tomographs ..... 12
   1.4  Endogenous Cellular Fluorophores and SHG Active
        Biomolecule Structures ................................. 14
   1.5  Optical Nanoprocessing ................................. 17
        1.5.1  Principle and Mechanism of Femtosecond Laser
               Nanoprocessing .................................. 17
        1.5.2  Stem Cells ...................................... 18
        1.5.3  Upgrading the Multiphoton Microscope ............ 20
        1.5.4  Autofluorescence Imaging of Human Stem Cells .... 21
        1.5.5  Multiphoton Imaging during Differentiation ...... 21
        1.5.6  Nanoprocessing .................................. 25
   1.6  Discussion and Conclusion .............................. 28
   References .................................................. 31
2  In Vivo Nanosurgery ......................................... 35
   Leonardo Sacconi and Francesco S. Pavone
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 35
   2.2  Physical Mechanisms .................................... 36
   2.3  Experimental Setup ..................................... 37
   2.4  Subcellular Nanosurgery ................................ 38
   2.5  In Vivo Nanosurgery .................................... 41
   2.6  Conclusions ............................................ 46
   References .................................................. 47

Part Two Light-Molecule Interaction Mechanisms ................. 49
3  Interaction of Pulsed Light with Molecules: Photochemical
   and Photophysical Effects ................................... 51
   Gereon Hüttmann
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 51
   3.2  Basic Photophysics ..................................... 52
        3.2.1  Electronic States of Molecules and the
               Jablonski Diagram ............................... 53
        3.2.2  Changes between States .......................... 54
   3.3  Bleaching and Excited State Absorption ................. 57
   3.4  Multiphoton Absorption and Ionization .................. 60
   3.5  Relevance for Biomedical Applications .................. 61
        3.5.1  Effectiveness of Pulsed Lasers for
               Photodynamic Therapy ............................ 61
        3.5.2  Reduction of Photobleaching in Laser Scanning
               Microscopy ...................................... 63
        3.5.3  Super-Resolution by Optical Depletion of the
               Fluorescent State
   3.6  Conclusions ............................................ 67
   References .................................................. 68
4  Chromophore-Assisted Light Inactivation: A Twenty-Year
   Retrospective ............................................... 71
   Daniel G. Jay
   4.1  Historical Perspective ................................. 71
   4.2  Family of CALI-Based Technologies ...................... 72
   4.3  Spatial Restriction of Damage .......................... 73
   4.4  Mechanism of CALI ...................................... 74
   4.5  Micro-CALI ............................................. 75
   4.6  Intracellular Targets of CALI .......................... 75
   4.7  CALI In Vivo ........................................... 76
   4.8  High-Throughput Approaches ............................. 77
   4.9  Future of CALI ......................................... 77
   References .................................................. 78
5  Photoswitches ............................................... 83
   Andrew A. Beharry and G. Andrew Woolley
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 83
   5.2  Synthetic Photoswitches ................................ 84
   5.3  Natural Photoswitches .................................. 89
   References .................................................. 93
6  Optical Stimulation of Neurons .............................. 99
   S.M. Rajguru, A.I. Malic, and C.-P. Richter
   6.1  Introduction ........................................... 99
   6.2  Neural Stimulation with Optical Radiation ............. 100
        6.2.1  General Considerations ......................... 100
        6.2.2  Effect of Optical Stimulation on
               Excitability ................................... 101
        6.2.3  Optical Stimulation via Photochemical
               Mechanism ...................................... 101
       Activation via Exogenously Added
                        Chromophore ........................... 102
       Activation of an Endogenous
                        Chromophore ........................... 102
   6.3  Direct Optical Stimulation of Neural Tissue ........... 103
        6.3.1  Pulsed Infrared Lasers for Direct
               Stimulation .................................... 104
       Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves ...... 104
       Stimulation of Cranial Nerves ......... 105
       Advantages of Optical Stimulation ..... 106
        6.3.2  Challenges for Optical Stimulation ............. 106
       Mechanism of Stimulation with
                        Optical Radiation ..................... 106
       Safety of Optical Stimulation ......... 108
      References .............................................. 108

Part Three Tissue Optical Imaging ............................. 113
7  Light-Tissue Interaction at Optical Clearing ............... 115
   Elina A. Genina, Alexey N. Bashkatov, Kirill V. Larin,
   and Valeiy V. Tuchin
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 115
   7.2  Light-Tissue Interaction .............................. 115
   7.3  Tissue Clearing ....................................... 120
        7.3.1  Compression and Stretching ..................... 122
        7.3.2  Dehydration and Coagulation .................... 122
        7.3.3  Optical Immersion .............................. 124
   7.4  Enhancers of Diffusion ................................ 130
        7.4.1  Diffusion through Membranes .................... 130
        7.4.2  Chemical Agents ................................ 131
        7.4.3  Physical Methods ............................... 132
   7.5  Diffusion Coefficient Estimation ...................... 133
        7.5.1  Spectroscopic Methods .......................... 135
        7.5.2  Optical Coherence Tomography ................... 138
   7.6  Applications of Tissue Optical Clearing to Different
        Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques ................. 144
        7.6.1  Glucose Sensing ................................ 145
       NIR Technique ......................... 145
       OCT Technique ......................... 147
       Photoacoustic Technique ............... 147
       Raman Spectroscopy .................... 148
        7.6.2  Tissue Imaging ................................. 149
       Confocal Microscopy ................... 149
       Nonlinear Microscopy .................. 149
       Multiphoton Microscopy ................ 151
       Polarized Microscopy .................. 152
       Optical Projection Tomography ......... 253
        7.6.3  Therapeutic Applications ....................... 153
   7.7  Conclusion ............................................ 155
   References ................................................. 256

Part Four
Laser Tissue Operation ........................................ 165
8  Photodynamic Therapy - the Quest for Improved Dosimetry
   in the Management of Solid Tumors .......................... 167
   Ann Johansson and Stefan Andersson-Engels
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 167
   8.2  Photodynamic Reactions ................................ 168
        8.2.1  Direct PDT Effects ............................. 170
        8.2.2  Vascular PDT Effects ........................... 170
        8.2.3  Immunological Effects .......................... 170
        8.2.4  Manipulating the PDT Effect .................... 171
   8.3  Photosensitizers ...................................... 173
        8.3.1  Photophysical Properties ....................... 175
        8.3.2  Pharmacokinetics and Tumor Selectivity ......... 276
   8.4  PDT Dosimetry Models .................................. 177
        8.4.1  Explicit Dosimetry ............................. 279
        8.4.2  Implicit Dosimetry ............................. 282
        8.4.3  Direct Dosimetry ............................... 282
        8.4.4  Biological Response ............................ 284
        8.4.5  Summary of PDT Dose Models ..................... 284
   8.5  Clinical Implementation ............................... 285
   8.6  Where is PDT Heading? ................................. 288
        8.6.1  Novel Applications ............................. 289
        8.6.2  Novel Light Delivery Modes ..................... 190
        8.6.3  Novel Photosensitizer Development .............. 190
        8.6.4  Novel Implementation of Dosimetry and
   Dosimetric Measurements .................................... 292
   References ................................................. 293
9  Laser Welding of Biological Tissue: Mechanisms,
   Applications and Perspectives .............................. 203
   Paolo Matteini, Francesca Rossi, Fulvio Ratto, and
   Roberto Pini
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 203
   9.2  Mechanism of Thermal Laser Welding .................... 206
        9.2.1  Composition of the Extracellular Matrix ........ 206
        9.2.2  Thermal Modifications of Connective Tissues
               and Mechanism of Welding ....................... 207
       Hard Laser Welding .................... 220
       Moderate Laser Welding ................ 220
       Soft Laser Welding .................... 210
   9.3  Temperature Control in Laser Welding Procedures ....... 211
        9.3.1  Control Systems of Temperature Dynamics ........ 211
   9.4  Surgical Applications of Thermal Laser Welding ........ 214
        9.4.1  Laser Welding in Ophthalmology ................. 215
       Clinical Applications in the
                        Transplant of the Cornea .............. 215
       Preclinical Applications in the
                        Closure of the Lens Capsule ........... 218
        9.4.2  Laser Welding in Vascular Surgery .............. 219
   9.5  Future Perspectives ................................... 223
   References ................................................. 226

   Conclusions ................................................ 233
      Francesco S. Pavone
   References ................................................. 242

   Index ...................................................... 243

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