Handbook of geomathematics; Vol.1 (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHandbook of geomathematics. Vol.1 / ed. by W.Freeden, M.Z.Nashed, T.Sonar. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. - xix, 738 p.: ill. - ISBN 978-3-642-01545-8

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
About the Editors ............................................. vii
Contributors ................................................. xiii

                             Volume 1
        General Issues, Key Technologies, Data Acquisition,
                    Modeling the System Earth

1  Geomathematics: Its Role, Its Aim, and Its Potential ......... 3
   Willi Freeden
2  Navigation on Sea: Topics in the History of
   Geomathematics .............................................. 43
   Thomas Sonar
3  Earth Observation Satellite Missions and Data Access ........ 71
   Henri Laur, Volker Liebig
4  GOCE: Gravitational Gradiometry in a Satellite .............. 93
   Reiner Rummel
5  Sources of the Geomagnetic Field and the Modern Data That
   Enable Their Investigation ................................. 105
   Nils Olsen, Gauthier Hulot Terence Sabaka
6  Classical Physical Geodesy ................................. 127
   Helmut Moritz
7  Spacetime Modelling of the Earth's Gravity Field by
   Ellipsoidal Harmonics ...................................... 159
   Erik W. Grafarend, Matthias Klapp, Zdenek Martinec
8  Time-Variable Gravity Field and Global Deformation of
   the Earth .................................................. 253
   Jürgen Kusche
9  Satellite Gravity Gradiometry (SGG): From Scalar to
   Tensorial Solution ......................................... 269
   Willi Freeden, Michael Schreiner
10 Gravitational Viscoelastodynamics .......................... 303
   Detlef Wolf
11 Multiresolution Analysis of Hydrology and Satellite
   Gravitational Data ......................................... 333
   Helga Nutz, Kerstin Wolf
12 Time Varying Mean Sea Level ................................ 353
   Luciana Fenoglio-Marc, Erwin Groten
13 Unstructured Meshes in Large-Scale Ocean Modeling .......... 371
   Sergey Danilov, Jens Schroter
14 Numerical Methods in Support of Advanced Tsunami Early
   Warning .................................................... 399
   Jörn Behrens
15 Efficient Modeling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media
   Using Multiphysics and Multiscale Approaches ............... 417
   Rainer Helmig, Jennifer Niessner, Bernd Flemisch, Markus 
   Wolff, Jochen Fritz
16 Numerical Dynamo Simulations: From Basic Concepts to
   Realistic Models ........................................... 459
   Johannes Wicht, Stephan Stellmach, Helmut Harder
17 Mathematical Properties Relevant to Geomagnetic Field
   Modeling ................................................... 503
   Terence J. Sabaka, Gauthier Hulot, Nils Olsen
18 Multiscale Modeling of the Geomagnetic Field and
   Ionospheric Currents ....................................... 539
   Christian Gerhards
19 The Forward and Adjoint Methods of Global Electromagnetic
   Induction for CHAMP Magnetic Data .......................... 565
   Zdeněk Martinec
20 Asymptotic Models for Atmospheric Flows .................... 625
   Rupert Klein
21 Modern Techniques for Numerical Weather Prediction:
   A Picture Drawn from Kyrill ................................ 649
   Nils Dorband, Martin Fengler, Andreas Gumann, Stefan Laps
22 Modeling Deep Geothermal Reservoirs: Recent Advances and
   Future Problems ............................................ 679
   Maxim Ilyasov, Isabel Ostermann, Alessandro Punzi
23 Phosphorus Cycles in Lakes and Rivers: Modeling,
   Analysis, and Simulation ................................... 713
   Andreas Meister, Joachim Benz

                             Volume 2
       Modeling the System Earth, Analytical and Statistical
          Methods, Computational and Numerical Algorithms

24 Noise Models for Ill-Posed Problems ........................ 741
   Paul N. Eggermont, Vincent LaRiccia, M. Zuhair Nashed
25 Sparsity in Inverse Geophysical Problems ................... 763
   Markus Grasmair, Markus Haltmeier, Otmar Scherzer
26 Quantitative Remote Sensing Inversion in Earth Science:
   Theory and Numerical Treatment ............................. 785
   Yanfei Wang
27 Multiparameter Regularization in Downward Continuation of
   Satellite Data ............................................. 813
   Shuai Lu, Sergei V. Pereverzev
28 Correlation Modeling of the Gravity Field in Classical
   Geodesy .................................................... 833
   Christopher Jekeli
29 Modeling Uncertainty of Complex Earth Systems in Metric
   Space ...................................................... 865
   Jef Caers, Kwangwon Park, Céline Scheldt
30 Slepian Functions and Their Use in Signal Estimation
   and Spectral Analysis ...................................... 891
   Frederik J. Simons
31 Special Functions in Mathematical Geosciences: An Attempt
   at a Categorization ........................................ 925
   Willi Freeden, Michael Schreiner
32 Tomography: Problems and Multiscale Solutions .............. 949
   Volker Michel
33 Material Behavior: Texture and Anisotropy .................. 973
   Ralf Hielscher, David Mainprice, Helmut Schaeben
34 Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Imagery Data
   for Feature Classification ................................ 1005
   Charles K. Chui, Jianzhong Wang
35 Oblique Stochastic Boundary-Value Problem ................. 1051
   Martin Grothaus, Thomas Raskop
36 Geodetic Deformation Analysis with Respect to an
   Extended Uncertainty Budget ............................... 1077
   Hansjörg Kutterer
37 Mixed Integer Estimation and Validation for Next
   Generation GNSS ........................................... 1101
   Peter J.G. Teunissen
38 Mixed Integer Linear Models ............................... 1129
   Peiliang Xu
39 Statistical Analysis of Climate Series .................... 1159
   Helmut Pruscha
40 Numerical Integration on the Sphere ....................... 1187
   Kerstin Hesse, Ian H. Sloan, Robert S. Womersley
41 Multiscale Approximation .................................. 1221
   Stephan Dahlke
42 Sparse Solutions of Underdetermined Linear Systems ........ 1243
   Inna Kozlov, Alexander Petukhov
43 Multidimensional Seismic Compression by Hybrid Transform
   with Multiscale Based Coding .............................. 1261
   Amir Z. Averbuch, Valery A. Zheludev, Dan D. Kosloff
44 Cartography ............................................... 1289
   Liqiu Meng
45 Geoinformatics ............................................ 1313
   Monika Sester

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