Dragoman D. Quantum-classical analogies (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDragoman D. Quantum-classical analogies. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 2010. - x, 344 p.: ill. - (The Frontiers Collection). - Ref.: p.319-340. - Ind.: p.341-344. - ISBN 978-3-642-05766-3; ISSN 1612-3018

Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
2  Analogies Between Ballistic Electrons and Electromagnetic
   Waves ........................................................ 9
   2.1  Analog Parameters for Ballistic Electrons and
        Classical Electromagnetic Waves ........................ 10
   2.2  Geometrical Electron Optics ............................ 14
        2.2.1  Electron Prism .................................. 15
        2.2.2  Electron Lens ................................... 17
        2.2.3  Magnetic Electron/Hole Focusing ................. 18
        2.2.4  Electron Beam Splitter .......................... 21
   2.3  Quantum/Electromagnetic Waveguides ..................... 22
        2.3.1  Dispersion Equation ............................. 23
        2.3.2  Coupled Electron Waveguides ..................... 25
   2.4  Analogous Quantum/Electromagnetic Filters .............. 27
   2.5  Analogous Quantum/Electromagnetic Tunneling
        Structures ............................................. 29
        2.5.1  Quantum/Electromagnetic Resonant Tunneling
               Wells ........................................... 30
        2.5.2  Quantum/Electromagnetic Resonant Tunneling
               Wires ........................................... 32
        2.5.3  Quantum/Electromagnetic Resonant Tunneling
               Dots ............................................ 33
   2.6  Photonic Band Crystals ................................. 36
   2.7  Photonic Bloch Oscillations ............................ 40
   2.8  Electron Diffraction ................................... 44
   2.9  Electron Interference .................................. 47
   2.10 Analog Quantum/Electromagnetic Devices with Non-
        Uniform Cross-Section .................................. 50
        2.10.1 Analog Quantum/Electromagnetic T-Shaped
               Devices ......................................... 51
        2.10.2 Analog Quantum/Electromagnetic Dots with Non-
               Uniform Cross-Section ........................... 54
   2.11 Quantum/Electromagnetic Cavities ....................... 56
   2.12 Electromagnetic Analogs of Type II Semiconductor
        Heterostructures ....................................... 58
3  Electron/Electromagnetic Multiple Scattering and
   Localization ................................................ 63
   3.1  Quantum/Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in
        Disordered Media ....................................... 64
        3.1.1  Microscopic Theory of Transport ................. 65
        3.1.2  Single-Scattering Matrix ........................ 67
        3.1.3  Velocities of Electromagnetic Waves in Random
               Media ........................................... 68
        3.1.4  Length Scales ................................... 72
   3.2  Light Conductance ...................................... 73
   3.3  Photonic Hall and Magnetoresistance Effects ............ 76
   3.4  Interference Effects in Multiple Scattering ............ 79
        3.4.1  Universal Conductance Fluctuations .............. 79
        3.4.2  Light Intensity Correlations .................... 81
        3.4.3  Weak Localization ............................... 88
   3.5  Localization Criteria .................................. 93
        3.5.1  Ioffe Regel Criterion for Localization .......... 94
        3.5.2  Thouless Criterion for Localization ............. 95
        3.5.3  Vanishing of Transport Mean Free Path as
               Localization Criterion .......................... 98
   3.6  Experimental Evidence of Light Localization ............ 98
4  Acoustic Analogies for Quantum Mechanics ................... 103
   4.1  Acoustic Bloch Waves .................................. 103
   4.2  Acoustic Analogs of Quasicrystals ..................... 105
   4.3  Multiple Scattering and Localization of Acoustic
        Waves ................................................. 106
   4.4  Acoustic Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Disordered
        Systems ............................................... 112
   4.5  Acoustical Analog of Persistent Currents in
        Mesoscopic Normal Metal Rings ......................... 115
   4.6  Acoustic Casimir Effect ............................... 116
5  Optical Analogs for Multilevel Quantum Systems ............. 119
   5.1  Optical Analog for a Two-Level Quantum System ......... 119
   5.2  Dynamical Behavior of the Two-Level Optical Atom ...... 124
        5.2.1  Adiabatic Regime ............................... 125
        5.2.2  Rabi Oscillations .............................. 125
        5.2.3  Multiphoton Transitions and Bloch-Siegert
               Shifts ......................................... 127
        5.2.4  Zener-Tunneling Regime ......................... 128
   5.3  Macroscopic Optical Band Structure .................... 129
   5.4  Comparison with Spin-Resonant Phenomena ............... 132
   5.5  Limitations of the Optical Analog of a Quantum Two-
        Level System .......................................... 135
   5.6  Three- and Four-Level Optical Atoms ................... 136
   5.7  Nonlinear Optical Atoms ............................... 137
   5.8  Spectral Focusing in Two-Photon Processes ............. 138
   5.9  Spectral Fresnel Lens ................................. 141
6  Particle Optics ............................................ 143
   6.1  Particle Optics Versus Classical Optics ............... 145
   6.2  Atom Interactions with Light .......................... 147
   6.3  Geometrical Particle Optics ........................... 150
        6.3.1  Collimation .................................... 153
        6.3.2  Focusing ....................................... 154
        6.3.3  Mirrors ........................................ 159
        6.3.4  Atom Channeling ................................ 162
        6.3.5  Beam Splitters ................................. 163
   6.4  Particle Wave Optics .................................. 165
        6.4.1  Diffraction .................................... 166
        6.4.2  Interference ................................... 170
        6.4.3  Holography ..................................... 175
   6.5  Atom Waveguides ....................................... 177
        6.5.1  Atom Coupler ................................... 180
        6.5.2  Bloch Oscillations in Atom Optics .............. 181
        6.5.3  Atomic Wavepackets ............................. 182
        6.5.4  Atom Lenses and Mirrors in the Time Domain ..... 182
   6.6  Quasiparticle Optics .................................. 184
7  Quantum/Classical Nonlinear Phenomena ...................... 187
   7.1  Nonlinear Phenomena in Resonant Tunneling Diodes ...... 187
   7.2  Nonlinear Barrier Traversal ........................... 191
   7.3  Classical Nonlinear Analogs of Bose-Einstein
        Condensates ........................................... 191
        7.3.1  Four-Wave Mixing in the ВЕС .................... 194
        7.3.2  ВЕС Solitons ................................... 195
        7.3.3  ВЕС Holography ................................. 201
   7.4  BECs and Gravitation .................................. 203
   7.5  Nonlinear Atom Optics ................................. 206
   7.6  Classical Analog of Andreev Reflection ................ 208
8  Quantum/Classical Phase Space Analogies .................... 211
   8.1  Classical/Quantum Hamiltonian Formulation ............. 212
   8.2  Quantum/Classical Systems with Identical Motion ....... 217
   8.3  Operator Formalism in Classical Physics ............... 221
        8.3.1  Differential Operators in Classical Optics ..... 221
        8.3.2  Integral Operators in Classical Optics ......... 225
        8.3.3  Operator Factorization ......................... 226
   8.4  Quantum/Classical Chaos ............................... 227
   8.5  Quantum/Classical Uncertainty Relations ............... 229
   8.6  Quantum/Classical Phase Space Distribution
        Functions ............................................. 232
   8.7  Quantum/Classical Interference in Phase Space ......... 236
   8.8  Quantum/Classical Transitions ......................... 240
   8.9  Quantum/Classical Transformations ..................... 242
9  Analogies Between Quantum and Classical Computing .......... 247
   9.1  Bits and Registers .................................... 249
   9.2  Logical Operations .................................... 256
   9.3  Computing Algorithms .................................. 261
   9.4  Entangled States ...................................... 270
   9.5  Teleportation ......................................... 276
10 Other Quantum/Classical Analogies .......................... 279
   10.1 Transmission Line Analogy to Ballistic Electron
        Motion ................................................ 279
   10.2 Quantum Analog of the Electro-Optic Modulator ......... 280
   10.3 Electronic Flute ...................................... 282
   10.4 Quantum Anyon/Classical Vortex Analogy ................ 283
   10.5 Mechanical Model of Rotational States in Even-Even
        Nuclei ................................................ 285
   10.6 Quantum/Classical Malus Law ........................... 287
   10.7 Analogies Between the Wave Equation and the Time-
        Independent Schrodinger Equation ...................... 288
        10.7.1 Classical Analogs of Quantum Fock States ....... 288
        10.7.2 Nonlinear Quantum/Classical Operators .......... 290
        10.7.3 Optical Corrals ................................ 291
   10.8 Analogies Between the Wave Equation and the Time-
        Independent Dirac Equation ............................ 291
   10.9 Analogies Between the Wave Equation and the Time-
        Dependent Schrodinger Equation ........................ 293
        10.9.1 Fractional Quantum Revivals and the
               Fractional Optical Talbot Effect ............... 296
        10.9.2 Non-Paraxial Case .............................. 298
   10.10 Maxwell Equations in Spinor Form ..................... 299
   10.11 Diffraction in Time .................................. 300
   10.12 Quantum/Classical Tunneling .......................... 304
        10.12.1 Setups for Direct Measurement of the
                Quantum/Classical Tunneling Time .............. 308
        10.12.2 Quantum/Classical Larmor Clocks ............... 311
   10.13 Classical Analogs of the Aharonov-Bohm Effect ........ 314
   References ................................................. 319

Index ......................................................... 341

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