Dhillon B.S. Mine safety: a modern approach (London, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDhillon B.S. Mine safety: a modern approach. - London: Springer, 2010. - xvi, 186 p.: ill. - (Springer Series in Reliability Engineering). - Bibliogr.: p.159-181. - Ind.: p.185-186. - ISBN 978-1-84996-114-1

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  Historical Developments in Mine Safety .................. 1
   1.2  Need for Approving Safety in Mining ..................... 2
   1.3  Mine Safety Facts and Figures ........................... 2
   1.4  Major Mine Disasters .................................... 3
   1.5  Terms and Definitions ................................... 4
   1.6  Useful Information on Mine Safety ....................... 5
        1.6.1  Organizations .................................... 5
        1.6.2  Journals and Magazines ........................... 6
        1.6.3  Books ............................................ 6
        1.6.4  Conference Proceedings ........................... 7
        1.6.5  Data Information Sources ......................... 8
   1.7  Scope of the Book ....................................... 8
   1.8  Problems ................................................ 8
   References ................................................... 9
2  Safety Mathematics and Basics ............................... 13
   2.1  Introduction ........................................... 13
   2.2  Arithmetic Mean, Mean Deviation, and Standard
        Deviation .............................................. 13
        2.2.1  Arithmetic Mean ................................. 14
        2.2.2  Mean Deviation .................................. 14
        2.2.3  Standard Deviation .............................. 15
   2.3  Boolean Algebra Laws and Probability Definition and
        Properties ............................................. 16
        2.3.1  Boolean Algebra Laws ............................ 16
        2.3.2  Probability Definition .......................... 17
        2.3.3  Probability Properties .......................... 17
   2.4  Probability Distributions .............................. 19
        2.4.1  Exponential Distribution ........................ 19
        2.4.2  Normal Distribution ............................. 20
        2.4.3  Weibull Distribution ............................ 20
   2.5  Expected Value and Laplace Transform Definitions
        and Final Value Theorem ................................ 21
        2.5.1  Expected Value .................................. 21
        2.5.2  Laplace Transform ............................... 21
        2.5.3  Laplace Transform: Final Value Theorem .......... 22
   2.6  Solving First Order Differential Equations Using
        Laplace Transforms ..................................... 23
   2.7  Safety and Engineers ................................... 24
   2.8  Statute, Administrative, Common, and Liability Laws .... 25
   2.9  Accident Causation Theories ............................ 26
   2.10 Common Causes of Work Injuries, Accident Death Rates
        by Industry, and Workers' Compensation ................. 26
   2.11 Problems ............................................... 28
   References .................................................. 29
3  Safety Management ........................................... 31
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 31
   3.2  Safety Management Principles and Safety Department
        Functions .............................................. 31
   3.3  Safety Manager's and Engineer's Functions .............. 32
   3.4  Developing a Safety Program Plan and Safety-related
        Strategies for Safety Professionals .................... 33
   3.5  Motivating Workers to Work Safely and Management-
        related Deficiencies Leading to Accidents .............. 35
   3.6  Safety-related Responsibilities of Non-safety
        Groups ................................................. 36
   3.7  Safety Checklist for Management ........................ 38
   3.8  Safety Cost Estimation ................................. 39
        3.8.1  Safety Cost Estimation Model .................... 39
        3.8.2  The Heinrich Method ............................. 40
        3.8.3  The Simonds Method .............................. 40
   3.9  Problems ............................................... 41
   References .................................................. 42
4  Safety Analysis Methods and Indices ......................... 43
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 43
   4.2  Hazards and Operability (HAZOP) ........................ 43
   4.3  Job Safety Analysis (JSA) .............................. 44
   4.4  Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA) ...................... 45
   4.5  Failure Mode and Effective Analysis .................... 45
   4.6  Interface Safety Analysis (ISA) ........................ 47
   4.7  Fault Tree Analysis .................................... 48
        4.7.1  Probability Evaluation of Fault Trees ........... 49
        4.7.2  Fault Tree Analysis Benefits and Drawbacks ...... 52
   4.8  Markov Method .......................................... 52
   4.9  Index 1: Disabling Injury Severity Rate (DISR) ......... 55
   4.10 Index II: Disabling Injury Frequency Rate (DIFR) ....... 55
   4.11 Problems ............................................... 56
   References .................................................. 56
5  Global Mine Accidents ....................................... 59
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 59
   5.2  Mine Accidents: United States .......................... 59
        5.2.1  Monongah Mining Disaster ........................ 62
        5.2.2  Cherry Mine Disaster ............................ 62
   5.3  Mine Accidents: United Kingdom ......................... 62
        5.3.1  Senghenydd Colliery Disaster .................... 63
        5.3.2  The Oaks Mining Disaster ........................ 63
   5.4  Mine Accidents: China .................................. 63
        5.4.1  Benxihu (Honkeiko) Colliery Mining Disaster ..... 64
        5.4.2  Sunjiawan Mine Disaster ......................... 64
   5.5  Mine Accidents: Australia .............................. 64
        5.5.1  Mount Kembla Mining Disaster .................... 65
        5.5.2  Mount Mulligan Mining Disaster .................. 65
        5.5.3  Bulli Collliery Disaster ........................ 65
   5.6  Mine Accidents: Canada ................................. 65
        5.6.1  Hillcrest Mining Disaster ....................... 66
        5.6.2  Springhill Mining Disaster ...................... 66
        5.6.3  Nanaimo Mining Disaster ......................... 66
        5.6.4  Westray Mining Disaster ......................... 66
   5.7  Mine Accidents: Poland ................................. 67
   5.8  Mine Accidents: Russia and the Ukraine ................. 67
        5.8.1  Ulyanovskya Coal Mine Disaster .................. 68
        5.8.2  Zasyadko Coal Mine Disaster ..................... 68
   5.9  Mine Accidents: South Africa ........................... 68
   5.10 Problems ............................................... 69
   References .................................................. 70
6  Human Factors and Error in Mine Safety ...................... 73
   6.1  Introduction ........................................... 73
   6.2  The Need for the Application of Human Factors
        to Mining Industries and Common Roadblocks in
        Introducing Human Factors to Organizations ............. 73
   6.3  Occupational Stressors and Human Factors-related
        Formulas ............................................... 74
        6.3.1  Maximum Lifting Load Estimation Formula ......... 75
        6.3.2  Rest Period Length Estimation Formula ........... 75
        6.3.3  Character Height Estimation Formula ............. 76
   6.4  Human Factors-related Considerations in Mining
        Equipment Design ....................................... 76
   6.5  Human Factors Safety Issues ............................ 77
   6.6  Classifications and Causes of Human Errors Resulting
        in Fatal Mine Accidents ................................ 78
   6.7  Common Mining Equipment Maintenance Errors and 
        Maintenance Error Contributory Factors ................. 78
   6.8  Types of Chemicals Released in Human Error-
        associated Events in the Mining and Manufacturing 
        Industrial Sectors ..................................... 80
   6.9  Methods for Performing Human Error Analysis in the
        Area of Mine Safety .................................... 81
        6.9.1  Fault Tree Analysis ............................. 81
        6.9.2  Throughput Ratio Method ......................... 83
        6.9.3  Probability Tree Method ......................... 84
   6.10 Design Improvement Guidelines for Reducing Mining
        Equipment Maintenance Errors and Factors Responsible
        for Failing to Reduce the Occurrence of Human Error
        in the Mining Sector ................................... 86
   6.11 Problems ............................................... 87
   References .................................................. 87
7  Mining Equipment Safety ..................................... 89
   7.1  Introduction ........................................... 89
   7.2  Mining Equipment Safety-related Facts and Figures and
        Mining Equipment-related Fatal Accidents ............... 89
   7.3  Equipment Fire-related Mining Accidents, Mining
        Equipment Fire Ignition Sources, and Strategies for
        Reducing Mining Equipment Fires ........................ 91
   7.4  Fatalities and Injuries Due to Crane, Drill Rig, and
        Haul Truck Contact with High Tension Power Lines and
        Guidelines for Improving Electrical Safety in Mines .... 92
   7.5  Mining Ascending Elevator Accidents and Safety in
        Electrical Design of Mine Elevator Control Systems ..... 93
   7.6  Human Factor Considerations in the Design of Mine
        Safety and Rescue Devices and Human Factor Tips for
        Safer Mining Equipment ................................. 94
   7.7  Mining Equipment Maintenance Accidents and Causes
        for Mining Equipment Accidents ......................... 95
   7.8  Mining Equipment Safety Analysis Methods ............... 96
        7.8.1  Consequence Analysis ............................ 96
        7.8.2  Management Oversight and Risk Tree (MORT)
               Analysis ........................................ 96
        7.8.3  Binary Matrices ................................. 97
   7.9  Hazardous Area Signaling and Ranging Device (HASARD)
        Proximity Warning System ............................... 98
   7.10 Problems ............................................... 98
   References .................................................. 99
8  Electrical Accidents in Mines and Programmable Electronic
   Mining System Safety ....................................... 101
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 101
   8.2  Fatal Electrical Accidents in Comparison to Other
        Fatal Mine Accidents and in Different Mining Areas .... 101
   8.3  Nature of Injury from Electrical Accidents in Mines
        and Job Titles of Victims of Mining Electrical
        Accidents ............................................. 102
   8.4  Activities Performed During the Occurrence of Mining
        Electrical Accidents and Equipment Involved in Mine
        Electrical Accidents .................................. 103
   8.5  Measures for Mitigating Mine Electrical Shock
        Injuries in General and in Maintenance Work ........... 104
   8.6  Programmable Electronic-related Accidents in Mines .... 105
   8.7  Methods for Conducting Programmable Electronic
        Mining System Hazard and Risk Analysis ................ 106
        8.7.1  Operating and Support Analysis ................. 106
        8.7.2  Action Error Analysis .......................... 107
        8.7.3  Potential or Predictive Human Error Analysis ... 107
        8.7.4  Event Tree Analysis ............................ 108
        8.7.5  Sequentially Timed Events Plot Investigation
               System ......................................... 108
   8.8  Lessons Learned in Addressing Programmable
        Electronic Mining System Safety-related Issues ........ 109
   8.9  Problems .............................................. 109
   References ................................................. 110
9  Gas-related, Fire, and Blasting Accidents in Mines and
   Methods for Determining Mine Atmosphere Status ............. 111
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 111
   9.2  Origin and Mechanism of Coal Mine Outbursts and
        Their Prediction and Prevention ....................... 111
   9.3  Underground Fires in Hard Coal Mines and Out-of-
        Control Coal Fires .................................... 112
   9.4  Use of Inert Gases in Mine Fires ...................... 114
   9.5  Blasting Injuries in Surface Mining and Blast Damage
        Index ................................................. 115
        9.5.1  Blast Damage Index (BDI) ....................... 116
   9.6  Flammable Gas Explosions and Useful Recommendations
        for Their Avoidance ................................... 116
   9.7  Methods for Determining the Status of Mine
        Atmosphere ............................................ 118
        9.7.1  Carbon Dioxide Index ........................... 119
        9.7.2  Jones-Trickett Ratio ........................... 119
   9.8  Problems .............................................. 120
   References ................................................. 121
10 Safety in Offshore Industry ................................ 123
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 123
   10.2 Offshore Risk Picture ................................. 123
   10.3 Offshore Worker Situation Awareness Concept ........... 124
        10.3.1 Studies and Their Results ...................... 125
   10.4 Accident Reporting Approach in Offshore Industry ...... 126
   10.5 Offshore Accident Causes .............................. 127
   10.6 Case Studies of Accidents in Offshore Industry ........ 129
        10.6.1 Piper Alpha Accident ........................... 129
        10.6.2 Alexander L. Kielland Accident ................. 130
        10.6.3 Ocean Ranger Accident .......................... 130
        10.6.4 Glomar Java Sea Drillship Accident ............. 131
        10.6.5 Enchova Central Platform Accident .............. 131
        10.6.6 Mumbai High North Platform Accident ............ 131
        10.6.7 Bohai 2 Jack-Up Accident ....................... 132
   10.7 Problems .............................................. 132
   References ................................................. 133
11 Mathematical Models for Performing Safety Analysis in
   Mines ...................................................... 135
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 135
   11.2 Model I ............................................... 135
   11.3 Model II .............................................. 138
   11.4 Model III ............................................. 141
   11.5 Model IV .............................................. 142
   11.6 Model V ............................................... 145
   11.7 Model VI .............................................. 147
   11.8 Model VII ............................................. 150
   11.9 Model VIII ............................................ 152
   11.10 Problems ............................................. 156
   References ................................................. 157

Bibliography .................................................. 159
   Introduction ............................................... 159
   Publications ............................................... 159
Author Biography .............................................. 183
Index ......................................................... 185

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