Yeats K. Rearranging Dyson-Schwinger equations (Providence, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаYeats K. Rearranging Dyson-Schwinger equations. - Providence: American Mathematical Society, 2011. - ix, 82 p. - (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society; vol.211, N 995). - Bibliogr.: p.79-80. - Ind.: p.81-82. - ISBN 978-0-8218-5306-1; ISSN 0065-9266

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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ...................................................... vii
Preface ........................................................ ix

Chapter 1  Introduction ......................................... 1

Chapter 2  Background ........................................... 3
2.1  Series ..................................................... 3
2.2  Feynman graphs as combinatorial objects .................... 3
2.3  Feynman graphs as physical objects ........................ 12

Chapter 3  Dyson-Schwinger equations ........................... 21
3.1  B+ ........................................................ 21
3.2  Dyson-Schwinger equations ................................. 24
3.3  Setup ..................................................... 29

Chapter 4  The first recursion ................................. 35
4.1  From the renormalization group equation ................... 35
4.2  From S * Y ................................................ 37
4.3  Properties ................................................ 41

Chapter 5  Reduction to one insertion place .................... 43
5.1  Colored insertion trees ................................... 43
5.2  Dyson-Schwinger equations with one insertion place ........ 46

Chapter 6  Reduction to geometric series ....................... 51
6.1  Single equations .......................................... 51
6.2  Systems ................................................... 53

Chapter 7  The second recursion ................................ 55
7.1  Single equations .......................................... 55
7.2  Systems ................................................... 56
7.3  Variants .................................................. 57

Chapter 8  The radius of convergence ........................... 59
8.1  Single equations .......................................... 59
8.2  Systems ................................................... 63
8.3  Possibly negative systems ................................. 65

Chapter 9  The second recursion as a differential equation ..... 67
9.1  P(x) = x .................................................. 68
9.2  QED as a single equation .................................. 70
9.3  Results on global solutions ............................... 71
9.4  The running coupling ...................................... 75

Bibliography ................................................... 79
Index .......................................................... 81

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы

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