Ecological and environmental physiology of birds (Oxford, 2010). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEcological and environmental physiology of birds / J.E.P.W.Bicudo, W.A.Buttemer, M.A.Chappell, J.T.Pearson, C.Bech. - Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. - xv, 317 p.: ill. - (Ecological and environmental physiology series / ser. ed.: W.Burggren; vol.2). - Bibliogr.: p.254-308. - Ind.: p.309-317. - ISBN 978-0-19-922845-4

Оглавление / Contents
Acknowledgements .............................................. xii
Foreword ..................................................... xiii

1  Introduction - Blueprint of a Bird (Bauplan/Body plan) ....... 1
   1.1  What is a Bird? ......................................... 1
   1.2  Evolution of Birds ...................................... 2
   1.3  Summary of Passerine Bird Phylogeny ..................... 6
   1.4  Evolution of Feathers ................................... 8
   1.5  Developmental Biology of Feathers ...................... 10
   1.6  Origin and Evolution of Flight ......................... 12
   1.7  Energy Requirements for Flight ......................... 15
   1.8  Migration .............................................. 19
        Modes of Locomotion .................................... 20
        Molting ................................................ 20
        Migration Flocks ....................................... 21
        Nocturnal Migration .................................... 21
        Evolutionary Aspects ................................... 22
        Adaptations ............................................ 23
   1.9  Flightlessness ......................................... 24
   1.10 Overview ............................................... 26
2  General Physiological Principles ............................ 28
   2.1  Gas Diffusion .......................................... 28
   2.2  Gas Exchange ........................................... 29
        The Bird Lung .......................................... 30
        The Bird Egg ........................................... 32
   2.3  Temperature and Thermal Exchanges ...................... 34
        Radiation .............................................. 35
        Conduction ............................................. 36
        Convection ............................................. 37
        Evaporation ............................................ 38
        Heat Balance ........................................... 39
        Thermoneutrality ....................................... 40
   2.4  Body Size .............................................. 41
   2.5  Water and Ion Fluxes ................................... 43
        Osmosis ................................................ 44
        Bird Regulation of Water and Ion Fluxes ................ 45
        Salt Glands ............................................ 48
3  Physiological Bases of Fecundity/Longevity Tradeoffs ........ 49
   3.1  Costs of Egg Laying .................................... 49
        Nutrient and Energy Demands ............................ 49
        Self-Maintenance/Egg Production Tradeoffs .............. 54
        Fitness Consequences ................................... 56
   3.2  Male Mating Costs ...................................... 59
        Testosterone Phenology ................................. 59
        Behavioral Effects of Testosterone ..................... 62
        Physiological Effects of Testosterone .................. 64
   3.3  Costs of Parenting ..................................... 75
        Costs of Incubation .................................... 76
        Costs of Chick Rearing ................................. 80
   3.4  Oxidative Stress and Longevity ......................... 86
        Oxidative Stress ....................................... 86
        Reactive 02 Species Production ......................... 87
        Antioxidant Defenses ................................... 92
        Membrane Lipids and Peroxidation Resistance ............ 93
4  Adaptations: Obtaining and Processing Food .................. 99
   4.1  Energy and Nutrition .................................. 102
   4.2  Energy and Structure and Function ..................... 104
   4.3  Digestive Adaptation .................................. 106
        Chemical Reactor Theory ............................... 107
   4.4  Digestive Efficiency .................................. 110
        Phenotypic Flexibility ................................ 112
   4.5  Modulation of Digestive Enzymes ....................... 113
   4.6  Modulation of Absorption Rate ......................... 115
   4.7  Modulation of Retention Time .......................... 118
        Geometric Analysis .................................... 120
   4.8  Digestion Rate and Digestive Efficiency ............... 120
   4.9  Handling and Digestion ................................ 123
   4.10 Morphological Adjustments of the Gastrointestinal
        Tract ................................................. 127
   4.11 Adjustments during Reproduction ....................... 128
   4.12 Adjustments in Migrant Birds .......................... 128
   4.13 Plant Secondary Metabolites ........................... 131
5  Adaptations: Living in Specific Environments ............... 134
   5.1  Desert and Arid Environments .......................... 134
        Evaporative Water Loss ................................ 136
        Arid Environment and Phenotypic Plasticity in Birds ... 139
        Hyperthermia .......................................... 141
        Cloacal Evaporation ................................... 143
        Energy Expenditure and Water Influx in the Field ...... 145
        Controllable Vascular Thermal Radiator ................ 146
   5.2  Low Temperatures ...................................... 147
        Metabolic Heat Production ............................. 148
        Adjustments to Basal Metabolic Rate ................... 148
        Non-Shivering Thermogenesis ........................... 150
        Heat from Digestion ................................... 151
        Heat Derived from Activity ............................ 151
        Thermal Conductance ................................... 152
        Hibernation and Torpor ................................ 153
        Behavioral Adaptations ................................ 156
        Adaptations to Low Food Supply ........................ 156
        Coping with Global Warming? ........................... 157
   5.3  High Altitude ......................................... 158
        Constraints at High Altitude .......................... 158
        Respiratory Adaptations ............................... 161
        Water Loss and Thermoregulation ....................... 163
        Wind Speeds ........................................... 165
   5.4  Marine Environment .................................... 167
        Energetics of Reproduction ............................ 167
        Thermal Consequences of a Marine Lifestyle ............ 168
        Coping with High Salinity ............................. 171
   5.5  Diving and Swimming ................................... 172
        Surface Swimming versus Sub-surface Swimming .......... 173
        Thermal Exchanges while Swimming ...................... 178
        Diving and Foraging Behavior .......................... 182
        Dive Capacity ......................................... 185
6  Adaptations: Neural and Sensory ............................ 187
   6.1  Response of Birds to Novel Environments ............... 189
   6.2  Chemical Senses ....................................... 192
        Predator Detection .................................... 192
        Foraging, Orientation, and Navigation ................. 193
   6.3  Magnetoreception ...................................... 197
        Field Studies ......................................... 199
   6.4  Visual Capacity ....................................... 200
        Night Vision .......................................... 200
        Eye Size and Foraging Methods ......................... 201
   6.5  Vocalization .......................................... 202
7  Adaptations: Developmental Physiology ...................... 208
   7.1  Reproduction and Development .......................... 208
        Nest Environments, Eggs, and Incubation ............... 209
        Neonate and Development ............................... 218
8  Approaches and Techniques .................................. 226
   8.1  Methods for Measuring Energy Expenditure and 
        Movement .............................................. 226
        Patterns of Free-living Birds ......................... 226
        Free-living Energy Expenditure ........................ 227
        Temporal Considerations ............................... 228
        Calibration Requirements .............................. 229
        Size Considerations ................................... 231
        Recapture and Mobility Considerations ................. 232
   8.2  Measuring Movement Patterns ........................... 234
        Electronic Methods .................................... 234
        Stable Isotopic Methods ............................... 235
   8.3  Flight Energy Requirements ............................ 237
        Mass Loss in the Field ................................ 238
        Wind Tunnel Mass Loss, Metabolic, and Heart Rate
        Measurements .......................................... 238
   8.4  Evolutionary and Ecological Functional Genomics ....... 240
        Studies on Birds ...................................... 241
   8.5  Molecular Biology ..................................... 242
        MicroRNAs ............................................. 242
        Microarrays ........................................... 243
        Phenotypic Plasticity ................................. 245
   8.6  Variability Analysis .................................. 246
        Levy Flight (or Walk) Searching Patterns .............. 246
9  Conclusions and Future Directions .......................... 248
   9.1  Responses to Habitat Variation ........................ 248
   9.2  Changes in Movement Patterns and Food Use ............. 249
   9.3  Temperature Effects on Development .................... 250
   9.4  Maternal Effects on Development ....................... 251
   9.5  Establishing Physiological Health Indices ............. 251
   9.6  Physiological Performance Measures .................... 252
   Bibliography ............................................... 254

Index ......................................................... 309

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